
  1. L

    Lovebird mutation

    Co Hi! I recently inherited these lovely birds, and I was wondering if anyone knew what their colour mutation was? Thankyou
  2. Quetki

    Aggressive lovebird

    I have a crippled lovebird and it hates hands. It only takes treats from hands and even then will try to bite you sometimes. Does anyone know how I can tame it? I also have a Conure and am too scared to see if it'll bite it. They were chatting but when I got him closer to the cage he started...
  3. C

    [SOLVED] Feather plucking or molting???

    Hello all my around 2 year old cockatiel has I believe just started feather plucking. He mostly seems to pull out down feathers so maybe could be molting but I have a more likely theory. He recently got into a pretty big accident and really hurt himself by flying into a wall. I took him to the...
  4. new_kak_mom

    Kakariki beginner! Possible traumatized bird. Help needed.

    hi, it is as I said it is! I'm a new kakariki owner and I'm looking for advice. I have a male who is under a year, I made the mistake of buying him from a pet shop after I kind of fell in love but wasn't intending on adopting as I don't like pet shops (I was getting cuttlebone - I have Giant...
  5. bonitabird59

    My conure wont eat anything except seeds.

    Hi guys! I've run into a bit of a dilemma. I have a GCC named Jello who is about 3 months old. He refuses to eat anything except seed mix, millet, and nutriberries. All 6 of my other birds eat roudybush mini and the crumbles, but Jello will not take to it. I've offered him individual pieces...
  6. Rkwh

    Plant and herbs for aviary, help needed?

    Hi again everyone, We are building a outdoor aviary for our flock of cockatiels and conures. I want to put some plants in there that are safe for them to nibble etc I grow a bunch of herbs and also have a laurel bay leaf tree. Does anyone know if the laurel bay leaf tree is toxic to our birds...
  7. A

    New and unexpected budgie owner calling help!

    Hello, Just joined the site so I hope this is the right place to post this. Basically, long story short, we woke up one morning to a budgie on our windowsill. We managed to get her inside safely. (Manchester, ENGLAND). We put some posts up on Facebook and asked around locally but no one has...
  8. B

    conflicting advice on taming young Green cheek conure

    Hello everyone, I recently bought a green cheek conure from a breeder who runs the local aviary, shes roughly 4-6 months old, and hand raised. However he had her in a cage with a bunch of other conures when i acquired her and he said i would have to re tame her which should take no...
  9. A


    Hi! I recently bought a parakeet and I was wondering if anyone can guess his age? The pet store explained that he's possibly 6-7 months old or under a year, but he seems young to me. His name is Patchy because his coloring has patches of white~ I couldn't find his iris's but I'm guessing its a...
  10. J

    Non Zinc Bird Perches

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a good suggestion of some bird perches that don't have any hazardous materials like zinc hardware? I made the mistake of getting some perches from etsy where it seems no one will tell you upfront on their page. You have to specifically ask and, well, I...
  11. B

    Rehoming advice for budgie?

    Hello all! I'm really backed into a corner here and I figured this would be as good a place to ask as any- does anyone have any advice for rehoming a budgie? Particularly in southern california / fontana/san bernardino/la area? I have reached out to any and all parrot rescues, bird...
  12. H


    My budgie who for privacy I'm just gonna refer to as T. T has never trusted me since i brought her home, she had a cage mate who died awhile back who ill call K, K was always the brave one who would try and bite me if i even entered my hand into their cage, while T would just run or hide. K's...
  13. K

    HELP! Clueless Me Needs to Help A Macaw!

    Ok, so let me say this right off the bat, I'm 15 and my b-day was yesterday. My eccentric uncle decided it would be a great idea to get me a macaw. I have no idea how to care for her and I need as much help as I can get. She is not being well taken care of right now; my uncle knows nothing about...
  14. K

    Budgie Prolapse

    I work at a small family-owned pet store and we breed budgies there. One of our females would not stop laying eggs and because of that, she has had a prolapse. The store didn't want to pay the price for a vet visit and was thinking of having her put down. First, though they offered if any of the...
  15. H

    Cockatiel feather problems??

    Hi there, I'm new to the Forum, I hope I'm doing this right haha. I have a 7 month old whiteface fallow cockatiel named Halo, she is a great eater and is full of energy but from the day I got her I noticed her feathers were very sparse! She has a bald spot on her head which is common in some...
  16. Teza2plays

    Buying a cockatiel

    I’ve been searching for a cockatiel but cannot find any that fits my budget and isn’t a scam. I live in Mitchell, SD and cannot find any breeders near me. I would like to spend less than $300. I am willing to drive up to 5 hours away. I would like to get a tiel from a breeder since I got a...
  17. T

    How do I go about convincing my mother to let me get a bird.

    Hello people. I've wanted a bird for a while, more specifically a Cockatiel. However, every time I ask my mother, she'll just say no, and that we have enough pets. I currently have 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and one dog all of which I take core of except the dog which my mother does. I'm not sure...
  18. leafexn

    Help Taming

    The budgie I bought back in August is a really tough bird to tame. I've tried taming her the same way I tamed my other bird (who is very close and friendly with me, flies onto my head whenever he pleases, likes kissing, etc.) But that didn't work, so eventually I'd just sit down for hours with...
  19. T

    Does anyone know what this is

    Recent just say this on my baby sun conure's crop
  20. G

    Possible injured foot?

    Hi all, I’m new to this forum and am really hoping to hear peoples experience who had something similar happen to their bird baby. My green cheek conure, Chip, seems to be favoring one foot, just noticed this morning he was fine last night. He is holding his right foot up a lot and doesn’t hold...
  21. parrotman29

    URGENT Parrot's tongue got bitten and tongue has a wound

    Hello, It is currently 7 pm here and most vets here are closed, My indian ringneck's tongue got bitten by my female lovebird and a small amount of blood came out of the bite wound, It looks as if it has stopped bleeding and has formed a scab, My indian ringneck is eating normally, he is flying...
  22. A

    Bird is screeching in pain after flying and obsessively preening wings.

    My 3 and a half year old cockatiel, Oswald, flew to me today but immediately started screaming in obvious pain and preening constantly at her right wing. She would screech, turn to preen her wing, seem okay for a moment and then it repeats. She immediately became more irritable and didn’t want...
  23. N

    Is baking play dough/polymer clay safe?

    i want to make craft jewelry for my friends, and my attempts keep failing. i though clay/playdough would be a good idea, but i dont know if it can release fumes or something. so, is it safe for my birds?
  24. pmaddie21

    Need help with my bird's poop!

    Hi ! I'm new here and i don't know if i'm doing it right but i need some help !! I have a sun conure mango he's about 5-6 months old and he was sick couple days ago. He threw up like 4 times at home so I took him to the emergency but they kicked us out because they don't have an avian vet or...
  25. J

    Question about soldering

    Hi, I currently have someone soldering a pipe downstairs. I wasn't aware that the fumes maybe mad although I still moved my birds to the top floor and opened all the windows downstairs. They are currently soldering the copper pipe that was leaking. The room that I'm sitting in has no air flow...
  26. jBurn801

    White poop please help.

    I noticed this morning that one of my budgies is pooping white and he's pooping more often than usual. I cleaned the cage and I've been watching him all day. He's been acting normal (singing, preening, eating, drinking, and playing). I've been observing his poop color throughout the day and...
  27. W

    we just found a wild juvenile cedar waxwing

    so, we (me and my friends) just found a wild cedar waxwing likely orphaned and fallen from a tree. what do we do???? btw an eye may be damaged
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