green cheeck conure

  1. T

    Green Cheek Conure Can't Use His Beak

    About a week ago my boyfriend rolled onto our Green Cheek Conure, Louie, in his sleep (we think). Jordan immediately woke up and spooked Louie causing him to fly into a door nearby. The resulting injuries of these two traumas were as follows: blood from nose and mouth, red and injured right eye...
  2. H

    Shamrock is attacking my family

    Shamrock is a young (4 no more than 6?) green cheek conure. I'm usually the only one who handles her. A few years ago she flew at my sister, it didn't look aggressive but was trying to get a grip, unfortunately she was trying to on her head. Well my sister was pretty much done with her since...
  3. B

    conure has wings back, now hates me :(

    So i've had my gcc boomer for about 2-3 years now and when i got him as a baby his wings had been clipped. i personally believe that birds should be able to fly. so i let them grow back and for a bit he was unsure of flying and would like to walk everywhere instead but eventually he would just...
  4. S

    My green cheek conure ate/chewed a crayon

    My green cheek somehow managed to find a blue crayon. I haven't found the crayon itself, but she definitey chewed on a blue one because her beak is blue and she smells like crayons. I doubt she actually ate it, but she definitely chewed it. I know crayons are non toxic since they are made for...
  5. S

    Do I need to quarantine my new green cheek?

    I've had my pineapple green cheek, Shado, for over a year now, and soon I'm bringing home a new cinnamon green cheek, Charlotte. She's a baby, so I had to wait for her to be weaned, thankfully, she should be able to come home in a week or so. I've heard some people say to quarantine Charlotte...
  6. S

    Pink around green cheeks eyes?

    I'm getting a cinnamon green cheek conure from a pet store that I trust (I got my other green cheek from there over a year ago). She's just a baby, so I've been waiting about 2 months to take her home and soon I can. Today when visiting her, I noticed that the skin around her eyes was slightly...
  7. U

    question About my green cheek

    I brought a green cheek from a local pet store Saturday(February 13, 2016), they had no clue on the sex and date of birth but he's around 6 month of age. There was about 7 green cheeks in the cage and I got the one that was basically a loner. I took him home, have given him a name yet(working on...
  8. S

    Help with scared conure (green cheek)

    Hello everyone I bought a green cheek conure 8 weeks ago he's still a baby as he was born earlier this year. I did clip his wings as soon as I got him home because the owners told me he was very tame but once I got him home I received an email saying that he was never tame. I've been attempting...
  9. veimar

    So frustrated!

    Sorry, I've been missing for a while... My gcc Parry is making me so unhappy, and my husband wants me to rehome him. Maybe some of you remember the ordeal we had with his foot injury last fall when he kept chewing on his injured talon and lost over a half of it because of the stupid mistake the...
  10. D

    What can i do to train my parrot!?

    I got my parrot almost two months ago! At first he used to bite and did not let me touch him, when i tried he used to fly around the cage! But now he let me touch him but only inside of the cage! He seems like he still scared of me because when i touch him he does not move and grabs the cage...
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