
  1. R

    New Cockatiel owner

    Hi! Around 2 days ago I got a new girl cockatiel. She had a previous owner but I'm not sure for how long. She also had a bird buddy but was separated at purchase. She doesn't seem to have any separation problems. But she is making flocking noises and climbing her cage, going back and forth on...
  2. S


    i found Luna an amazing home in Ojai, CA. Disregard postđź©·
  3. B

    Anyone know vets that do online appointments? (&/or with help of different real life vet)

    I'm sorry i used to have that list of vets but it's so hard to narrow down what i need lately and i'm just asking here now because i just can't handle everything on my own anymore... i live in romania and the only trusted vet around is very very far away... help?
  4. B

    Help find ways to get my birdie to the vet! Please!

    Hey guys um this is my first time posting here, i hope i'm not messing anything up, and i don't really know much about how this works but i've been needing help getting my little one to the vet and i had no one help me in my life! So i need to figure it out! Maybe you can help? Vet is 4 hours...
  5. Anubis

    Toe Injury Update 2

    So it’s been a little over two weeks since Kiwi’s toe was bitten and she’s continued to improve. There is still some swelling (no redness) and she still favors that foot, but I don’t think she is any active pain, just discomfort. She took a shower with me tonight and that softened up the...
  6. Anubis

    Toe Injury Update

    So, to recap. Last Thursday, my sister’s jendaya, Loki, bit my sun conure’s, Kiwi, toe pretty bad. I managed to put some Super Clot gel on it which helped numb, disinfectant, and stop the bleeding. She’s seems to be fine now, the changes in her behavior being tucking her foot up to keep weight...
  7. Anubis

    Hurt Toe

    Yesterday, my sister’s jendaya, Loki, while in his cage, was trying to fight Kiwi, my sun conure. I got up and managed to separate them, but not before he left a pretty nasty bite on her toe. I got ahold of her and used some Super Clot gel which disinfected, numbed, and stopped to bleeding. She...
  8. L

    Is my male conure sexually frustrated?

    Hello, A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I adopted another conure. We already had one conure by the name of Reggae who is 8 months old. The other conure we got (gender is unknown but we refer to her as she) was just weaned before we took her home, she is two months. We kept them in separate...
  9. E

    Help with baby conure?!

    I need to know whether this greenish yellow spot around where the umbilical cord was indicates infection or if this is normal in a baby that hatched 24 hours ago?? Bit of background: I have two green cheeks that have so far laid four clutches of eggs. Until now, they incubated them and raised...
  10. I

    DYH amazon suddenly being aggressive ?

    My parents bought a double yellow head amazon a 3 weeks ago. When we got him the guy that we bought him from told us he was 3 months old when we first got him he wasnt agressive he wouldnt let us touch him but we knew that was understandable so we didnt touch him. Weve had bad experiences in the...
  11. A

    Looking for a new home for my White-Winged Parakeet

    Hello.. As the title says I need a new home for my 3~ year old baby, a white winged parakeet (aka canary-winged parakeet). I’m very ashamed of the way he is being treated currently, and I hope you guys will understand that I’ve been trying my best, even though it probably doesn’t seem like it...
  12. acainhurst

    Extremely Anxious Cockatiel

    Hello. I have a four year old (assumed) male cockatiel named Percy, who I got in May of 2020, while I was working from home. He is absolutely obsessed with me. In August of 2020, received a very serious injury to his beak (don't use carabiners on your toys everyone...) and I think that...
  13. T

    Bird cage and windex

    I was away on vacation and allowed my parents to take care of my two birds, they’re small lineolated parakeets, but I found out while I was away they COMPLETELY sprayed down the WHOLE cage and every toy inside. I don’t know which day they cleaned it, I was only gone for 3 days, the birds look...
  14. A

    Need General Help I Cant Find Anywhere Else

    4 days ago, I adopted a baby/very young Green Cheek. The breeder gave me some formula, taught me how to feed and practically sent me on my way. As of now my messages are no longer being responded to and I can't find info anywhere. I'm not aware of its age, but it is almost completely fully...
  15. PauliDeAlex

    Are u male or female?

