
  1. B

    What to test for when adopting

    I'm looking to adopt a bird (probably poicephalus) from a rescue in my area and am concerned about whether or not the bird will have a clean bill of health coming from a foster home, especially if it has a somewhat unknown background. My mom, in particular, is absolutely paranoid about diseases...
  2. O

    Round Worms found in droppings

    So we just got our Quaker (Blue) a new cage and were just about to attempt the transfer process today but my partner noticed this in one of Blues recent droppings. It's a round worm and roughly 3cm long. Looked this up and the life cycle of roundworms is roughly 6-8 weeks from egg to adult. As...
  3. B

    I think my budgie is sneezing 5+ times in a row.

    Hello. Please help me with my budgie.. he started sneezing (I think) really often (daily) and I'm really scared. When he does it, he sneezes like 5-10 times repeatedly.. He's the only one who does this. I have 3 other budgies. a link on vimeo with him doing it here...
  4. S

    Need help

    My parakeet has brownish feathers above the cere crusty beak and always wants to sleep my Vet said it was malnourished so I bought some liquid supplements and gave it more sunlight Is it true what else could I do then
  5. K

    Neighbors decided to paint with no warning

    Hi, all. I came home from school today to the smell of paint throughout the entire corridor of my apartment building. I’m assuming that one of my neighbors decided to paint their apartment, as this is allowed in the lease. However, we are supposed to give warning to our neighbors upon doing so...
  6. D

    Winter is Coming - Help/Advice needed!

    Hello y'all! I am a new parront living in Fairbanks, Alaska. I am new to Alaska, and especially to caring for a parrot in Alaska! I have a 2(ish) year old GCC named Mochi. I adopted her 3 weeks ago from a family in Anchorage that was moving to Florida and could not keep her. We just had her...
  7. M

    Cockatiel health help

    Hello everyone! Hope all is well. I am truly looking for help since no vet has been able to help me properly so far and it's making me panic soooo much. A few months ago, my cockateil had something itching him to the extent of bleeding himself. I sprayed a medicine on him and gave him a good...
  8. B

    Art Around Birds?

    Hi everyone, long time no see! I was just wondering what kind of paints would be safe around birds (oil, acrylic, etc) because I want to pick up painting sometime in the future. I would most likely be painting in my bedroom or the den area (the birds are there right now, but i plan to move them...
  9. K

    Cookwear Problem

    I use a ceramic coated, carbon steel cookie sheet. It was sitting on my stove and I turned on the wrong burner like an idiot. It charred a circle on the pan and it was smoking a bit. I removed my bird from the area and turned on all fans and opened windows. Is something like this dangerous...
  10. H

    Can my body wash harm my bird?

    hello, first time poster so i hope m doing this right lol, i have been looking around for and answer and have not been able to find it,so here i am. I am currently fighting a ringworm rash on my arm and my doctor has prescribed me a Lamisil cream and suggested an anti-fungal body wash. i know...
  11. T

    Possible overgrown beak? HALP please 🙍

    Hi all, The background: have a Hahn's Macaw named Coda, about three years old. She has chew toys that she destroys in a day, and her diet mainly consists of bird seed. Before I get lectures, I'd like to say that I've been consistently trying to get her to switch to pellets since I had her. She...
  12. A

    Is My Budgie Sick?

    She eats normally, temperatures haven't ranged in my home, and she even leaves her cage to explore and play. It's starting to worry me however that she seems to have her days like this more and more often..tail seems to be shaking, and her breathing might seem rapid. I cant quite figure out this...
  13. P

    Lesson: 19 years old Sun Conure looks acts healthy but isn't

    My Sun Conure named Putter is 19. He looks great. Behaves as he always has. He had not been to the vet for many years. I figured wing clipping and a look over we'd be good to go. The vet said, 19, wow that's old for a Sun. Really, when I got him as a baby his feathers all green, no bright colors...
  14. Soul

    I think my female is going to lay eggs... help!

