
  1. ImaParrot

    Weird Behavior

    Elvis used to love looking out of the window around January-March, but now he'll look out the window and get spooked, sometimes peck at the window, sometimes fly away only to fly right back. I thought that he was scared of the birds outside, but when I closed the curtain the next day, he hated...
  2. Rico_Tiel

    Rate the budgie names I picked out!

    Green pied: Sweetpea, fern, bug, emerald, mistletoe, shrubby Blue pied: blizzard, frost, cryo, Denali, sleet, diamond Violet: Borealis, Violet, daisy, lupine, bluebell, indigo, hyacinth, orchid Lutino/ybdfs/ybdec: sweetpea, bumblebee, beebee, cleopatra (if female), dawn, amber...
  3. BudgieBudgieBudgie

    What happened to her beak?

    I left home for about 2 hours and my budgies beak looks dented or cracked, and it has some dark/small red spot underneath this weird looking crack. I took some photos of me holding her. These are the best photos I could get. What do I do?
  4. Rico_Tiel

    I want to get a budgie, is this a good idea?

    Hello, I am looking into getting a budgie and know the ins and outs of budgies and their care. Rico is a friendly bird and I’m sure would take to a budgie very well and we have the space but would this be a good idea? My mom is a hard NO on green cheeks but I’m not sure about budgies since we...
  5. Two Budgies

    Two Budgies

    I finally got a good picture of Elvis (blue/yellow) and Niki (white) RIP.
  6. Hatzegopteryx4578

    Tips on how to find my budgie a better home?

    I’ve made my choice and I’m planning to re-home my budgie so he’d be in a better situation. The only problem is that I don’t know how to find somebody to personally meet up with who can have them as his forever home. I don’t want him to be hoarded, used for breeding purposes or constantly...
  7. Hatzegopteryx4578

    My bird is preen excessively which is concerning

    As some of you may know my male budgie had recently lost his sister because she had to be euthanised. I started seeing more down feathers fall from his as the days have gone by, I’ve also see his excessive behaviour to preen his back and chest. I’ve tried to give him more attention than usual...
  8. Hatzegopteryx4578

    I’m unsure if I should re-home my budgie

    The sibling of my budgie has recently been put down and I’m unsure whether to give him up or not. Although I’m on easter break I’ll be in school for the majority of the time after that. I also lack the room for bird quarantine if I do want to get another bird. Along with that he has a possible...
  9. H

    Male has died! 3 week old babies only have mom what do I do?!

    💔😢I need advice: Our pair had their first clutch. Babies are a few days older than 3 weeks old. However dad died unexpectedly this morning, we are heartbroken. Will the hen feed the babies still? She isn’t sitting with them as much is that normal for this age? I’ve seen her go in and immediately...
  10. MyFeatheredFlock

    Some on things wrong with my budgies leg please help

    I just found my budgie on the bottom of his cage, and when I tried lifting him up and putting him on a perch I noticed he was only using one leg, the other one was held back behind him. His vent was also covered in wet poop, (I cleaned it after I noticed). I know this isn’t normal but I don’t...
  11. Myakell

    Arthritis in budgies

    [sad rescue story ahead, be warned] Hi there! About 6 months ago I picked up a scruffy little bird I decided to call Moby Dick from a rescue. I could see Moby had health issues despite the lady telling me her 'budgie-man' had given him the clear - he was floofed, swaying slightly and his toes...
  12. S

    Budgie died suddenly

    Hello. Last week, my 8 year old budgie died suddenly. She was my favorite pet. She had plenty of room to exercise in her bird safe room, had a healthy diet (seeds and fresh veggies), and was eating and flying the morning I uncovered her cage. One day, I just found her dead on the bottom of her...
  13. B


    my female bird has been all of a sudden been shredding paper and been doing this odd behavior. today i saw she was laying down like this. i did not see any abnormalities in her poop either. pls help me, shes my baby and im so worried. she’s eating and drinking normally too. 🥺
  14. B

    Question(s) on stopping budgies from breeding

    Hello! I need some advice on what to do with a family member and her budgies. She recently moved into our home with 3 budgies that she got from a neighbor (2 males, 1 female, about 5 y/o now). Their cage is on the smaller end (2' L x 3' H x 2' W), but they were never socialized when they were...
  15. JoyousChaos

    Is it normal for new birds to not eat?

