
  1. P

    New Budgie Owner Questions after Tragedy.

    Hi Everyone, I'm Prim, Honestly I'm a new budgie owner... bought 3 beautiful birds, 2 for my parents and 1 for me. (Got it for my parents as they are retired and were fighting everyday, but now good news, they fight way less as they are caring for the birds like babies) I brought home 1 to...
  2. A

    HELP! Parakeets completely eating all their paper &yucca chip wood toy?!?!

    So I have two parakeets (female and male) and I made some homemade toys for them. One of them had a waffle ball stuffed with shredded paper and another one had an individual yucca chip that I bought from a pack on amazon. They liked it right away but the next morning I noticed that the ball had...
  3. reeb

    My new cockatiel, Berry, is a bit reluctant to eat

    Hi everyone, I fetched my new baby yesterday:grey:. She is 4 months old and absolutely adorable! However, I think the shock of being in a different environment has made her quite scared. She hasn't been eating and drinking as much as I would like. I took her to the vet this morning for a...
  4. eyalovespico

    budgie gender trouble?!?

    i got my albino baby at a pet store a month ago! I've never had birds before so i didn't know anything about gender and stuff and they didn't tell me at the pet store. i researched and came to the conclusion that pico was a boy due to the hints of blue at his/her cere. but I got girls from a...
  5. J

    Budgies got out of outdoor aviary... How can I catch them?

    Hey. It's been a while since I posted on the forum but I have a BIG problem. So I built a really nice (if I do say so myself lol) outdoor aviary that I had 6 budgies and 4 zebra finches. They've been in there for a couple weeks now. About 2 nights ago something tried to get inside. Idk if it...
  6. J

    New to the greater Seattle area

    Hi all - I'm Jennifer, and I'm a longtime human mom to budgies (American; I've never had an English Budgie), and I just moved from Southern California to North Bend, WA, a little bit east of Seattle. I'd love to get some advice on the best bird stores and best avian vets around here. My...
  7. F

    (DALLAS TX) Very dire & urgent need of new home for budgies!

    (This is probably going to be long, sorry.) Hello. I am sad to say that my joining here is for help in a currently grave effort to rehome our 3 budgies. We are no longer able to care for them properly, and they are not doing well with us anymore. My husband had to get a work-at-home job after...
  8. veimar

    Preening salon!

    I just wanted to share a video of my two budgies preening Parry. Franky has been in love with him for a while (I posted about that here too), and now Cesar joined in! They compete and even fight for him. :D They both want to preen and feed him constantly, so I have to cage them both or at least...
  9. S

    Preparing perches for budgies?

    Yesterday I went to the Dandenong ranges and there was a little area where you could sit down and look into the forest. I was looking around and I saw a fallen over gum tree, so I snapped some sticks and branches off for my budgies. The branches have little areas with black spots that scrape...
  10. T

    Is this a boy or a girl?

    I've recently purchased a new budgie, do you think it is a boy or a girl?
  11. veimar

    Can anyone help with identifying the gender?

    I know it's very early to tell. They are 6 weeks old siblings and their ceres look identical. Both have purple ceres with lighter rings around their nostrils. So what do you think - are they boys or girls? Or different? I somehow feel they are boy and girl (the worst case), but I'm not sure of...
  12. veimar

    Baby budgies not eating - quick help needed!!

    Hi, I got two very young 1,5 mo old budgies today and just brought them home and put in their cage. They are not tame and are unclipped. They are very scared of me and are not eating or drinking. It makes me very worried. The breeder said they are fully weaned and were eating normal parakeet...
  13. My Budgies

    My Budgies

    Some pictures of my budgie family
  14. greenthii

    Budgie and shoes

    Hello everyone! My one year old budgie Thaii, has been interested in one of my old shoes and tries to go in and out of it. She has a mate, named Dexter and he is also 1yr+. I only took the shoe to give to my Boyfriend's tiel since I'm birdsitting him, and he LOVES shoes, feet, and socks. c...
  15. greenthii

    Needing help training my older budgie.

    Hello, I'm new here so don't mind my inexperience on this forum (> - <) I got my male budgie (fully grown) from a pet store last year, around fall and I want some tips of how to train him! I don't know his exact age, but his nose was fully blue, and he was a chubby boy. x: (Guessing 1 1/2 or...
  16. I

    Connecting Cages

    Hey, has anyone here tried to connect cages together/succeeded? I would like two smaller cages on top of my flight cage to give my budgies more room to move around (since its bombed with toys, but they do get to spend the entire day out if they choose to). I'm also thinking about trying to...
  17. A

    cockatiel and budgie aviary

    Hello, I am getting a shed in the next couple of weeks and I am going to put cages in it for breeding my chickens. I am also going to make the last part an aviary for cockatiels and budgies. It will be about 8' by 3' inside and there would be an additional 10' by 3' outside. I am wondering what...
  18. J

    **Shocker** LuLu talked!

    Ok so today I was cleaning out all my bird cages and the budgies were being particularly noisy today. The way my room is setup (until I move into the new place) LuLu can pretty much get around the entire room without flying as her wings are REALLY clipped. LuLu is still settling in so she hasn't...
  19. Jamie_95

    Taming young budgies ?

    So one of my younger brothers and I are THINKING about getting a little baby budgie or two from our local bird breeder. And i was going to try to tame them and make them a bit social. When i was younger our family always had budgies, but we eventually upgraded to Lovebirds. And now i kind of...
  20. A

    Show me your food... ! :D

    Just for fun...! :) I was mixing up Pocket's and the budgie's (Yuki and Luna) food today and thought I should grab a picture to share. But at the same time, I want to see what other people feed their birds :D Diet for Pocket is as follows: Dried: Premium Parrot Mix Dried Fruits Vetafarm...
  21. A Few Of My Special Budgies

    A Few Of My Special Budgies

    The green one is rio we got him about 4 months ago the one on thes side of the cage is rocket the mother of the other blue one, romeo...
  22. P

    Hey I'm New!!! :)

    Hey everyone!!! I am a new member and just wanted to say hello!!! If there are any tips anyone could give me that would be helpful lol. Thanks in advance. :blue2::yellow2::whiteblue::greenyellow:
  23. ann

    Englisg vs American budgies

    hi, so today is my birthday and im jumping at every opertunity that my chances of getting a bird even slightly go up. i have some birthday money so that helps too. first of all i know many people get budgies for their kids because some oconsider them "easy" or "disposable", i know hey are...
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