    My female cockatiel is about 3 years old now, and once a day she makes these really big poos. I immediately looked it up and found that in female cockatiels, that can mean she's about to lay eggs. She also exhibits other behavior like wiggling her tail in the corner of the cage. This is really...
  15. B

    Heat Waves and Humidity

    Hi everyone! So unfortunately my air conditioning has stopped working for the most part, it’s cooler in the bird room, but I’m still worried! I was thinking about putting little trays of water in their cages, but there’s no telling whether or not theyll bathe. I know humidity makes the heat feel...
  16. O

    Plucking or Molting?

    Recently I’ve noticed some feathers missing on my quakers left leg. The rest of his body appears to be fine but as the days have been passing more and more feathers have dissapeares off of his leg. I fear that he may be plucking, altough he hasn’t been acting out of the norm, so I’m also...
  17. K

    African Grey's Poor Health

    For some bird health background, Sappho my African Grey has been through the ringer when it comes to health, and she's only about 3-4 years old. The big event is I had come home one day and say she had vomited, it took me awhile to realize what it actually was and she was ACTING sick, which I...
  18. PenClem

    Please make a sticky for a proper Macaw diet!

    I'm putting out a request to have a post made by someone with extensive Macaw experience to make a sticky post regarding the proper Macaw diet. As I understand it, and please correct me if I'm wrong; Macaws require a higher fat diet than, say, an Amazon. They get this fat mostly from healthy...
  19. L

    Help, I'm really scared for my amazon

    This morning Ellie refused her food, and went out of her cage only to go back in shortly after. I offered her a toy and, although she took it, let it go shortly after. She keeps squinting and only drank water so far. Her breathing is regular for her pace when she sleeps, maybe a bit more...
  20. K

    A little bit concerned about my little Yuna

    I bought Yuna this February from a local market and I love her to bits. She was just a baby put in with a small cage of adults, and she hasn't grown much bigger. About a month ago I noticed that her beak has changed - it's a bit flaky and scratched up. Sorry if my pictures aren't the best (the...
  21. Squeeing_Onion

    Green Cheek Snuggling - too much?

    I am not a new parrot caretaker, but I am newly owned by one sassy little four year old Green Cheek, 'Bongo.' My previous bird was not a cuddler, and was in fact very hands-off. It was an entire year before he was even comfortable being touched at all, excluding his feet. He was an older rescue...
  22. A

    Nanday is losing weight

    I need some help. I have a nanday I'm caring for and something is wrong. He was really skinny, so we fed him baby food 4-6 times a day, gave him millet, fruits and veggies and plain cheerios. He gained a lot of weight and then in the span of 3 days he lost 11 grams. Has anyone had this happen...
  23. socktheconure

    [HELP!] School Cockatiels are Incredibly Aggressive

    Hello everyone! I recently joined this forum as I seek what I feel is urgent- I need help figuring something out. My school has a Veterinary Pathway. We have a Vet Lab, which is dedicated to multiple incredibly healthy animals- except, not all of them are healthy. We have a pair of cockatiels...
  24. B

    I need help FAST - ringneck parrot flew into incense oil

    Hi. I'm in need of help and fast. I am visiting my parents with my 7 month old ringneck parrot Wesley. He was on my shoulder and he got spooked by something and flew off my shoulder, tried to perch on a incesce bottle with sticks that emmit the smell and he has ended up covered in incense oil! I...
  25. M

    How to Rehome?

    We have made the very difficult decision to rehome our Congo African Grey. The main reason being health issues. My husband's asthma has been progressively getting worse. He spent 5 nights in the hospital in February and he still was having symptoms when he came home. He has been to an allergist...
  26. I

    Use of UV lamps in husbandry ?

    I'm looking at getting a lamp for my conure Kermit. She's had two seizures and I've noticed a lot of research indicating most pet parrots do not get enough UV light and can suffer from D3 & calcium defficiencies... to cover my bases, I wanted to look into a UV lamp. I'll be consulting her vet...
  27. F

    Help! Conure might of swallowed a washer.