    Hello all! I’m a first time bird owner and a very nervous one at that. I’m a young person and my dad (after years of begging) agreed to let me get a bird. And for the record, I’ve done my research and this was not an impulse purchase. Okay with that out of the way, so on December 20th...
  16. B

    Looking for Specific Naturally Molted Lovebird Feathers for Crafting

    Hey, I'm looking for some naturally molted feathers from these specific mutations of birds for a crafting project to add some feathers to a trinket jar. Wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some?: Normal / Wild Coloration Peach-Faced Lovebird Feathers Example pictures: I know...
  17. B

    Looking for Specific Naturally Molted Budgie Feathers for Crafting

    Hey, I'm looking for some naturally molted feathers from these specific mutations of birds for a crafting project to add some feathers to a trinket jar. Wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some?: Sky Blue Recessive Pied Budgie Feathers Example pictures: SF (Single Factor)...
  18. M

    I just got a budgie and I want to learn a little more about hand taming

    So I have a blue budgie named Bandit, and we got him a couple days ago, he is a baby and I've been slowing introducing my hand into his cage and he recently started preening while my hand is in the cage. he was doing it while I was just in the room with him. but I was curious as to if him...
  19. Kitty16

    Haven’t been on here for awhile so here’s an update.

    Milo (M) and Skittle (F) have been doing better but we still aren’t fully bonded, Milo will easily and quickly jump onto my hand for millet but not so much for Skittle, she’s still scared of my hands but she goes on my hands a lot more than she used to, I recently got them new friends 2 weeks...
  20. F

    Need to verify the gender of my bird, i were told that he is a young male

    I got this new budgie bird, and i were told that he is a young male:- Thanks so any advice on his gender please?
  21. M

    Health concern on budgie's cere

    Hello! I am not an owner of budgies myself, but my grandmother is. She has 3 budgies (2 males, 1 female, at least 6 years old), all in the same cage. Upon looking at her budgies today, I noticed that the female has an overgrown cere. I can't tell if it's covering her nostrils, but apparently...
  22. A

    New and unexpected budgie owner calling help!

    Hello, Just joined the site so I hope this is the right place to post this. Basically, long story short, we woke up one morning to a budgie on our windowsill. We managed to get her inside safely. (Manchester, ENGLAND). We put some posts up on Facebook and asked around locally but no one has...
  23. ChloeBallerina

    My budgie bites and doesn’t seem to want to be with me

    I have had my budgie for like 3 - 4 months and i worked with him to be comfortable with me and my hand. He was stepping up and accepting millet from my hand. I wanted to start target training him and teaching him tricks. But in the past 2 weeks he has gone backwards and has started biting my...
  24. Kitty16

    We’re starting to bond very well!

    So I haven’t been getting much time to bond with them but I’m able to do everything I need to within that time, I’ve only been getting around 2 hours with them but they don’t seem to mind, it actually makes them more excited to see me because I always give them millet, I like to give them as...
  25. Kitty16

    Can my budgie stop liking me after breaking a constant bonding routine just for 2 days?

    So I’ve been making pretty good progress with my budgies but yesterday I wasn’t really able to play with them for that long because I was at a baseball game for a big part of the day and I painted my nails so I didn’t want the strong smell to harm them in any way, I’m also going to be gone for...
  26. Kitty16

    Budgie bath!

    So I misted them a few days ago and they were fine with it but then I lost my spray bottle.. I got a new spray bottle and today I misted them and they instantly started preening, she mainly just wanted millet but she was preening, here’s a picture of him after I misted them.
  27. Kitty16

    Budgie petting.

