
  1. I

    Parrots looking for new home

    We have an Orange Wing Amazon parrot and a Sun conure which will need to be rehomed. The amazon is a 2 year old boy and the Sun conure is a 3 year old girl, they have individual cages. He can talk and whistle, no bad words of course. We would like to find somebody who would take them both...
  2. A

    Mealy Amazon in Texas

    Looking for a mealy amazon in Texas I am interested in a mealy amazon. I saw one in a bird shop and thought it was so awesome. I grew up with my 25 year old DYH. So he is the only parrot I ever had and know anything about. The female flew away and we only recovered the male. Due to my...
  3. SandyBee

    I rescued an Amazon, now what

    Hi Thanks for reading. We just adopted 2 parrots from a sanctuary here. 1 is a double yellow head amazon and the 2ncd is an African brown headed parrot. The Amazon(Bosley) is 35 and we expected it would take some time for him to get comfortable. Well he has taken to me quite nicely, we have...
  4. LakeDesire

    Should I adopt a friend for my troubled nanday conure?

    Greetings everyone! I got a nanday conure, Jade, when I was 12. She was a happy bird for years, but when she was about 6 she was attacked by a foster cat and lost an eye. Not long after, I went to college, and she stayed with my parents. While I was away, she feather plucked. My parents...
  5. S

    Sleeping place for my Zon?

    I adopted a conure and a Red Lored Amazon within a month of each other and was advised to put a fuzzy little "tent" inside my conures cage. He loves it and snuggles inside it when he's ready to sleep! Nothing was mentioned about a special sleeping area for my Amazon - he's got great branches and...
  6. A

    Crazy Clucking! Please Help!

    Hi, new to this forum. I have a 24 year old Blue Fronted Amazon Female and other then my Dad owning her first; I am the only other 'owner'. Originally she belonged to my dad, but as i moved out, i got her. So i am very used to her behavioral actions. She is never really been an aggressive bird...
  7. M

    Blue fronted Amazon handling

    I have been the proud owner of a female BFA for about 6 months now. I love my bird (Vega is her name) very much, and she seems very content, but she is very shy of being petted. The only time she will allow any petting or scratching is at night when she seems very tired. I got her when she was...
  8. R

    Double Yellow Headed Amazon Swearing

    I have a lovely two year old Double Yellow Headed Amazon - Very chatty and loves being around people Over the last few days he has starting saying **** you I am guessing that he has learnt this from some of my Army friends as I have ensured that we do not swear around him I have tried not to...
  9. M

    Biting Blue Front Amazon

    I recently got a blue front amazon he is a beautiful bird however he bites. He seems to like me better than my husband he lunges at him to bite. I have been bitten 3 times in the last week deep bites drawning blood. He was in a small cage with only a 2 little toys suitable for a budgie. I...
  10. B

    infertile egg question - input and answers much appreciated

    We have a double yellow headed Amazon who is approximatly 6-7 years old and we have owned her for 1 1/2 years. We thought she was a male how ever she laid 2 eggs about 30 days ago which are infertile as she has not been around any other birds. She is still siting on the eggs, how long should we...
  11. S

    Compatible birds for my Amazon

    I have a rescued Blue Front Amazon that is sweet as pie. She doesn't like to be touched so we just don't try. I had a Sun Conure that was my baby that I had for at least 10 years. I accidentally walked outside with her on my shoulder and she flew like nobody's business. I could kick myself daily...
  12. W

    pics of 12 week old orange wings to compare

    hi all, i'm new to the forum and a first time parrot owner, i'll jump straight in i purchased a "baby" orange wing amazon a week ago (otto), i was told he hatched 27/2/2012 so he'll be 12 weeks tomorrow, he's a parent reared bird and not rung as his parents attack the rings. now i was showing...
  13. Kitty

    Please help me out!

    Hi, everyone. I'm an ex veterinary assistant and I'm good with animals in general. I've kept birds before and I currently have chickens and a pheasant, but I've never had a parrot. I now work form home so I'm in the house all day and have lots of time to spend with a parrot. I'm really...
  14. G

    Aspergillus bill is mounting...advice needed

    Hi, I am looking for advice after our three year old Blue Fronted Amazon took ill last week. I took him to tan avian spe******t on the second day he stopped talking. He had become listless and the vet felt it could be Aspergillus. They did a blood test, x-ray and endoscope and confirmed Asper...
  15. becky11192

    Hi, newbie seeking advice!

