conure behavior

  1. Jesse blueman

    Random aggression towards family members? please help

    Hi i have a green cheek conure he(we dont know the gender i just assume a bit lol) is about 10-11 months and he is a very social guy he likes new people (and he loves to bite them a lil bit) and he loves to interact with everyone around the house at least one time a day but suddenly about 3-4...
  2. A

    Flying and attacking

    I have a conure, he is very young, I’ve had him less than a year. I know conures are bitey and nibbly by nature, and his normal bites are pretty hard, but I’m used to them and I’m okay with them. He respects me, and you could say I’m his favourite. The issue is my mom. He bites her really really...
  3. cosmothebirb

    Painful biting

    Hello! Eddie is wonderful, he is very affectionate with us and is doing quite well. One problem we have is that he started to bite REALLY hard! I approached this problem a bit badly because I would put him in his cage whenever he was being bad, he really dislikes my brother and bites him...
  4. AvianAdrian

    Confusing behaviour around biting

    Hey guys! May be a long post but please read the full post before responding. So the problem: My conure, since coming home, has had problems with my roommates. It's almost always hands but he occasionally bites faces. This is a behaviour he rarely displays towards me, but I've explicitly...
  5. cosmothebirb

    Some questions

    Helloo, I have some questions First one is about poop xd. I wanted to ask if parrot poops are usually big in the morning. Eddie's first poop is usually the largest one of the day. Idk if this is normal or not. His poops get smaller throuought the day, and wary in liquid depending on when he...
  6. Peanutisawesome

    Hi updated on my conure :3

    He was doing pretty well and i think i gained his trust :3 but whenever im writing something with a pen he bites it and like moves his head up and down quickly and I've read its like a hormonal thing but he is only 2-3 months old so I don't think it could be it? idk maybe he hates pens but...
  7. cosmothebirb

    Constant wing flicking? (help xd) (edit: it's mixed with full on flapping now and streching out wings full length)

    Hellooo. Today I woke up and let Eddie out of his cage, and he seems a bit overstimulated?? IDK if thats the reason but we won't stop flicking his wings (I managed to capture some of it, but he does it pretty frequently. Every slight movement I make is accompanied by wing flicking. He doesn't...
  8. cosmothebirb

    Edgar is quite bitey!

    Hello once again! So as I said in my previous post we got a new baby bird (he is approximately 2 months old), and as it was with our beloved Cosmo, so it is with Edgar - quite a challenge. I dont remember if Cosmo was this bitey but Edgar sure is. As I learned all birds bite a little as...
  9. Jacob1302

    Toy Recommendations?

    My 3 y/o pearly conure has a very strange relationship with toys, when I first got him he would shred everything in site toy or not. Then after about 5 months of having him (almost exactly when he turned 1 year old), he completely lost interest in toys, at the recommendation of people on this...
  10. Fauna

    Why is my bird affectionate and cuddly all of a sudden?

    in the past few days tiago has become a TON more cuddly and affectionate with me! he’s been very interested with nibbling my face and seems to do it to get my attention :,) Its super cute and i love it so much but it came out of nowhere so im wondering if this is normal parrot behavior. Im...
  11. L

    Coming back for more advice

    Thanks in advanced to anyone who may read this and offer help. A while ago I made a post about a troublesome conure and recieved a lot of good advice ( Since then there has been some progress but also another hurdle. We...
  12. Fauna

    Baby conure bites waay too hard!

    i recently adopted a 6 month old pineapple conure and i havent been able to get him to stop biting so hard. Ive done lots of research and everything ive found has been if a bird is being aggressive. the only time hes been legitimately aggressive was when they took him out of his cage at the pet...
  13. E

    What is this?

    Since I’ve gotten my sun conure he has always done the behavior in the video. I’ve always equated it to excitement or contentment but now as my pineapple has gotten more comfortable she started doing it. What is it called and why do they do it? Everytime I look it up I just get the head bobbing...
  14. L

    Help with a rescue conure.

