
  1. C

    Taming 2 Budgies

    So, I have two budgies, both female, named Blueberry and Snowball. They should be around 5-7 years old. I love them and they... tolerate me. I've had them for several years and have worked with them on stepping up with the motivation of treats, but they still don't trust me. I need help getting...
  2. S

    Probability of Taming

    Hi everyone, this is probably a very popular question but I wanted to gain some opinions from others. I currently have a 1 year old budgie (give or take) that was previously owned by an acquaintance. He claims that he got her when she was young and used to have a very close bond with her up...
  3. SweetBlueberry

    How old are my budgies?

    I do Not no how old my budgies are ? I’ve had them for 2 months.
  4. 4 way borbs

    parakeet NAME VOTE

    Tomorrow I'm getting 2 new babies for my b-day! im planning to get a blue or white bird cause no offence to Andy or anything but i think they are a tiny bit pretter than greenys so here are the name ideas melody jewel cloud summer lapis butter amber cream opal fern irene echo -pepper
  5. GryphonHound


    I hope they like it
  6. T

    Hello from a total newb.

    My name is Jenn! My (common-law) hubs and I own and run a bicycle repair shop. Last year, a blue budgie appeared at our wild bird feeder. We watched over him for two weeks while looking for someone who lost a bird, but then, in the second heat wave, we noticed that she was dying. So we brought...
  7. ImaParrot


    I recently started feeding my budgies rice in an effort to wean them off of seeds and it's working great. They love rice! We buy organic brown rice from a rice farmer, and it's the best rice money can buy. Rice has a lot of carbs, though, so how much should I be feeding them? I've started...
  8. ImaParrot

    Clipped Budgies

    A couple weeks ago I got a budgie from a pet store to be friends with my other budgie, Elvis. They got along great, but she's clipped and he's flighted. I know people clip their budgie's wings to keep them safe from household dangers, but Olive can't fly very well because of it and the first...
  9. michaelnmaine

    My budgie won't eat his vegetables!

    I have a five/six month old male budgie. He's lived with us for over a month. The first week, he got on my index finger once, then hopped off. Since then, no way! He ate some millet out of my hand (standing on my open palm) one time, and now, he won't come near my hand. I feed him millet...
  10. T

    Adopted budgies, regretting it?

    I adopted 2 budgies a couple days ago, and I had been thinking about it for about a month (after my previous budgie passed away). I thought I was ready for the commitment, but I don’t think I am. I want to bring them back to the shelter I got them from, (The ARL, they have a 30 day refund...
  11. B

    Question(s) on stopping budgies from breeding

    Hello! I need some advice on what to do with a family member and her budgies. She recently moved into our home with 3 budgies that she got from a neighbor (2 males, 1 female, about 5 y/o now). Their cage is on the smaller end (2' L x 3' H x 2' W), but they were never socialized when they were...
  12. B

    Looking for Specific Naturally Molted Budgie Feathers for Crafting

    Hey, I'm looking for some naturally molted feathers from these specific mutations of birds for a crafting project to add some feathers to a trinket jar. Wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some?: Sky Blue Recessive Pied Budgie Feathers Example pictures: SF (Single Factor)...
  13. L

    Budgies are afraid of the nesting box, what should i do?

    Hi, I am sorry in advance for my english, I'm from Czech Republic. Few days ago, I gave my budgies (Loki and Aria, both of them are older than 1 year) a nesting box, 'cause they are often kissing, Loki feeding Aria (and other things I don't know how to say in english) and I wanted to try to...
  14. K

    Cockatiel likes to spend time with my budgies and sad? if alone with me.

  15. paimonandeula

    Hello! My entire life story about budgies :)

    I am new on the forum! I have two budgies. Here's is some more information about them: Paimon: Paimon is a male parakeet. He is a light gray. I got him on May 12, 2021, from Petsmart (i know, I know). He is so sweet and loves to press his beak to my mouth. He flicks his wings at me while doing...
  16. Sophieh7


    I have 2 budgies and a full cage and set up. In Stirling area :)
  17. Sophieh7

    Angry Budgie!

    Hello guys; I have 2 budgies. Enzo who was believed to be a male when purchased but im now 90% sure is female and Lola. I’ve had them both for around 4 months, Lola is a lot older than Enzo tho. I had them together but Enzo was being very territorial over almost everything in the cage so have...
  18. 8-16 Tiny.JPG

    8-16 Tiny.JPG

    Budgie Baby
  19. 8-16 Three.JPG

    8-16 Three.JPG

    Budgie Baby
  20. 8-16 Riker.JPG

    8-16 Riker.JPG

    Budgie Baby
  21. 8-16 Patchouli.JPG

    8-16 Patchouli.JPG

    Budgie Baby
  22. 8-16 All Budgie Babies.JPG

    8-16 All Budgie Babies.JPG

    Budgie Babies
  23. B

    Budgie breeding

    Hi. I got two budgies, if I breed a male lutino and a female albino what will be the outcomes? Thanks you
  24. Time To Eat!

