
  1. Shaveyard

    Oddly coloured urates? Photo attached. Please be warned this contains pictures of poop šŸ‘€

    Hey guys! Apologies, I'm probably totally overthinking about this but it's 11pm right now and I'm worried about my lil dude. He's acting absolutely fine and I weigh and monitor his poop daily to make sure it looks healthy. He's also a consistent weight. I've noticed his last two poops have been...
  2. T

    Drinking too much water?

    Hello. Recently my cockatiel has begun drinking more water, or so I think. Last month one of my two cockatiels passed away, so I may be overthinking all of this. Iā€™m not sure what to think. Since the passing of my other cockatiel, I have begun to observe everything my remaining cockatiel...
  3. K

    Whistle sound from nostril.

    Whenever my cockatiel hisses at me or gets really aggressive, I notice a very thin, wind-like sound coming from his nostrils. Itā€™s almost as if his nostrils act like a flute, creating the sound when air passes through. While I occasionally hear it during intense hissing, Iā€™ve noticed it happens...
  4. BekOwens94

    Air fryer safe for near parrot cage

    Hey! I hope this is in the correct thread! Iā€™m looking for any parrot safe air fryers (Iā€™m uk based) - any help would be appreciated! Thanks
  5. L

    Is my amazon a good weight?

    This is Lorenco my orange winged Amazon and idk whether or not itā€™s a male or female but Lorenco weighs 323 grams
  6. T

    Bird cage and windex

    I was away on vacation and allowed my parents to take care of my two birds, theyā€™re small lineolated parakeets, but I found out while I was away they COMPLETELY sprayed down the WHOLE cage and every toy inside. I donā€™t know which day they cleaned it, I was only gone for 3 days, the birds look...
  7. S

    HELP!!! is my new jenday conure sick or just stressed???!

    HELP is my new jenday conure sick or just stressed!!?šŸ˜– hello everyone šŸ™ŒšŸ» itā€™s been two days with me hand feeding my baby jenday he never even seems hungry I just type of force him on eating (his crop gets full every time) but what scares me is how quiet he is & rarely makes lowtone clicking...
  8. snubun

    Does anybody know anything about leg bands that start with "BPD"? Or about Barney's Pet Distributors?

    Hi guys! I adopted a linnie a few weeks ago and have been trying to nail where her leg band could be from. It says BPD 0795, which is not listed on any of the official leg band registries, so I gave up. But I tried diving deeper today and I found a few forum posts elsewhere that say that it...
  9. T

    Leaving my Lovebird for a Bit

    I have had this lovebird for around eight months (unsure of gender, referring as "her"), and I absolutely love her. My family and I work from home, so we always have her flying around the home, eating fresh foods, and bonding with us. She is always sitting on one of our shoulders or playing...
  10. Birdmum

    My IRN has done 2 sessions of nebezling and still has nostril discharge and is coughing

    So i notice a week a before Christmas my IRN was coughing and had nostril discharge it was maybe a few times a day he would cough tho I took him to see his avian vet and they recommend 10 days neblizling twice a day with gentamicin after the 10 days he was okay for a week or so then began...
  11. B

    Sun Conure Finger Problem!

    Hi I have noticed that my 2.5-month old Sun Conure bird has curved fingers. and it cannot properly grip the perches or my finger. Is there a likelihood of those fingers being repaired? I would like to seek advice from experts regarding this matter. Thanks in advance
  12. BudgieBudgieBudgie

    (SOLVED) Is having the microwave in my birds proximity safe?

    I bought a microwave do I can start making then yams, veggie chops, and I places it in my room where my other eletronics are. Is the proximity of the microwave safe for my budgies? I heard that microwave radiation is bad. I wanna make sure they'll be okay with the distance from it and if...
  13. Myakell

    Arthritis in budgies

    [sad rescue story ahead, be warned] Hi there! About 6 months ago I picked up a scruffy little bird I decided to call Moby Dick from a rescue. I could see Moby had health issues despite the lady telling me her 'budgie-man' had given him the clear - he was floofed, swaying slightly and his toes...
  14. A

    Cockatiel is not well

    Hi Guys, My cockateil was fine this morning, but i came back after three hours outside and found him stand still and breaths very quickly and heavily from mouth with a noise that is very hearable. Also his eyes were closing mostly and feels too exhausted. I changed his food and put him water...
  15. Amy-Milo

    Cockatiel with abnormal droppings?

