Photobucket! &$$#@#$%^&*&**^%$%#$!!!


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
Photobucket has inactivated the photos I posted in the early pages of The Rickeybird's Scrapbook. I started using Imgur at some point, thank GAWD!
But I can't and won't afford the nearly $400 yearly that Photobucket wants to reactivate my photos. Apparrently, I missed some notices from them and got a rude surprise this morning!
I'm asking Moderators for advice.
Meanwhile, anybody else have thoughts?
Even if I were to re-post the first pages, they'd be at the END of the scrapbook.
I'd like to choke Photobucket!
That is awful! Can you save the photos to Imgur and then edit the early posts to put the links in to replace the Photobucket ones? I so hate to hear this, what is wrong with them?
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Yes, I could do that, dearest Terry, and WOULD, but I can no longer edit those ancient posts!

Geeeeez, Fl... that kills me!!!!!! I cannot believe that we could lose so much of our hard work (and good fun)!!!!!

Down with PHOTOBUCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have anything on Photobucket - I use Flickr, and Amazon Prime Photos, both offering unlimited, free storage of full size images. Well, Flickr cuts your free storage off at 1 terabyte. But you might try going to - the Internet wayback machine that stores copies of every page of the Internet. You might be able to view and recover your images for free. For website recovery they charge a modest fee, so they might be able to help if you can give them a user ID. You also might be able to search based in the name of the photo in the link on PF, even if the file doesn't display.
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Lynch away!

Me. K., I will look at that. THANKS!
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I can access all my stuff on Photobucket.
So if I could just re-post it all. But I have no edit access to ancient posts.
I tried to look for the first photo in the RB thread...couldn't find it in I did a google image search for the fie name and found a photo, which I downloaded, then renamed the extension from JPEG to jpg and uploaded to a photo album on PF. Is this it?


If you can get to your pictures and download them then we can figure out how to replace them in the posts, but get them while you can!
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My beloved Ms. K...
That's the second of the first two. This is the first. On Imgur.


If only I could have permission to edit the ancient posts...
We need to solve this for threads 'way more important than the Scrapbook, as much as I love it!
I love those pics. Oh, and in solidarity, I hate Photobucket. Do they honestly expect anyone to pay $400 a year?!?! I think Nigel should send his henchmen.

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Gail, if you want to PM me the links I can add them back into your posts in the original thread for you. That is the first time I have heard that someone can't edit their posts, I thought it wouldn't matter how old the post was...good to know! The edit button is still visible for me.
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For a small fee, I have ongoing access to all my stuff, so no urgency there. I signed up for the minimal fee...about 30 bucks a year...
Yeah, you can't edit posts if there have been replies, I think. I've been able to edit recent posts but not old ones. No edit button.
Sniff sniff....

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I spoke too soon in my above thread! It appears since this morning they've put up their ransom message on every photo I've ever posted. Fine then. This marks the end of me posting photos to the internet. If they'd just sent a friendly message that they needed to start charging and you have 60 days to move to a new hosting site or pay a *sensible* fee to be able to link to forums, I would have considered that as I do use their service and only clicked the ads by accident. $400 is not sensible and I don't need that much storage space. I'm betting good money photobucket will be defunct in months, if not sooner.

I took a massive break from posting anything online (forums, news sites etc..) earlier this year and have never signed up for any of the social media sites. This forum is the ONLY one I've come back to posting on since taking my internet break. If I didn't like the people and parrots here so much, I'd be done with any and all contributions online:mad:
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Gail, if you want to PM me the links I can add them back into your posts in the original thread for you. That is the first time I have heard that someone can't edit their posts, I thought it wouldn't matter how old the post was...good to know! The edit button is still visible for me.

Hope you get everything as it was Gail.

Terry, think we only get 24 hours and then it isnt available anymore. :)
I thought I was the only one having issues with photobucket.

Nigel won't stoop so low as to even sniff around at photobucket since we couldn't get access to our photos either.

Boycott. Photobucket.
Admins, do you have any idea how many megabytes of photos are in these photobucket links? I do have some personal web server space, not enough to host public photobucket quantities of data but some. I know the supporting memberships come with some more album space for only ten bucks a year...but I can't find the exact size anywhere online. I've just been uploading pictures to PF and linking from there. What is the photos/albums limit?

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