
  1. B

    Conure beak problem

    Hello everyone, I purchased a cinnamon cheek conure about 3 weeks ago from a local pet store in Chicago. When I brought him home I noticed his beak looked dry and had layers but assumed it was normal. Today I went back to the same pet store to buy more toys and noticed another bird from the same...
  2. meltedrose

    Best food for a gcc?

    I've been through a list of food for my green cheek Caspian, and thought I found a good one(Healthy Select Conure Diet) but now I'm not so sure. I think he's developed/developing scissor beak? His bottom beak is jetted out to the left, and on his top beak on the same side I think he's chipped a...
  3. Sweetea

    Cockatoo Question: Broken Beak?

    I am a potential Cockatoo owner. Recently, there was a Cockatoo rescued from an animal hoarder. I was first in line to offer it a new, safe, loving home. I am going to take her to the vet when I get her to make sure she's not sick: but she's not ready to be rehomed just yet. So, while I wait.. I...
  4. H

    Red belly with a wonky beak and a mystery leg band---HALP!

    Hey All, Back story: I had a Meyer's parrot for many years that we lost unexpectedly several weeks ago. We loved having a poi and were open to the idea of getting another, when we stumbled across a red belly at a creepy little pet store this weekend. Said bird was in a budgie cage (at best)...
  5. PockyMommy

    Bump between eye and beak?

    My poor baby has this weird bump sort of like a bubble near his eye and his beak like right in between the two. I don't know if it has always been there, but it's there. His right side is perfectly fine. I don't know if its a bruise and he just hit something in his cage a little too hard or...
  6. Seaweed

    Why should I feed my parrot Coconut Oil ? The BENEFITS are Amazing!!!

    I use VCO for ALL members of my family feathered,4 legged & human too ^_^ . I just found a really great article on it & I had to share it with u guys! I so far have just started giving him oral VCO today but have been appliying it on his beak (which looks faboluos :) .Seaweed just got a foot oil...
  7. R

    Radom question about macaw beak?

    My blue and gold macaw, as well as about every picture i have seen of macaws has white stuff on their beak, I was just wondering what it is?
  8. M

    Help: Senegal has Brown spots on beak

    Hey everyone, This is the first time I'm posting here. First time poster and first time parrot owner. My Senegal has peeling brown spots on its beak along with a brown spot on the front-middle of its beak. What could the problem be? I'm not sure if I should bring him (or her?) to the vet...
  9. M

    Help: Senegal has Brown spots on beak

    Hey everyone, This is the first time I'm posting here. First time poster and first time parrot owner. My Senegal has peeling brown spots on its beak along with a brown spot on the front-middle of its beak. What could the problem be? I'm not sure if I should bring him (or her?) to the vet...
  10. B

    Quaker with Strange, Wartish Looking Growth On Face. Please Help!

    Hey guys this is my first post to these forums, hopefully many more to follow! I have a question. I have a almost 5 year old Quaker parrot that I've had since he was hatched. And the past 2 weeks I noticed something growing in the corner of his beak. I don't know what it is, and I can't really...
  11. patch

    Nails and beak help

    Hi everyone! I own a Nanday named Pepper who came from a pet store originally, but now lives with me after his previous owner said he was too noisy to live in their apartment. He wasn't handled much in the pet store so he is just now getting used to people at around ten months. I don't know if...
  12. Z

    african gray beak question

    hi every one about 2 months ago we got our african gray from my grandpa who passed away. he is about 32 years old and i have noticed he has a weird discoloring on the tip and side of his beak he doesn't seem to be in any pain and it doesn't seem to bother him I'm just wondering if its something...
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