    Hi to anyone who reads this and thank you in advanced. About 9 months ago, my partners 12 year old sister was given a conure to care for. He? (we are not sure but refer to him as a male) was put in a far too small cage for several months, not cared for beyond food and water, and subjected to...
  15. B

    Green cheek conure possible Bumblefoot

    Hello everyone, I’m reaching out today with deep concern for my 7-year-old green cheek conure. Recently, he’s been facing a severe issue with his left foot, and I’m desperately seeking advice and insights from fellow bird lovers. The Situation: • My conure can’t stand on his left foot...
  16. R

    Conure won’t come out of cage!

    Hi everyone, I’m quite new to this site but I thought I’d give it a try. Basically, I’ve had my green conure, Kiwi, for around 4 years. He was given to me when I was 12, and I took the best care of him alongside my mom. I took him out basically every day, but sometimes I would not do it if I...
  17. cosmothebirb

    My GCC doing a weird dance???

    Hello! Cosmo the birb again! So I just put him on the table a moment ago and he reached for my finger and as I moved it away he did this hilarious head and body movement. I'm attaching the videos, apologies for my laugh but it was just too funny to me, I've never seen birds do this??? He is...
  18. E


    My male conure has gotten comfortable with me … toooo comfortable. He’s beginning to try and be naughty with my hand. Whats the best way to stop this as I know if can lead to health concerns. I get him off and seconds later hes back. Would getting another conure of the same sex help get the...
  19. W

    Incredibly Aggressive GC Conure

    My family have had our GCC for around 3 years and he’s always been bitey, I’ve tried training him out of it over the years but nothing has ever stuck. I live with my parents and can’t be sure they’re actually doing what I’ve asked when it comes to the bird and his training, which frustrates me...
  20. cosmothebirb

    Conure dislikes my mom's phone?

    Hello!! I am kinda new to this forum and to owning a conure. In all honesty I will probably post a lot here given that my knowledge of their behaviour is very weak. We got Cosmo a few weeks ago and he's so wonderful! The whole family loves him. But I went on a 3 day trip a few days ago and my...
  21. IMG_0951.jpeg


    Nika asleep holding my hand
  22. Happyandzaza

    Green cheek conure only 4 months, flaps wings and crouches low

    Hello everyone im new to this and i only open this out of curiosity to find some answers. I am owner of two conures one is pineapple conure his name is Happy 1 year and 1 month of age And the other one is yellow sided conure her name is zaza 4 months of age I will also attach photos of zaza...
  23. R

    Destructive behavior or molting??

    Hi, I've had my GCC for nearly two years. She's been molting for a few weeks and she's had pin feathers around her head/neck and has grown in a few new wing and tail feathers. That's all been ok but I'm concerned about her back. She does have a handful of noticeable new feathers starting to grow...
  24. Frog & Chickpea

    Behavioural help for GCC

    Hello, yet another new member here! I recently adopted a green cheeked conure, Echo, (unknown gender yet), and am ecstatic with them. They are not yet tame, but are not fearful, and accept bigger treats from my hand. They seem very eager to learn. Their age is somewhere between 6 months and a...
  25. Z

    Two Conures Suddenly Start Mating??

    So I have two conures, I’ve had them for 3 years now and they love each other but have never shown any mating behaviors before until recently. I thought they were both males since nothing had happened over 3 years, but for over a week now, they’ve started mating EVERY SINGLE DAY!! sometimes...
  26. Raz

    Cleaning questions+ bad bird habits

    It’s been a while since I’ve made a last post- I’ve got two jenday conures, that only stay in their cage to sleep or when I’m cleaning or when I’m not in the same room as them. ( I don’t want them to get startled or do something harmful for them). But when I put them in the cage to sleep, they...
  27. ShanCaz

    Conure Repeatedly Licking Beak/Shaking Head

    Hello! I’m pretty new. I apologize that my first thread is a general but my conure’s new behaviour is concerning me. My Sun Conure, Kyle, has developed a new trait of licking the top of his beak and jerking his head erratically. This is his first time doing this and he has been with me for six...
  28. Raz

    Rubbing head against me and then biting??