    Hi all, I have joined the forum to try and gather lots of info as me and my family might be taking on a blue fronted amazon. His name is Monty and he is 10 years old, his current owner can't keep him anymore due to his divorce. I'm trying to do lots of reading but just wondered if anyone had...
  16. P

    Behavior question...

    Hi , I am new to the site and I have a few questions. I own 2 Amazons, one is Chucky a blue front Amazon around 21 y.o. and the other is Holly a yellow naped Amazon 30y.o. I got Chucky 6y ago and Holly 5 month ago. My question is about Holly. I am Holly's 3rd owner. The previous owner had Holly...
  17. Dark_Memory

    Newly Acquired Amazon - Advice Appreciated

    So I just acquired a 3 yr old Orange Wing Amazon. She has been passed through three households in the past 3-4 months and now is living with me. I intend to keep her for the rest of our lives. The family she came from didn't handle her much or did much at all with her it seems even though they...
  18. Akira


    This is my newly acquired 3 yr old orange-winged Amazon, Akira, supposedly female
  19. Akira


    This is my newly acquired 3 yr old orange-winged Amazon, Akira, supposedly female
  20. R

    Hi there, a little help?

    My name is Maria. I have a... 1 month and 2 to 3 week old amazon. I don't know exactly what kind he is. He looks like a red lored. Anyway, I recently bought him a cage, his previous home was a box where I put several sticks in so he could climb and play, he loved it but now he seems to be more...
  21. P

    How To Keep Parrots Calm

    I am going to start volunteering at a local parrot rescue and they have alot of birds with many different temperaments. I was just wondering if anyone knew ways to maybe keep them calm or just body language that won't make them angry. I went in today for just a little while to talk to the owners...
  22. D

    Shellie & I have 4 beautiful Amazons

    I have 2 beautiful Double Blue Front Amazons, 1 Blue Front Amazon & 1 Yellow Nape Amazon, Dbl names are Ziggy & Zaggy, Blue is Spanky & Yellow is Buster. I was given Ziggy on my 40 Bday (6 yrs ago) Zaggy was given to me for Christmas 2008, I required Spanky & Buster as the needed to be re-homed...
  23. S

    New behavior... Mating?

    Hi all- I have a female amazon who is just over 3 years old and recently has been exhibiting a new behavior. She has free run of the entire cage as well as a rope above it- she has been going to the bottom outside of the cage, sitting on the seed catcher, tail tucked completely under her, and...
  24. Mondo Out Of Cage At Home

    Mondo Out Of Cage At Home

    The Second Week..
  25. Mondo Out Of Cage At Home

    Mondo Out Of Cage At Home

    The Second Week..
  26. Mondo Waving By By

    Mondo Waving By By

    The Second Week..
  27. G

    Amaon Won't stop Drinking

    I have a 15 year old Double Yellow Green Amazon that has been drinking and urinating way too much to be normal, she did this about a year ago for a week or so and stopped, well It's BACK!!, Anyone have any thoughts or simular behavior? Thanks Gary
  28. I Am Just So Gorgeous

    I Am Just So Gorgeous

    I think he is checking behind his ears are clean
  29. Are You Pointing That Camera At Me!!!!!

    Are You Pointing That Camera At Me!!!!!

  30. Tony Showing Off

    Tony Showing Off

    Shower time
  31. Oh Yes I Am Gorgeous!!!!!

    Oh Yes I Am Gorgeous!!!!!

    Tony just after his shower
  32. thegreatkatsby

    Amazon and Pionus in Western Massachusetts!

    Hello! My name is Kat and I am proud to introduce you to Earlyn the blue-fronted amazon, and Pi the white-capped pionus!
  33. W

    new OW owner

    :green:Hello everyone. Newbie here to this forum. I just adopted (2 months ago) a 16 year old male (supposedly, no DNA papers or leg band) OW amazon named Peppi. I was told he is aprox 16 years old and has had 4 owners so far. (I plan to be his last move/owner) When I got him he had never been...
  34. cvanness

    baby amazon on the way

    I put a deposit on a baby Green-Naped Amazon that I'll be able to pick up in late September. I currently have a Goffin's Cockatoo and 5 cockatiels that are all "rescue" birds. This is my first Amazon AND the first bird I've gotten as a baby. I'm looking for tips, advice, etc.... thanks, Cal
  35. Rio Blue Front Amazon

    Rio Blue Front Amazon

    Checking out the harness
  36. Cayo Red Lored

    Cayo Red Lored

    Cayo hanging out
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