
  1. R

    Very sick counre!!! Help!

    I own a Jenday Conure that I have had for about 5-6 months. Last night I thought he was acting strange, but thought maybe I was just exaggerating. He was on his perch where he sleeps and was trying to fall asleep, he was rocking back and forth and closed his eyes and was still for a few seconds...
  2. Y

    Green Aracari Info

    Hello! I was looking into the Green Aracari, well I have been for awhile now! and I was wondering if anyone else owned one that could share some pointers with me? I read about it but more info on their diet would be great! Also how messy are they poop-wise? Thanks!
  3. P

    Bird Handling Classes?

    Hey again, guys!!! It's been a while. (: So, here's the thing. I have a parakeet, named Kiko. I've had him for about 3 years now and I haven't been able to touch him once or do anything with him. He was the most stubborn bird ever, for the first year I got him I spent hours on end with him...
  4. D

    Thinking about an Amazon companion

    Hello, Guys! I see here is the best place to get some information about my decision. For a long time now i have been thinking of getting a parrot. I used to work in a pet store for about 5 years 1 of which i was working along side to an Amazon Parrot i think he is a blue front one ...
  5. D

    Dr. Susan Friedman is Coming to Seattle!

    We did not want anyone on to miss out on a great opportunity. Coming to Seattle this October 19th and 20th, 2013, only two weeks away, is Dr. Susan Friedman's LLA workshop taking place during the Seattle Parrot Expo. We encourage anyone who has behavior issues with their birds...
  6. My New Rescued Eclectus, We Call Her Eclecti Or Princess(the Name She Came With)

    My New Rescued Eclectus, We Call Her Eclecti Or Princess(the Name She Came With)

    My sweetheart rescue
  7. My New Rescued Eclectus, We Call Her Eclecti Or Princess(the Name She Came With)

    My New Rescued Eclectus, We Call Her Eclecti Or Princess(the Name She Came With)

    My sweetheart rescue
  8. K

    Lukah's road trip!

    Hey guys. I'm currently sitting on the porch at my cabin in the woods with lukah(: he loved the entire experience! Two hour car ride and all. I put him in his cage for the ride but left it open and he climbed right out and spent the whole ride on top of the cage! He was quiet and watched the...
  9. A

    New sun conure!

    New sun conure! Help?? Hello, I need some help with my new sun conure. Back story: he was found by some friends of ours, and we went to great lengths to reunite him with his owners. After calling every shelter, posting flyers, looking of Craigslist and calling every avian vet in the area, we...
  10. R

    Does my lovebird like it when I do this?

    I have an 8 month old peach-faced lovebird that I got yesterday. It got given around and went back to the pet shop, and was hand-fed, so it's already used to being handled. It doesn't like it when I reach for it, but when the door is left open, it jumps out and onto my shoulder. Sometimes I pet...
  11. T

    Need Help with a Rescue Conure?

    Hi! I just recently came into possession of a Green Cheek Conure named Tico. At least that's what he responds to. We call him Tico Banderez. He is a rescue from a home where he was starting to bond with another bird, who was famous for drawing blood from kids younger than five. They didn't want...
  12. ClancyTheAmazon

    Update Of Our Boy Clancy :)

    Hey Friends! We Have Been Working On Behavior Training For The Past Couple Months & Boy What A Difference It Makes!!! Thought I Would Share Our New Video Of Our Clancy Performing Some Tricks! He Has Learned How To Spin & Shake On Command! I Swear He Looks Forward To It! Anyone With Parrot...
  13. HusseinBerjaoui

    Forum appearence

    Well let's start: I noticed that this is an awesome forum. I mean, it's an encyclopedia itself! But what I also noticed, is that it looks a bit outdated. I mean, do you remember how Windows 98 looked like, sharpy edges, gray theme, boxes here and there.... The forums need a different look, a new...
  14. S

    Help Deciding What Kind Of Parrot Is Right For Me.

    so i work at petsmart in petcare, been there for 3 years, one year in dog hotel, two years in petcare (birds, rodents, reptiles, and fish). we've had conures before: sun. but our last one really got me thinking about one as a pet, it was a green cheek conure. i'll list off my situation and...
  15. HusseinBerjaoui

    Well I'm a bit late but let's give it a shot.

    Hello. I'm from Beirut, Lebanon. I got my parrot on 19th of May, a Jardine's Parrot, named Timmy. I had an African Grey like 10 years ago, when I was a kid, but he died for unknown reasons (Probably because we trimmed his wings two days before his death) and I wanted to start all over with...
  16. Bird


    Yellow Shouldered Amazon
  17. Bird


    Yellow Shouldered Amazon
  18. HusseinBerjaoui

    My Parrot lets me touch his beak though cage bars but never touch his forehead?

    So whenever I wanna touch or stroke my parrot's head, I get a bite intention. But when he gets his beak out though the cage bars, I can safely touch and stroke his beak. When I go upper to his head, he makes a baby-like voice and gets away. He's a Jardine, I guess over a year old, not sure. But...
  19. P

    Parakeet help? (Biting & Touching)

    Hi bird lovers!(: I'm new here, and I have a parakeet named Kiko. At night and in the evening, he sits on the perch closest to the outside of the cage. Thus meaning that I can easily pet him through the cage. I've never actually pet him before, because whenever I stick my finger in there, he...
  20. WannaBeAParrot

    Bird uses iPad

    Pritti's first artwork. I'm so proud of my little Picasso.
  21. M

    Need Advice

    I've loved birds all my life. I can't even begin to describe how much time and effort I've put into researching them. I always imagined owning one, and today I fell in love at a pet store. He's a red headed Conure and we immediately bonded. He crawled up my arm and perched on my shoulder before...
  22. 1

    Just got new amazon, is it stressed or sick?