    I’ve got two Jenday conures, both adults! Lately , the female has been sitting on my chest and shoulder while I’m laying down and just gliding her face against me while being super fluffed up. She’s still scared of hands and doesn’t like being pet, so I’m not sure what it is. Additionally , when...
  29. R

    Conure bobbing its head?

    Hi! We got our conure about two months ago and it has just started doing this. He is about a year old (what the pet place told us.) I haven’t found a clear reason why conure’s specifically do this and would love an explanation. We don’t know the gender, but his/her name is Peep!
  30. RFSweitzer

    Im lost on what to do with my Conure

    Hello. I am new to posting on this site, but i need some serious help. I have had my Conure for almost 7 years now. Got her when she was just 6 months old, and I have made sure she lived her best life with me. When I got her i knew what i was getting into. So with me I'd make sure she is out of...
  31. M

    Concerned about youngest bird

    Hey! I only plan to use this account for this one question, I'm seriously having a hard time right now :/ So in 2021, I got a new bird! His name is Ocarina. I've wanted another bird for a bit because my current bird, Majora, was alone throughout the day. Might not be necessary info, but my...
  32. Raz

    What’s this behavior?

    I’ve got two jenday conures, and I’ve caught them multiple times locking beaks and moving up and down. I’m pretty sure it’s “feeding” but I’m unsure on what it means. What should I prepare for !?
  33. moss

    new bird owner

    so I recently got a cinnamon green cheek and he is the sweetest thing ever and happens to be really vocal. however, I have noticed that lately when he is sleeping on my shoulder he sometimes makes a small wheezing sound. I'm not sure if this is normal or if he's talking to himself in his sleep...
  34. Parham

    Need help\advice. new Green cheeked Conure. 8 weeks old

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and and first time pet owner. 12 days ago I decided to get a GCC, I've been meaning to get a bird for about a year now but after barely surviving a very bad case of covid, I decided to do so as soon as I am healed and capable. I've been stalking birds ads for a...
  35. B

    Conure randomly gets hyper on shoulder

    So I have a GCC who is coming up on 10 months old. When he is on my shoulder randomly , and I can tell when it’s gonna happen everytime, he starts to talk and go a little crazy shifting side to side and after he does that specifically in order he will lightly nip my neck/ear. If I were to let...
  36. B

    How long did it take for your conure to be fully trained?

    So I've had my green cheek conure since end of January of this year. He was born in November and is 9 months old. My first conure , he's a good boy, loves to cuddle and is a little clumsy which i love him for. He knows quite a few tricks , still has his moments where he nips but not hard...
  37. S

    conure is too clingy and not playful

    All birds are different of course. but my sun Conure is absurdly clingy! he starts doing the thing where they twitch their wings as I leave the door and screams for hours while I'm gone. it annoys the hell out of my family. I adopted him from a local parrot aviary. they breed parrots and are an...
  38. C

    Conure will not put weight on left leg

    Hello all, I am new to the site. I have 3 conures and 2 parakeets. Two regular Green Cheek conures, Nibbler and Popito. One Pineapple conure named Pineapple Princess (PP). We live in Hawaii on the island of Oahu. Mekana and Butterscotch are the parakeets. I also rehab wild birds. Our...
  39. bronterose_xo

    Conure Avoiding Me!! Help

    So, I rescued Phoenix about a month ago now, we got closer and she took food from my hands, scurried away and hid to eat it. But i was okay with that as she was still getting used to me, but now she doesnt allow me to go anywhere near but always looks at me like she wants to snuggle up to me and...
  40. T

    Is my conure feather plucking?

    So I got a pinapple conure about 3 weeks ago and recently I’ve been noticing that he’s losing a lot of feathers and the colourful ones at that. In the first 2 weeks of having him he’d lose maybe 1-2 feathers a day but lately he’s been losing 5-7. I’ve attached some pictures and you can kind of...
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