    So my budgies are used to my hands enough to start going on them but when do I start petting them? I always see a bunch of videos of people petting their parrots but how do I know when I get to that point to where they’re bonded enough? I’ve tried to pet them a few times but it just confuses...
  28. Kitty16

    This hasn’t happened before!

    I just was able to get them both on my finger at the same time! They were there for awhile and I think they’re starting to enjoy when I’m around, I’m also going to order some new toys so they’ll be extra happy, here’s pictures of them when it was happening.
  29. Kitty16

    American plantain leaves.

    So we have a lot of American plantain leaves in our yard and it looks like something our budgies might like but nothing online says it’s ok and nothing says it’s bad, would you guys happen to know if it’s safe for them to eat? I’m not sure it would be safe for them because online it says cats...
  30. Kitty16

    Toy making questions!

    So I made a toy from some toilet paper rolls that I’d like to fill with paper Easter grass because I’ve seen many toys have Easter grass but I would like to see a second opinion from you guys, and since I’m asking this, toilet paper rolls are fine for them right? (I haven’t given them the toy I...
  31. Kitty16

    They’re both starting to do really good!

    So I’m about to put them to bed but I decided to give them some millet before then and I tried for a little bit to get them on my hand, once he was on my hand she pushed him off and was eating for awhile 😂, here’s a picture of her from that moment, this was also a huge difference because earlier...
  32. Kitty16

    Spray millet is a huge help!

    First interactions with both of them today and they both went on my hand right away, even Skittle (F) and she’s the most scared, here’s the pictures from this moment, I have one picture of each of them.
  33. Kitty16

    Trying cucumber.

    I cut up some cucumber for my budgies but they seem to be scared of it, they keep running from it also, I stopped trying to give it to them because it’s obvious they don’t want it but why would they be scared of it? Heres a picture of them.
  34. Kitty16

    Budgie diet.

    As some of you already know, I have 2 budgies, male and a female but what you didn’t know most likely is I have them on a seed mix diet, I know it’s really bad but I’m not sure what ingredients to get to make them fresh food, any ingredient suggestions will be a huge help, I’ve also seen some...
  35. Kitty16


    Finally got a picture with Skittle (F) on my hand! She only gets brave enough to go on my hand when Milo (M) does, I’m getting some spray millet soon and I’m excited to see if they’ll like it, I’m getting closer to bonding with them everyday! Skittle is the more cyan budgie and Milo is the...
  36. Kitty16

    Not a very great toy.

    One of my budgies just got it’s foot stuck in a toy, this is the first time it has happened and I’m not sure if I want to keep the toy in the cage because it could happen while I’m sleeping, it looked like she was trying to bite her foot off so I’m glad we were able to help her get unstuck...
  37. A


    Hi! I recently bought a parakeet and I was wondering if anyone can guess his age? The pet store explained that he's possibly 6-7 months old or under a year, but he seems young to me. His name is Patchy because his coloring has patches of white~ I couldn't find his iris's but I'm guessing its a...
  38. caintowers

    My new budgie was traumatised on day 3... advice please!

    Hello y'all and thanks in advance. I've been wanting a pet bird for years, and years, and years, and finally felt I was in a place where I could adopt one. I purchased a beautiful blue budgie and got him set up in a lovely cage with everything a bird could desire. He spent the first day...
  39. B

    Rehoming advice for budgie?

    Hello all! I'm really backed into a corner here and I figured this would be as good a place to ask as any- does anyone have any advice for rehoming a budgie? Particularly in southern california / fontana/san bernardino/la area? I have reached out to any and all parrot rescues, bird...
  40. J

    Had A Trio Of Budgies. One Died & I Feel POWERLESS On What To Do Next(THEY ARE LONELY)

    I had 3 Budgies 1 Green Male(3-4 years Old) 1 White Female(3-4 years old) (Passed Away) 1 Blue Female(7 years old) They used to all be in the same big cage, in the same room. However, earlier of this month: Both females got sick. The White one with a tumor, and the other with a prolapsed...