    Hi, we just got a new blue fronted amazon parrot about 3-4 days ago. He is about 8 years old and his previous owners smoked. He is already starting to talk a little with us. He is also very responsive (turning his head and flaring his pupils when we talk to it). I do have a few concerns though...
  23. 1

    Does this amazon parrot feces look normal?

    Hi, we recently adopted a blue fronted amazon parrot and he is just now settling in. We have a completely new diet for the bird (completely different from what the previous owners fed it). We want to make sure that its feces look normal, and we do not have to take it to the vet immediately. We...
  24. C

    Bug Spray and Birds

    Dear All: I have a Quaker parakeet named Jet, and I am moving into an apartment next month. My main concern is that b/c it's Southern Louisiana, all the landlords at 1st Lake apartments say that they must spray 4 times a year. Is there anyway I can protect my baby? What if they don't tell me...
  25. Cookie The Brat

    Cookie The Brat

    Just hanging around
  26. meltedrose

    New cage for GCC

    So I'm finally upgrading Caspian from his baby cage. I've been asking around for ideal sizes(I know big) and bar spacing and such, and I've been getting mixed answers. Some people said at least 18x18x18, others, 24x24x24 ,and so on. Plus bar spacing is all over the place. So I think I found a...
  27. Judy, My Sweet Amazon

    Judy, My Sweet Amazon

    This is my Yellow Nape. She is 26 years old and still as pert and happy as she was the day I got her when she was three months old. She is a part of me. I love her dearly, but I am going to have to sell her because of my health.
  28. My Sweet Judy

    My Sweet Judy

    These are pics of my bird. I have had 26 years. She eats with me, used to sleep with me, and she is a part of me. I love her dearly.
  29. happycat

    I got my kakariki!

    Okay so, I waited too long and didnt get my other kakariki (it got sold to someone else) I was really sad, but we went back and I fell in love with two more! It was really hard to pick but I finally chose and got him the 24th! He is so funny and sweet. He was scared at first on the bumpy car...
  30. C

    Hello Group

    greenyellow: green::greenyellow: Hello GROUP ::green::green2: I'm MATTHEW Wise from st Charles Michigan. I have two ring neck Parrots and one Senegal Parrot I love them all. Im always interested in learning new ways to keep them all happy and be efficient at the same time. I keep my birds...
  31. E

    What type of bird is ideal for me?

    Hi! I am in the market to get an exotic bird, preferable a medium-large to large bird, like a Patagonian Conure or an Umbrella Cockatoo. Even though I have never owned an exotic bird, a good friend of mine has an African Grey and whenever I'm around him we get along very well and he seems very...
  32. Chili

    Unwell sunconure or something in her nose!?

    My Sun is coming up for 1 years old in october, I've had her since she was 8 weeks old.. today i took her out with me for a walk (she is very good outside) but today she kept trying to give me kisses and was sneezing (about -2-4 times) and at one point after she sneezed (ON MY FACE thanks...
  33. Chili

    Should i be worried about my Sun Conures behaviour?

    lol i know this may be a silly question but i have had her for a year and she has NEVER bit me... she will taste nibble but never bite! She is very well behaved when she is squawking i will just gently clam her down with a few words and she will stop for hours and continue on playing? She seems...
  34. T

    new here

    hi, i just joined...and well id like to introduce myself. im a 13 yr old kid who loves birds. i always get my birds from bad situations to help out. i have 7 birds currently. :grey::yellow2::yellow2::greenyellow::greenyellow:and 2 doves. im always looking to get new birds and am planning to...
  35. A

    lonely, bored or just fascination?

    Hello everyone, I have a one year old green cheek conure and I notice that when I have her by the living room window which faces a lot of trees she tends to purr and look out avidly and often try to step through the window.she will talk out to the others birds as well, especially crows.she loves...
  36. ann

    Really cool bird!

    has anyone else heard of mousebirds, there so cute and really unique and cool, its kinda hard to find info on them though. i was just wondering if anyone else knew/had one. any reply is greatly welcomed :) apparently they make wonderful acrobatic pets too :)
  37. K

    Hello From Yooper Land USA

    Hello...My name is KD, and my Quaker Parrot's name is The "JOLLY" Roger! :green2: I have had a Quaker Parrot only since Feb 2011. I do not know sex or age. If I had to guess, just by intuition, I would guess that JOLLY is a he. Even if he were to be a she, JOLLY's name would still...
  38. K

    Parakeet help!! psychological problem?

    Please help!! My parakeet Tweety is not comfortable out of her cage. I've had her for 4 years. She is always scared and watchful of everything, she tries to find a corner in the house that she can sit undisturbed, when she finds one she stays there. she was always the shy and guiet type...
  39. C

    Alexandrine Breeding? Quick Question

    I recently bought a pair of Alexandrine's that have already bred together once before(they're about 4 years old) - I'm going to hand raise their next babies, but i feel bad about taking their young ones out of the nest at about 2 weeks old. I'm worried about the mother... besides trying to...
  40. mnsalani

    Changing name of older bird??

    Hello everyone! Due to the fact that I have a dog the same name as a bird I am currently looking into purchasing, I was wondering if it would be wise to change the name of an older bird--aprox. 3 years--or if that is a no-no? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :orange:
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