green cheek conure

  1. Roanoke


    Teeko's doing great in my household! I love him so much. He's silly, cuddly and such a wild child! Anyhow, today's the first day I can't smell any smoke residue on him! Hopefully his health will continue to climb from here, considering how much better I treat him than his last owner. Back to the...
  2. Birdjoy

    HI! New GC Conure Owner

    Hello everyone! My name is Adrienne, and I have had my lil guy for 2 weeks now. He is 5 months old and I am a little concerned. I read that green cheek conures are very cuddly and playful. However "Stinker" isn't that much. Actually, he doesn't play that much. His favorite pass time is...
  3. makana

    It's a broken leg! D: Advice? Anecdotes?

    Dear Parrot Forums, I've lurked a long time but never signed up til now - Forgive me, and please help me out if you can! Long story short: an incompetent vet (Vet #1) broke our poor green cheek's leg. (I'm furious and may share details later, but I'm right now very concerned and focused on...
  4. ZephyrFly

    Breeder recommended ??

    I don't have a bird at the moment but I am looking to get a GCC (Green Cheek Conure) by next year. The breeder I've talked to feeds their birds a seed diet with a some powder supplements and some soak mixture, with the encouragement to give the bird extra fruit and veg for variety; this is also...
  5. ZephyrFly

    Non-stick safety

    I've been reading alot resently on non-stick pans and PTFE (teflon). Currently I don't own a bird, though I would like to get a green cheek conure at the begining of the newyear (2015). The bird will live in our (boyfriend and my's) livingroom, which is seperated by a door from our kitchen. The...
  6. C

    Green Cheek Conure vs Quacker Parrot

    Tell me which one has more swag.
  7. R

    HE IS HERE!!!! need opinions

    well I got my 4yr old GCC today named Ringo we left at 7:30am to make the 5hr journey to get him his previous owner passed away so he was in foster care im already in love. He came with his cage and toys so I need opinions on his set up does he need more less what I could add, tips on getting...
  8. E

    Black feathers on a conure

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone would be able to help! My Green Cheek Esme has black feathers down both of her sides and they are getting worse. I have included a picture (hopefully). She seems well enough in herself and eats veggies. I am currently transitioning her across to Harrisons...
  9. saka_sandora

    Indoor Aviary

    I live in a two bedroom apartment and when my roommate left with no word and me not being able to get a new roommate, I decided to make the second into an indoor aviary. I bought a bunch of plants and even put in a fountain. I'm thinking of putting in more plants but am unsure as to what. I have...
  10. C

    Green-Cheek Conure food?

    I accidently picked up some large parrot food (the exact brand is Hartz Bonanza Parrot Diet). It doesn't specify what kind of parrots it is for, but the individual pieces are a bit large. I was wondering if I can still feed them to my green-cheeks?
  11. veimar

    No molt?

    Hi again everyone, I'm a little confused about my gcc not molting… I got him 4 mo ago and he was a Petsmart baby, just 2 days on the floor - probably about 3 mo old, right? So he must be 7 mo now, but he didn't start molting. He lost two tail feathers in April, and one flight feather that got...
  12. SashaElijah

    Green Cheek Conure Swollen Nare

    :( Hello everyone.. yesterday me and Elijah my Gcc went for a drive to my other house. When we arrived at the other house, I noticed that one of Elijah's nare's was bigger than the other. It looks swollen. I immediately brought him back home in hopes that he would settle down, however this...
  13. B

    Very grumpy Conure!

    Hi all! I'm brand new here, so it's really really great to meet you all! I hope I make lots of friends and get loads of advice here. First of all, about three weeks ago I adopted a conure from a family who couldn't keep him. He's had loads of attention from us, we're always talking to him and...
  14. F

    'Step-up' Trouble

    Hello, I recently got a baby Pineapple Green Cheek Conure, and it's proving to be very difficult to teach him the "step-up" technique. He always jumps from my hand to my shoulders the first chance he gets, and refuses to leave that area. Any advice would be great.
  15. A

    top of the evening!