    The conure was playing on top of her cage. Located on top this cage was a metal washer and nut that had came loose from her jungle gym. She was found playing around with the nut that was loose. However, when I went to screw the nut back on the washer was missing. Furthermore, She managed...
  28. Conures_r_cute

    Can Green Cheeks have Starburst candy?

    My Green Cheek Conure Drago almost grabbed a mini Starburst but I took it from him, so that got me thinking if it would be harmful to him if he ate it?
  29. D

    Quaker Nutrition

    So, I know that a well rounded diet of pellets and fresh fruits/vegetables is most important for our feathered babies but my question is... Is there a particular ratio of these nutrients that Quakers are supposed to have on a daily basis? I know with Eclectus, the ratio is no less than 60%...
  30. B

    Yoda is picking at one spot on his body

    Hi, all. Yoda tends to pick at a small area where his left wing meets his body, up by his "neck/shoulder." It appears that the spot is missing some feathers, and he keeps pecking at it when he's active (or hyperactive). The bird-store owner didn't notice anything when I mentioned it to her, but...
  31. Comoriri

    Strange parakeet

    Could anyone offer some good advice for how I can help my Parakeet, Gizmo? I've got him relatively recently (about a month ago), while he has improved, his behaviors seem strange. He rarely makes any noise at all, never bites when handled, and seems to stay relatively still. While he has...
  32. S

    Broken pin feather in the same spot?

    About a month ago, I was scratching pin feathers for my sun conure and I noticed a bloody one on her neck. It was bothering her so I looked it up online and assumed it was a broken pin feather so I pulled it out for her. I was worried she was bleeding but when I checked the spot 10 minutes later...
  33. K

    Where can I get ashwagandha in USA? Suggestions please.

    What are the health benefits of ashwagandha powder can anyone tell me where to buy ashwagandha powder
  34. J

    Where can I get cinnamon powder in USA? Suggestions please.

    is cinnamon has plenty of health benefits, what are the health benefits it has and where to get Ceylon cinnamon powder, any suggestions.
  35. F

    are firethorn berries safe for lovebirds?

    Hello guys! I was reading something about parrot food, and it mentioned firethorn berries (Pyracantha coccinea to be specific) being a good thing to give to your parrot. However I'm still not sure if they are safe for lovebirds because the text didn't mention them.:confused: Also if they aren't...
  36. awfulwarlock

    Lovebird health questions

    hello, new here got some questions about the health of my two lovebirds; any help would be appreciated my main concern today is with my male lovebird, Rio.. he seemed a little lethargic and fluffed up inside of his cone earlier today and the both of them are usually quite hypo lol i decided...
  37. I

    High Carbohydrates?

    I just took Kermit, my GCC, into her annual vet exam for a fecal and gram stain and apparently the tests revealed her carbohydrates were slightly above usual. The vet said it was nothing to be too concerned about, and that I'll have to add Apple Cider Vinegar in her water for a few weeks and...
  38. M

    Rescued macaw training tips

    Hey all, in about a month or so I'm adopting a rescued Green Winged Macaw that I've been visiting for over a year and a half now and looking for any tips on training or just overall wellness. Before the rescue, he was hoarded for years and and has taken a toll on his health. He plucked nearly...
  39. S

    Cockatiel About to Lay Eggs?

    I have an 11 year old cockatiel who I adopted two years ago. The adoption place said that my bird's previous owner never mentioned her laying eggs at any point, so they assumed she hadn't. Throughout the two years I've had her, she has never laid eggs. I recently went on vacation and I boarded...
  40. Violet_Diva

    Who ACTUALLY Eats As Healthily As Their Birds ???

    I've noticed how healthy I must look to other shoppers in the supermarket... What they don't realise is that it's usually all for the birds! I stocked up on frozen stuff today, and ended up picking up a few other bits too. I must thank the birdies for making me look like such a healthy...