
  1. Roanoke

    Hoping to adopt a conure...

    Hey! This won't be so much of an introduction as a question but here goes: I'm a young homeschool student with a passion for birds and psychology. I've started looking into parrots as pets and after a couple months of extensive research have settled on GCCs being my best bet. However, I went...
  2. E

    PLS Help - My Male Electus is biting all of a sudden

    My boy is almost 1yr and had him since he was 8 wks (got from pet shop). He is very loved & free to roam the house. All of a sudden he is biting (drawing blood). Every now & again he goes mad in his cage, flapping his wings & completely drenching himself in his water bowl. This is not normal...
  3. Z

    Advice for Quinn

    For people who don't know Quinn is a four year old green cheek who has had a pretty rough start in life. She was basically kept in a cage all her life and was only on seed. After some moving she is with me. Now she eats some fruits and veggies her favorites being corn, apple and oranges and im...
  4. FluffNugget

    New User With A New Parrot

    Hello everyone! I have yet to post an introduction for myself, but I do have a question. I have a three month old green cheek conure (his name is Rook), who was obviously never hand tamed before. So, I've had to start from scratch with him. He had just arrived in Petsmart when I purchased him...
  5. S

    Please help!

    Heyo! I`ve had my female green-cheek for about 6 months now, she`s about 12-13 months old and i`ve been running into some pretty bad problems lately :c She`s always been terrified of my hands, and would either bite or run away when i got close. These last few months its been getting better...
  6. S

    Please help!!!

    Help!! PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS!! I am a new owner of a blue crowned conure. I got it Friday and it is now Sunday. It's previous owners did not even know what kind of bird it was or the age and sex of it. When it would scream they would spray it with water. It will take treats out of my hand and...
  7. Y

    Biting sun conure

    hi everyone!jollie my sun conure is about 1 year+ and i've had her since she was about 4 months old. so far she has only allowed me to touch her on the beak, its impossible to touch her anywhere else and really i don't mind. i understand that not all are cuddly. But recently, she has started...
  8. E

    Jenday Biting

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and recently added a young Jenday Conure to my family. He's (don't know if it's a boy for sure but I just always say he for some reason) only a little over 4 months old, and I absolutely love him aside form my nasty behavior issues. I know Jenday's can be noisy and...
  9. W

    Need Advice asap !

    I am new to bird ownership. I am a vet tech and a client of mine had to rehome her sun conure as an emergency due to extreme allergies. I offered to take him for her. I have never owned a bird but have been doing lots of research and have coworkers that have a lot of birds. This male conure...
  10. B

    I'd love a little help here...

    G'day fellow bird owners I am at a loss... My gorgeous alexandrine, Belle has become progressively more moody towards me and any other human that even walks to her cage. Before you post suggestions take this into account, please: I have done prior research on why she could be pissed off. 1-I...
  11. christine

    Bitey Lovebird

    Hello fellow parrot fanatics! I need some suggestions/ideas on what to do about my bitty boy lovebird. He loves to bite. He will bite my lips if I offer him a kiss, he will bite my cheek or neck if he can manage to get a biteful, he bites my earlobes, and he especially likes to bite my hands...
  12. W

    New member - First bird - Scarlet Macaw

    Hi team ! New member here - Stephen - all the way from Scotland :-) Just got myself my very first bird - not parrot - bird - A scarlet macaw Before anyone says OMG what are you doing, start small etc etc i have done ever so well thus far. Scarlet is 13 month old & i have had her 4 weeks. She...
  13. S

    Bitey Bird!

    Hello, this is my first (but definately not last!) post here at ParrotForums. We have a 1 year old Lovebird (Roseicolli) called Kiwi. We are having some trouble with him biting, it's gone past the exploring stage and is now becoming aggressive. He is tame, completely comfortable with us. He...
  14. D

    Umbrella cockatoo loves my mother

    My mom tried to start a bird business over 10 years ago which didn't work out, so I ended up buying a umbrella cockatoo named lil bird. At first she was so friendly my boyfriend and I too her everywhere and she loved every one. Then boyfriend and I split. A few years later I joined the Air Force...
  15. D

    Went mean overnight!

    About 3 weeks ago we bought a 13 wk old green cheek conure. He was raised indoors hand trained and has been beautiful super friendly, learning games with us, following us everywhere, kissing. A beautiful natured lil thing. Overnight he turned mean! He still wants to sit on us but then just...
  16. J

    GCC likes my shoulder too much, how to get him off?

    I got my almost 4 month old green cheek conure about 4 days ago, and he has been making really good progress with me, he climbs on me, he steps up and down most of the time I want him to and he's even learning to poop on command very fast without treats. He lived with a really nice amateur...
  17. S

    Approach to being mauled while typing?

    While I've had my "playtime" with my galah inside I've had my laptop there and thought we could just "hang out together" for a while. She went very "bitey" when she saw me type on the computer and she also started biting the keys. Even though I stopped typing and picked her up, she stayed...
  18. B

    Aggressive Pineapple Conure

    Hi, I've been looking for some help on how to get my pineapple conure to stop biting, and to hopefully get an idea of why she's biting in the first place. There was another thread about biting conures, I however feel I need to be very specific with my case, as I haven't found tips on stopping...
  19. C

    Help-White fronted Amazon brutal attacks

    Hi, I've had my white fronted Amazon for about eight years now. He never bites me except in specific circumstances. Every time he gets around a new bird or even a small mammal, he gets very aggressive. I've recently moved back home to my parents who have another male Amazon. My bird, Morty...
  20. R

    Pepper is MAD at me :(

    I've had my Nanday for going on 2 years and we have absolutely LOVED each other...until tonight. This is TOTALLY my fault, but I need to fix it, please help!! I was in the bathtub with Pepper on my shoulder (per usual). He flew to my husband and then tried to fly back to me and one of his toes...