    Time To Eat!

    Just my little budgies enjoying their breakfast.
  25. R

    Hello guys!

    Finally I decided to join the forum! Everyone seems very nice and friendly on the replies that I have read so far on different threads, I have 10 budgies and I love this little featherballs with all my heart! Their names are, Riki, Kiwi, Pitie, Barry, Jade, Violet, Levi, Cheeky, Bubbles and...
  26. B

    Home disinfectants for bird room?

    Hello! A few of my budgies are recovering from bacterial infections and to prevent future issues and maybe help speed recovery, I was thinking of moving them to another room for a few days, spraying the bird room (where they spend most of their time in) with disinfectant and letting it air out...
  27. Windsilver

    Hi There - I've Recently Joined

    Hello Community - I am a relatively new parakeet owner, although I did have a parakeet as a little girl. My Story in brief - to prevent myself from adopting a new puppy (COVID Crazy) I adopted a couple of keets from my local MSPCA. They were beautiful birds - but older so it was a challenge...
  28. Zfelis

    Baby Parakeets need a new home (NY)

    Location >>> NYC, NY Baby Australian Parakeets/Budgies Hatch date: 12/19-12/26 Five babies available currently Need to rehome them because I don't have enough space and cages to raise them all. Small rehoming fee applies. (Attatched pictures of the parents for reference)
  29. E

    Untame bird teaching baby to be scared

    It's so hard to find good information about this! Someone please help. I have one female budgie about 6-7 months old, she is from a pet shop and pretty scared. I sat by her cage 24/7 first 5 weeks she lived with me and she got pretty comfortable with me being around. She will eat millet from my...
  30. 2

    Help training 2 new English budgies

    Hi there! I just brought home 2 sweet English budgies 4 days ago. They're a little over a month old and they were hand-fed and tamed by a nice breeder. He advised taking them out for 15 minutes every day right away, and he thought they would be cooperative. But they aren't! They're very bonded...
  31. L

    Protecting the bed against poo

    Hello there, I've bought a cockatiel about 2 months ago and her introduction is going great with my budgies in the living room. Her cage ha been situated in the bedroom during the quarantine and Coco (my male budgie) is absolutely in love with Zoe (the cockatiel). Unfortunately this means he...
  32. L

    Normal budgie behavior?

    Hi everyone! I brought home a new budgie 4 days ago,,, today he was very active--eating and flying around his cage. He started doing flips/somersaults into the corner of his cage near his food bowl and then sat on the floor of his cage sleeping with his feathers puffed up. Just wanted to ask if...
  33. BirdMama11

    Boy or Girl?

    I have had this budgie since April of 2018, and his or her cere has never changed color. I figured that it's a she, but I wanted an expert's help, so I came here! I found it concerning her cere has never really changed color considering i've had her for almost two years. If someone could help...
  34. S

    Found a lost injured budgie, kept with a pair, is he ok?

    I brought home a pair of budgies a month ago. I don't know their ages. They have slowly got used to new home and environment. They initially used to fight but from 7 days before they have started taking interest in each other and I have seen them mate thrice these days. Male is always trying to...
  35. Melscamp

    Excited birb mom

    Hunny Sunny Munny Bunny and Roger are adjusting well to their new room. I gave them my extra bedroom and set everything up for the to be free in there. My friend had said I shouldn't let them out before hand taming them, but I couldn't do that to them. They love flying around! They are about a...
  36. B

    DANGER: Millet holder

    I came home from work and one of my budgies had opened the latch on the metal coiled mullet holder and gotten stuck inside. He was completely smooshed into the bottom, stuck upside down. And couldn’t move at all. He must have been stuck for a while bc he wasn’t struggling and couldn’t even budge...
  37. L

    Considering Replacing my Budgies with Cockatiels

    Hi, I love my budgies, they're awesome. they have a really unique personality, although it's not really the personality that i've been looking for in a bird. i got 2 birds, Coco. Coco is really nice, but can sometimes be a bit too much for my other bird, Witje. He can try to climb...
  38. socktheconure

    Help with changing diet

    Edit: Everyone is assuming that I am trying to give my budgerigars 100% fruits and veggies. That is not and never will be the case. I am trying to get them to CONSUME fruits and veggies because seed alone can be incredibly unhealthy if consumed constantly- alone. Hi everyone! Recently I have...
  39. PenClem

    Diet requirements for Budgies

    I chatted with a small bird breeder yesterday who used to hand-raise and handfeed Budgies. She hasn't bred them in awhile, but she did send me some links to articles she wrote about Budgies. I have Lovebirds, but recently I have taken in the two Budgies my friend inherited from someone else. I...
  40. B

    Parakeet Preemies?

    I took in a parakeet couple several months ago and immediately put them in separate (yet still touching) cages. The female laid eggs and I had to put them back together. I'm having a hard time getting her to stop laying eggs but I'm having a worse time getting the babies to survive. She is a...
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