    Hello everyone. My name is Amado. I've joined this site to learn more about my GCC. I've had him for about 6 months and it was going good but recently he has become somewhat aggressive towards anyone but me. And just looking to get advice. I'm new to bird ownership. Thanks!
  16. JennyB

    Got to Meet Baby, But Didn't Get to Choose...

    Well, after being on pins and needles for about 2/3 weeks, we finally got to drive down and visit/play with the babies today! I took the day off and let son #2 skip school (son #1 is in deep trouble over his math grade) so that I had some help choosing. We were supposed to have first pick...
  17. Aviphile

    New to the Forum

    Hello! I'm an aviphile owner of a six month old Senegal Parrot, a nine month old Parrotlet, and a three year old Sun Conure. I've hand-fed all my birds, except the Sun Conure, and I hope to hand-feed more little babies in the future! I hope to post, learn, and comment with many of you on...
  18. veimar

    Please advise ASAP!

    I just registered at this forum to ask a question. I'm not a parrot owner (I had two pet crows in past - that's the only birds I had). We stepped by Petsmart with my hubby yesterday to get some supplies for our baby rats, and there was this Green Cheek Conure there… Alone, so sad and kinda...
  19. bugbabe623

    How small is too small for sleeping cage?

    So I'm going to be giving Hermes (GCC) a sleeping cage now that he has begun step up more confidently. As well as he is getting a large day cage. The cage the breeder gave me is broken and held together by zip ties so I want to just redo it totally. But I can't find any info on how small is too...
  20. K

    3 year old Green Cheek Conure is aggressive?

    :green1: I need to downshift. So I got him (gender unknown) from an exclusively bird pet store. In my opinion, looking back, I might've rushed into it. No one else in my family wanted a bird, and it was just me (I was still in middle school, and am now in high school) to take care of him...
  21. Rufio850

    Green cheek flight suit

    Is there a certain time limit to how long you can keep a flight suit on a parrot? We are taking a 9 hour trip in a rental so we cant have him pooping in the car. Or does anyone know of a strong cleaner that gets poop out instantly? I at least need the first question answered please, thanks!
  22. J

    GCC likes my shoulder too much, how to get him off?

    I got my almost 4 month old green cheek conure about 4 days ago, and he has been making really good progress with me, he climbs on me, he steps up and down most of the time I want him to and he's even learning to poop on command very fast without treats. He lived with a really nice amateur...
  23. Buddy The Green Cheek Conure.

    Buddy The Green Cheek Conure.

    Buddy one day after I got him, making himself at home. :P He's almost 4 months old.
  24. Rufio850

    GCC and certain toys

    My GCC is 1 and a half year old. He is starting to get into his toys more. He loves playing with the paper, his favorite toy are bottle caps from sodas (don't worry we wash them). I found this squid toy with a bunch of hanging rope and beads. It's called the Giant Squid Bird Toy. Says it is...
  25. A

    New owner requesting advice

    Hi there! So i've recently set my eyes on owning a green cheek conure but i have never owned a parrot before. I have been reading alot about parrots, mostly about their diets and toxic fumes and have watched plenty of videos. i was just wondering if i can get a few tips on getting prepared on...
  26. D

    Why is he acting like this?

    Hello! So I've had my parrot for about 8-9 months. And he was abused because he has a big fear of hands. So about 3 months into owning him I got another GCC. I was told both are males but I'm not sure. Well they have gotten along really well. And Dredd (the first parrot I got) seems to be really...
  27. M

    What is the best cage for a GCC?

    Hi there, was wondering if anyone can give me a straight answer to what is the no1 best cage for a green cheek conure. I know bigger is better but I'm wanting to know if anyone can tell me a specific cage (make/model). Price isn't a issue as I want the best for the bird, thanks.
  28. T

    Painting my nails is a gamble..