    Hey! We are from Sri lanka, my parrot seems to be a alexandarine parrot, i found it in my back yard screaming on the ground.... I tried waiting for its parents but they werent to be seen... Sad story but yeah.... I have made a post before regarding its poop change but its alright now, the red...
  16. PauliDeAlex

    My Parrot's Poop Seems A Bit OFF!

    Hi everyone, so I have this young parrot, 3 weeks till now, he has been happily living with me all this far, and my family and I take care of it very well. We give is a mush of water and mixed grains, like a paste(A bit watered down one of course, to ensure it isn't very thick). We give it a...
  17. P

    Help My new cockatiels wont stop shaking/shivering their tail and sneezing

    Hello I’ve recently bought 2 cocktiels and from the first day they wont stop shaking. Its not a cold thing since i have another bird that is fine. I took it to the vet multiple times and he said they have inflammation ive lost my favorite lovebird to it so am genuinely terrified. It been 2-3...
  18. A

    Two of my family's cockatiels keep fighting when outside the cage

    My family has 5 young cockatiels going through their first molt and two keep fighting when taken out together with just the two of them, but seem perfectly fine when inside the cage even grooming each other or when all 5 are out together. They aren't sexed but we believe one is male and the...
  19. L

    Coming back for more advice

    Thanks in advanced to anyone who may read this and offer help. A while ago I made a post about a troublesome conure and recieved a lot of good advice ( Since then there has been some progress but also another hurdle. We...
  20. Zainabals

    Best way to train lorikeets

    Hello everyone, So I am a new owner of juvenile lorikeet named E.B. He has been with us for about 3-4 weeks now. He is super playful and we all adore him. My question is what is the best way to reward for good behaviors when training them? Because he all ready eats fruit throughout the day...
  21. E


    I just recently posted a thing my birds stinky “breath” to which a few people showed concern so I made a vet appointment- he went this morning and she cleared his crop of old food and set him on an antibacterial med well since then it seems like he’s completely changed - he’s quieter; very...
  22. Jacob1302

    Concerning Conure Behavioral Change

    My pearly conure (2 years old), has recently had a Behavioral change and I'm a little concerned about it. I need to preface this that I have extremely bad anxiety when it comes to my bird, and even the slightest change ill freak out over, so this might be nothing. 3 days ago I had the day off...
  23. Libbi24

    Hercules is constantly screaming

    Hello, Hercules has gotten into the habit of constantly screaming. He used to scream in the morning when I gave him his breakfast and at night when he was ready for bed. But now it has started to become constant. I’m a bit stuck on what to do, I’ve tried treats, he’s fed a healthy diet, he...
  24. Rico_Tiel

    How do I tell a family friend that what they’re doing is abuse?

    Heyo, so… I was dreading this but I suspected it’d happen… I predicted it pretty accurately, really. Huge Tw: animal cruelty, suffering, and death. So, we have a family friend who has a very, VERY bad history with animals. ESPECIALLY exotics… they have a history of impulsive buying animals...
  25. S

    I dont know what to do anymore, my parrot has random moments when he is aggressive.

    Hello, Let me start by saying this, I wanted a pet, needed something to give me a bit of purpose and take care of. A few years ago I developed allergies to cats and dogs and this has really brought me down. So I decided to get a parrot, did some research, looked for what would be suitable for...
  26. RingneckRave

    Escaped Alexandrine

    Just to clarify: no, this is not my pet alex. But for a while now I've seen on rare occasion an alexandrine, first sighting was about year ago. Just saw him again this morning before he flew off, and it's not a native bird. I've attached an image of the bird from when my sister spotted it on the...
  27. Pearla7096

    Aggressions problem

    Hi, this is my first post, and I could really use some help with my bird's recent aggressive behavior. My bird is a little more than a year old, and I believe his aggression might be related to a mirror toy in his cage, possibly due to hormonal changes. Today, when I tried to let him step onto...
  28. SleepyLuca

    Budgie health problems

    So my about 6 year old budgie has been having a lot of problems recently that have me concerned. His beak has started to grow too fast for him to manage and we had to begin trimming it on a regular basis so that he can eat, drink and clean himself. But- he also has feces stuck to his vent and it...
  29. C

    Can I Feed My Parrot Chicken Feed?

