green cheek

  1. K4rest

    New GreenCheek Mommie

    Hi, Today is day 2 of being a new green cheek mommie. We just brought home our beautiful baby boy on Friday afternoon. Loki is making a good transition from his cage at the nursery where he was born to his new home with us. He was hatched in January of this year and the breeder has all her...
  2. A

    More Conures?

    I am a total bird person. I've owned various birds all my life from age 8, when I was overcome with desire to own my own cockatiel. I've taken care of a variety of types including Pionus's and an Amazon. I am at college now, and have my own apartment, and decided to get a little green-cheek to...
  3. Bathtime For Cinnamon And Cheeky

    Bathtime For Cinnamon And Cheeky

    The girls love to bathe in their water bowl!
  4. A

    serious conure help needed!!:(

    I have a 2 year old green cheek, he is a very active bird. EVERY morning when the sun comes he is up and BANGING HIS BELL AND SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF CONSTANTLY FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR!! :green2: his cage is covered at night with a LIGHT sheet and is taken of when I wake this normal? if it...
  5. Rufio850

    Don't laugh, but tips on a birthday for a conure

    I do not want to do anything huge, but Tango, my green cheek will be one year old next week. The cool thing, his hatch date is on our anniversary. We were wanting to do something fun and cool for the one year mark. We have new toys but i was wondering are there any treats that u can give them...
  6. Kingsley_greencheek

    How to teach a baby green cheek not to bite my hand?

    Kingsley is 10 weeks old- I've only had him for a week but we have already made HUGE progress in bonding and getting him to be more outgoing. He will now eagerly fly to my shoulder, play in my hair, and even crawl into my sweater like a blanket. He does "step up" pretty well too, the only thing...
  7. D

    LOVE my baby green cheek!!

    I've had zoey :rainbow1: for 2 weeks now & she is AMAZING! super affectionate & already on a schedule :) she wakes up early, has a little play time outside the cage then crawls into bed w/ me... we snuggle & fall back asleep for about an hour... then breakfast & tons more play time! she lets me...
  8. D

    new baby green cheek any training tips

    hi my name is danielle and im the proud mommy of a nearly 2 yr old female cockatiel :yellow1: . she is an absolute diva lol. i decided to get a 2nd bird.... on fri i will be bringing home a newly weaned male baby yellow sided green cheek conure!!! any advice / tips would be greatly appreciated...
  9. xTRIGx

    our GCC babies!

    Ziggy and Forest now have 5 babies! we're going to hand raise them.. we're started the oldest 2 already :) here are some pictures of the 2 that are hand feeding now:
  10. MarciaLove

    breeding Green Cheek Conures

    I recently got a breeding pair of Green Cheek Conures (3 days ago) they are a proven pair 4 years old and I gave them a cockatiel nest box outside their cage you know by opening a door and attaching the box to that opening so they can get in it but they wont go near it! what should i do? does it...
  11. A

    Savage Biter- would love some advice

    I am having a problem with my GCC, Jewel. She savagely and relentlessly bites anyone who comes within range, but mostly me because everyone else is too afraid to go near her. I have tried to ignore the biting as I have read about, but she has left scars on more than one of my fingers and...
  12. xTRIGx

    who needs birdy toys when you have tupperware.. lol

    Since Remy has joined us (and as much as i hate it, he likes my mum more than me, and he's supposed to be my bird, pfft), Zeph has taken to hanging out with me all the time.. so i guess we've swapped birds ;) lol he's found amusement in the little tupperware containers I usually keep some beads...
  13. M

    My new baby!!!!!

    Hi! I am new to the forum! This is my baby Mr. Pickles! He is a sun conure/ green cheek conure hybrid. He just turned 4 months! Can't take him home for about 2 more weeks and can't wait!!!:green2: He looks angry in this pic haha
  14. PockyMommy

    Bump between eye and beak?

    My poor baby has this weird bump sort of like a bubble near his eye and his beak like right in between the two. I don't know if it has always been there, but it's there. His right side is perfectly fine. I don't know if its a bruise and he just hit something in his cage a little too hard or...
  15. C

    Question about how loud GGC can get.

    I recently adopted a 6 month old Green Cheek Conure, he is totally adorable and sweet. My main concern with him is how loud he can get. He was silent the entire first day I had him except for when I went to put him to bed. He squawked and screamed for about 45 minutes. I know this is common, but...
  16. happycat

    Green cheek, Crimson Bellied, & other pyrrhura conures?

    I always thought all Pyrrhura conures were the basically the same. (well, as far as the same can go in species, besides individual ones) but I was reading a book and apparently some are calmer/less cuddly or less nippy etc. So whats the difference between GCCs, crimson bellied, black capped and...
  17. MollyGreenCheeks

    I Love My Cuddle Babies

    Thought I'd share one of the good pics I've taken so far. Molly is on top and Cody is down low. Molly is almost ten months old and Cody is eight weeks. They bring so much joy to my life! :green2::green2::)
  18. P

    My conure is afraid of me! (behavior changes)

    I bought my adorable green cheeked Conure almost a year ago and he was a hand fed super friendly little guy (or girl?)! We spend every day together for at least 2-3 hours a day cuddling and playing (he even takes naps with me!). He's not afraid of hands, fingers, being petted or really anything...
  19. happycat

    Green Cheek Conure dancing?

    I went to Petco last night and I saw an adorable Green cheek conure and a adorable crimson bellied conure. The GCC started bobbing his head then did this weird dance (not really a dance but he was putting his wings around his head and bobbing his head and going back and forth sorta. Im bad at...
  20. Lu Lu

    Lu Lu

    Green Cheek
  21. Lu Lu

    Lu Lu

    Green Cheek
  22. D


    :rainbow1:Hi, We just got a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure from an old pet shop owner who wanted to try to have a bird as a pet again but realized he didn't have time. He got him from a breeder and hand weaned him and he is now 6 months old. He was the Only pet in the household. He's healthy but...
  23. Sienna

    Terrible wing clip

    I brought my GCC Opal to the vet today to get her wings clipped because I was afraid of accidentally hurting her if I did it myself. This is how it turned out I started to cry when I got home. I feel so bad for her and I'm not sure what to do about it. Any advice?
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