    I have a green cheek and he has his moods like any parrot but I usually know how to handle him so that he's comfortable and satisfied. I've had him for a little over a year now and I've always painted my nails and it used to bother him at first but now he usually doesn't react to them. I took...
  29. Rufio850

    food in the water

    I keep reading these posts about make sure they always have fresh water. But my GCC has food mixed in his water bowl. Given his food is loaded with vitamins and nutrients so if his food is in the water making it murky, isn't that a good thing? Water filled with nutrients?
  30. Rubyandme

    New GCC owner:reading leg band

    Hello everyone! I recently got my new baby (ruby) yesterday from petco and was looking at her leg band and I'm not too sure how to read it or what the numbers mean. Her band says "aloha" and then vertically say "HI 13" and then three more numbers horizontally. I'm assuming she's from Hawaii but...
  31. F

    Multiple pets? More specifically...

    Hi. I have an almost one year and 5-month-old green cheek conure, and I am considering adopting two pet rats. I would like advice on whether this is a good idea, or whether conures and rats pose certain hazards to each other. It would be nice if someone who has had experience with both species...
  32. M

    I Might Lose Her

    My Green Cheek Conure, Mia, has been screaming all day when she isn't outside of her cage, she starts at 7 in the morning and goes until she goes to bed minus the hours she is out every day. She is fine when she is out of the cage, i don't even have to be in the room. So I was wondering, is...
  33. R

    Would anyone like to adopt two rescued GCCs? North NJ

    Long story. I am the owner of a beautiful, tame yellow sided GCC. My mother was watching the bird and accidentally released her. She flew straight up and dissapeared. Out of guilt, and without asking, my parents, who know nothing about birds, bought me not one, but two GCCs, a male and female...
  34. Seppun

    Strange Body Language & Mixed Signals with Green Cheek Conure

    So, we've had Idris for a month now, and if anyone remembers my previous thread, we took her from a pretty abusive and neglectful home. I think we've made good speed in our progress with her, all things considered. She is around 6 months old, so I know we have a couple years to go in hormonal...
  35. M

    New Owner

    I just got a new Green Cheek conure from PetCo. The people there were helpful but I'm not sure I trust all of their information. They told me my conure, Mia, is around 11 months old and this is my first ever bird so I have a few questions. It looks like her wings have been clipped but she is...
  36. T

    New Owner - Want to Make My New Conure Comfortable

    Hey Guys, I fell in love with a green cheek conure at PetCo over a few visits, so my husband bought Sweety for me Wednesday night (5/22). I am looking for information on how to best bond with Sweety and make sure he is comfortable in his new home. The first night, Wednesday, he stayed in my...
  37. Bynnie

    Greetings from Boston

    Hi Everyone, my name is Brian but my user name is Bynnie... I got that name from my niece when she was very young. She called me uncle Bynnie because she couldn't say Brian, so it has stuck with me for the last 15 or so years. I bought a pair of parakeets about 10 years ago when my wife and I...
  38. Seppun

    New Green Cheek Mom (Questions)

    I haven't posted in the introduction threads yet, but new to the forums here and also new to Conures. I've owned Parakeets and hand raised some wild Starlings that I rehabilitated and re-released (just the Starlings were reintroduced to the wild, not the parakeets obviously), but this is our...
  39. cedesmac

    One year old GCC

    :rainbow1:I got a one year and four months old GCC yesterday, from a friend who is moving and can no longer keep him. I have been doing a little research on them for a while now, but it's not like actually owning one. He(Simone) stayed in his cage all day yesterday, to get him to calm down and...
  40. G

    New GCC baby nippy- advice :)?

    Hi, We just received our new Green Cheek Conure baby today. He is a very sweet and a mega intelligent little guy. Our breeder told us that most are a little nippy when babies. I understand they test with their beaks things and or nip when tired/ hungry. Just a few quick Qs though: 1)...
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