    I started a flock of chickens this year (they are outside, Misty is inside) and discovered that their Dumor Layer-Mix Granules is almost EXACTLY the same as the Zoopreme parrot pellets, and the Dumor Organic line of chicken feed is an even CLOSER match!! the only ingredients Zoopreme has that...
  30. F

    A place to hide?

    So I’ve read that lovebirds natural habitats are usually in the sub-Saharan deserts of Africa, and that they like to live tucked away in tree holes and whatnot. This begs the question: should I get my two birdies a place to hide? Like a little box for them to crawl into? One of my birds is not...
  31. P

    Bird with broken wing

    I know this forum is for parrots but I don't know where to ask this question. There is this wild crow that got hit by a car. One of its wing (the right one I think) is broken or fractured. all its feathers are gone except for 3 (which are shredded). it keeps its wing a little away from its body...
  32. M

    Ruptured air sac not healing

    I’ve been trying to get advice for this though my usual alleys but I’m not getting the information that I need so I’m trying a parrot forum instead. Birds are birds right? I have a baby chicken with a ruptured air sac which I have been treating for WEEKS now and it just isn’t healing. We went...
  33. S

    Please HELP baby conure not eating

    I recently had to take over hand feeding on a 4 week old green cheek conure. I have never handfed before but did a lot of research to try to help this baby survive. He has been eating well until today. He ate 11ml in the morning, next feeding, wouldn’t eat at all. Got 2 ml in but that’s it and...
  34. BudgieBudgieBudgie

    What happened to her beak?

    I left home for about 2 hours and my budgies beak looks dented or cracked, and it has some dark/small red spot underneath this weird looking crack. I took some photos of me holding her. These are the best photos I could get. What do I do?
  35. Rico_Tiel

    Is my cockatiel Plucking?

    Is Rico plucking? I noticed it the other day.
  36. Rico_Tiel

    I need help badly with some dogs.

    I absolutely HATE the fact I even have to type this but, here we are. We have 4 Italian greyhounds (they are no bigger than a cat) and my mom abuses them. One of them she seems to target. The one she seems to target is fatter than the others and pretty short. He has alopecia (no hair) and has...
  37. MyFeatheredFlock

    Some on things wrong with my budgies leg please help

    I just found my budgie on the bottom of his cage, and when I tried lifting him up and putting him on a perch I noticed he was only using one leg, the other one was held back behind him. His vent was also covered in wet poop, (I cleaned it after I noticed). I know this isn’t normal but I don’t...
  38. C

    Sun conure screaming/biting when playing instruments. Seeking advice

    Hey everybody! Brand new to this website. My girlfriend and I just adopted a rescue sun conure from the SPCA and we adore her. She is extremely cuddly (especially with me) and loud (to be expected from a sunny). We've had her for about 3 weeks, and one issue I have noticed with her is that she...
  39. Q

    Quaker parrots onion poisoning?

    Hi all, I have 2 male quaker parrots (1yo & 3yo). They have been eating a new frozen vegetable mix for the past 2-3 days. I only just noticed that the mix contains onion pieces. They have been leaving behind these pieces (thought they were cauliflower scraps or something before) in their bowl...
  40. TheofficialParakeet

    Pregnant Molly PHOTOS

    hello, I have taken on a pregnant molly that one of my friends was going to kill. so, I don't know how far along in her pregnancy she is, and wa wondering if anyone can provide some help? photos are attached
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