    So I have a male white faced cockatiel. Had him for almost a year now. This problem has been happening for a few months now. But when it first started it wasnā€™t so bad, he has been having droppings that are a brownish colour? A few months ago it was only like the odd one or two, but now itā€™s...
  16. Wingnut

    Chickens N' Such

    Hey Everyone! It has been a while since I last posted on here. I have had many life-changing things happen between buying a home, getting married, and moving to a new state all within 2 years... I have grown up surrounded by birds my entire life and know quite a bit about the health, anatomy...
  17. H

    Red eyes

    Hey everyone! This is my first time posting here. I have a Cockatiel (Hanzo) for about 2 months and he was alone for this time and I planned on getting him a companion as soon as he was trained enough to listen to me and the command I gave him. He is a young healthy bird and I got him from a...
  18. G

    Red Eyes

    I recently got a cockatiel. It is my first time keeping a cockatiel with this mutation, so I'm not sure if this is normal or not. There is a red ring around both its eyes. It doesn't seem to be itchy. However, the previous household that kept this bird neglected it a lot. There is also a red...
  19. Sora6886

    Mites on aviary floor. How to prevent it in the future?

    Ok so I suddenly have a bunch on mites on/in the floor of one of my Aviaries. None on the pair of birds in that aviary yet and I have also used avian insect liquidator to prevent it from happening. I don't clean the floors super regularly but it's still done regularly enough. Now in the...
  20. ShanCaz

    Conure Repeatedly Licking Beak/Shaking Head

    Hello! Iā€™m pretty new. I apologize that my first thread is a general but my conureā€™s new behaviour is concerning me. My Sun Conure, Kyle, has developed a new trait of licking the top of his beak and jerking his head erratically. This is his first time doing this and he has been with me for six...
  21. M

    Health concern on budgie's cere

    Hello! I am not an owner of budgies myself, but my grandmother is. She has 3 budgies (2 males, 1 female, at least 6 years old), all in the same cage. Upon looking at her budgies today, I noticed that the female has an overgrown cere. I can't tell if it's covering her nostrils, but apparently...
  22. kimoakley

    Is my lineolated parakeets preen gland impacted?

    Just looking for some advice in case i'm overreacting. I've never really paid attention to the gland before so i'm not sure if this looks unusual. My parakeet is 3 years old and the sex is unknown. If I'm not just being paranoid and there is a real issue here doesn't anyone know how to fix it...
  23. B

    Dont know if I should worry

    I have had my budgies for a month or two. I tried bringing them to the "aviary" vet near but I soon realized that in my area they only knew about chicken... I dont know if I should worry about the color of her cere
  24. N

    Is baking play dough/polymer clay safe?

    i want to make craft jewelry for my friends, and my attempts keep failing. i though clay/playdough would be a good idea, but i dont know if it can release fumes or something. so, is it safe for my birds?
  25. N

    Concern about my conure

    Hey guys so I have a slight concern about my birds. I noticed on their neck and chest they are two different colors with the neck being more orange-pink and their stomach being red-purple. I have a vet appointment set up for them but the earlist I could get was Augest. I was wondering if this is...
  26. A

    how do I nurse galah back to health.

    Ok sorry but English is not my first language. okay, I'm really stressed and exhausted and, just freaking out. My galah was tired and droopy yesterday so I took him to the vet yesterday, the vet suspected some kind of poisoning but the lab results are not in yet. The doctor gave him...
  27. N

    Is it okay to soak my quaker and cockatiel's pellets?

