conure behavior

  1. K

    Bird massage

    My birds love taking showers with me and just relax, whenever the water hits them, It's like they fall asleep. So tonight I was drying them off and giggling because my bird Mickey, who is usually the bitest of the two let me massage him while I hand dried him. As I was massaging him, his neck...

    Half nibble half lick followed by crazy head bopping

    Hi everyone, something a little different happened yesterday morning:D. As usual I got up and was excited to start the new day and let Kiwi out of his cage, he wanted to get out and start the day too and greeted me in his usual happy, excited way, flying onto me, then I kind of put my finger...
  3. A

    GCC aggression towards cage mate

    hello and thanks for reading. Any help or advice would be appreciated greatly. I have two Green cheek conures. One called pepper who is very good natured towards anyone and even my dogs, steps up everytime and will quite happily sit on your shoulder all day if he could. I have another Yellow...
  4. S

    Bird training

    At what age is the best time to start training your parrot?
  5. S

    Is my bird scared of me? :/

    I have a 4 month old GCC. I got him about a month and and a half ago, so I know he might still be sussing me out. His name is Leo and I love him so much already (if he is in fact a he, heck if I know 😂). I got him fully tamed and weaned. He’s very sweet and playful. And loves scritches and...
  6. A

    Sun conure Behavior

    Hello! I have a sun conure named mango and have had him for 2 months now. He is fantastic but his behaviour is confusing. When we train he happily gives me kisses and will lightly nibble my finger for treats but will not dare let me touch him. I have a clicker and tried stick training but is...
  7. G


    Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the group! I have an 8 month old Black Cap Conure, and I've had him 2 months now. He's a joy and coming along with training. Target training is about mastered, expect for step up while on his cage. If he flies down to the floor, no problem having him step...
  8. G

    My conure prefers my dad over me

    Hello! I have taken in a green cheek conure named Romeo 3 weeks ago. He's a goofball and a sweetheart honestly, and he has adapted fast, caring for all members of the family. The thing is he clearly has a preference for my dad. He doesn't bite or anything but if my dad's in the room he prefers...
  9. B

    Conure Baby Tips Required

    Hi All.. I recently brought home a Jenday conure.:orange: It was 45 days old baby then.. Now it is almost 60 days old. I am hand feeding it with a Pet's life handfeeding formula (weaning food). I have fed only apple other than the weaning food. He/she was kept in a box with wood shavings when I...
  10. B

    Conure clingy but scared of me

    Hi guys This is my first post. I am a bit concerned about my new pineapple green cheek conure. Since I got him, he is very clingy once I have him in my hands, usually the morning and evening. He will sleep there for hours, but once he flies away, he is terrified of me! I am training him to come...
  11. zeldatheaccordionbirb

    New member - also seeking advice.

    I'm Kirstan. I have 3 lovely Conures. Beau is a male crimson bellied conure. Zelda is a female crimson bellied conure and Thomas is a male turquoise green cheek conure. They are all 5 years or younger and all rehomes. I'm also seeking advice on Beau - he is a sweet bird of about 1 year and 8...
  12. P

    Need advice on a Sun Conure

    Hi all, I've had a Sun Conure for the past two years and have recently noticed some changes in his behavior. He has become seemingly possessive over me now..? He is fine to go to my fiance when he's on me but more possessive like while he's on me doing as he pleases like he owns me- biting me...
  13. S

    What is my parrot doing?

    Not entirely sure what's going on here. I gave my parrot a bit more cage stuffing and this is what happen. Is this my conures attempt at digging? ??? - YouTube
  14. F

    Noise Reduction Aratinga solstitialis (Sun Conure):

    Hello, Purchased a Sun Conure last year. This Sun Conure has bonded with the household. Therefore, she contact calls my roommates when she is on my shoulder if my roommates are out of sight. The Conure also screeches if a truck passes by the house which is problematic as I live in a...
  15. M

    I'll have to travel without Mango :(

    Hello everyone! I'm going out of the country soon for a family emergency and I felt bad leaving Mango behind for 2 weeks (Aug. 10-27) so I thought it would be fun to bring him with me. I did some research and saw that I could bring him on the airline by paying a fee. The websites I looked into...
  16. B

    My conure is starting to become really aggressive. Help!