    Hello! I've been running out of ideas to convert my quaker and cockatiel to pellets. I've had them for years, so needless to say they're not giving up without a fight. However, I recently found that they like their Zupreem pellets a lot more when they've been soaked in hot water and become a...
  28. S

    Help! My female cockatiel is making strange and concerning noises!

    As of this morning, Cicero started making these weird ''snotty/clicking'' and ''hiccup'' sounds. I have no clue as to what they are or if she's in any danger. I'm worried that maybe she's sick or has something caught in her throat. However, her poop is normal and she doesn't really have the...
  29. P

    Baby Parrotss shivering and feet are cold

    3 days ago we got 2 baby Ringneck Parrots. They are very active. But 1 day after getting them I noticed that their feet be cold and their body would start shivering when I am around. At first I thought they were scared but when i am around they will jump out of there box to come on my hand and...
  30. MelloYello

    Vets in Austin area

    Does anyone know any reputable vets around Austin? Thank you in advance! Have a lovely day!
  31. M

    Help! My cockatiel is having muted chirps

    Im a fairly new bird owner and I have a cockatiel about 6mth old. Recently (1wk ago), I went out and came back in the evening, there were a few specks of blood at the bottom of her cage, it had come from her wing. It was clotted so I thought it was alright (vets near my area are really...
  32. Butterbirdy

    I need help

    Hi, itā€™s been awhile since I have used this website. I am worried about my parrot. Anybody wondering about my last posts, she was fine. I took her to the vet. But I have found just today that she has a big orange hard thing under her beak. She was scratching at it. I have never heard of or seen...
  33. C

    My budgie is sick and I don't know why

    Hi all. Sorry to make my first post here a somber one. Introduction: I have a budgie named Trickster. I have had her for about 6 years now and she is a lovely, inquisitive girl. She loves interacting with new objects, flying around, and exploring. She loves to play with fingers and enjoys...
  34. L

    Is My Lovebird Aspirating or Just Stressed?! Advice Needed

    Hello Everyone, Happy Holidays. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I need some advice on my 13 year old blue pied peach face lovebird, Romeo. Iā€™m sorry if I ramble, but I am pretty anxious. Iā€™ve had him since 2007, and he means the world to me. Today, I recently took him to the...
  35. J

    Common Issues to Look for in Older Ekkie?

    So my local bird store has a female eclectus that is 21 years old that someone needed to rehome. Physically, her feathers look really good but they showed me the diet she has been fed for at least the past 4 years (the person who surrendered her was the second owner so they were unsure of what...
  36. H

    Help! Green Amazon laid an egg after boarding

    So, I have had to put my green amazon parrot in a bird boarding facility for the first time since I've had her (12 years). She was there for just under 3 weeks and they put her cage open in a larger cage, in between a macaws cage and a couple of cockatoos. They were not in the same cage but were...
  37. M

    Question about Popcorn Poppers

    Hello, I just received a MicroPop microwave popcorn popper as a gift. I have a cockatiel and am wondering if it is safe for her. It appears to just be a glass pot with a silicone or plastic lid (it says BPA free). I cannot find any information about it online! This is what it looks like...
  38. Ava.rg

    Normal size conure?

    Do pineapple gcc not get as big as normal gcc? My baby is only 8 weeks. Will he get bigger or is he just small? Heā€™s about the size of a lovebird. I just saw the green cheeks in petco and they look much bigger. I mean I know he wonā€™t grow a crazy amount but will he grow at all anymore? I wont...
  39. erin243

    Bloodfeather in a Sun Conure

    Hi everyone! Quick question - my sun conure has gotten a broken blood feather the bleeding has stopped but this is the second time in a month. The first time the blood feather came out, bleeding stopped, and everything was fine. This time we got the bleeding to stop and everything seems ok but...
  40. ConureCrazy

    (help!) how long does egg laying take?

    Hi all, Whoa, I made this account when I was TWELVE and now I'm well into college. I wonder if any of you from 2012/2013 are still on here? I'm back to ask a pretty urgent question. Two years ago, I saved a house sparrow who fell out of her nest and because of a bunch of complicated reasons...
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