    I've had my conure for about 5 months and he use to bite in the beginning but not too hard. I could handle the pain and I would never flinch. I made the biggest mistake today with him because I was having a bad day. I feel he's getting too cocky from being out so much and when he is out he needs...
  17. Phyl6

    New Owner

    Hello, I recently became the owner of a GCC (Her Name is Phyllis) and I already love her so much. She’s been doing good for the most part, I just have a few behavioral concerns and I’m not sure if they’re normal? I was hoping I could get some advice/help..! She is only 5 months and is also a...
  18. R

    Pineapple Conure won't sleep suddenly

    My pineapple conure, Polly is around a month old. It's not even a week since she's here at my place. She's my first ever parrot, rather pet so I've had no experience dealing with animals at home. When Polly came, she was really normal I mean happy and cuddly. She is still cuddly and I have faced...
  19. J

    Need Parrot advice. Sun Conure

    My sun conure is 11 months old and I just brought him home Friday it wasn't until I did some more research that I found out that I was suppose to let him be the first few days. I have probably been trying to interact with him too much, but now that I know what to do the next few days I will keep...
  20. N

    Conure quacking

    Hello! So recently my boyfriend and I have been getting some new noises out of Zelda (our GCC), and trying to figure out what they mean. One noise in particular that she’s done since we got her a few weeks ago is the low “quacking” noise. She does it all the time. I decided to look it up to...
  21. C

    green cheek conures vs electus

    Hi Guys, I'm looking for a parrot to be my lifelong friend, I've owned and bred budgies many years ago but wanted something with a little more potential for human interaction/affection & one I can train. From my research I think electus & conures suit the best. I love personality in a bird and...
  22. N

    Dreaming bird?

    Okay so Zelda kinda weirded me last night (and still). I put her to bed (covered her cage with a sheet) like normal and after a few minutes I heard her rustling around. She then started chirping in short bursts and then would grumble to herself. Back and forth, back and forth. Then she just...
  23. N

    Nervous Conure?

    Hello everyone! Zelda is doing great! She's only nibbled too hard a handful of times in the past few days, and most of the time is was my fault for not reading her mood correctly. I now have a question about something else! Zelda absolutely LOVES all the attention she can get. If she's...
  24. N

    New Green Cheek Conure Owner! Increased Biting

    Hello all! My boyfriend purchased a Green Cheek Conure (now named Zelda) for me from a local pet store on December 23rd (Saturday). She is 7 months old, and really such a sweet bird. She loves to sleep in my pocket and cuddle up anywhere that's warm and cozy. We were advised by the staff that...
  25. P

    Sun Conure Fluffing

    Hi all, Two days ago I got a new sun conure, (6 mo. old) and noticed yesterday he was puffed up and falling asleep on his perch. I am sure he is stressed from travels- store, to car, to new house, cage, people, hands, voices, etc. I don't think he slept much the first night at all...
  26. BAMM17

    Rubbing/Itching one eye

    Yesterday I noticed my BCC has been frequently itching and rubbing his right eye with his foot/nails; about every few minutes to every few seconds. He will let me rub the area too, but while inspecting in and around his eye, I didn't notice any redness, bumps, goop, extra watery, etc. so I'm...
  27. N

    Baby Conure Noises

    Hey y'all, I have had my first conure for a month or so now, she's a little baby (4 months old) so she's still discovering her voice and volume levels. One noise, however, I'm a little worried about. It's like a vibrating squeaky chirp (video attached, it's quiet so have volume up) YouTube...
  28. V

    How do I tame my parrots?

    My parents adopted two parrots about an year ago, a green cheeked conure and a peach faced lovebird. They are kept in an open enclosure in our living room and are allowed to fly around our house. Several people have told us it would take a while for them to settle down but that eventually they'd...
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