Scented candles, oils etc.


New member
Jul 26, 2013
Yellow Shouldered Amazon
Quaker parrot
So I have my baby yellow shoulder Amazon coming home in a few weeks and I know you really can't burn candles. Is there any natural oils that I can use to make the house smell nice which will diffuse in a electric oil diffuser? I love burning pumpkin or cinnamon candles in the fall or spruce in the winter.
Hmmm...I don't know for sure. We always play it safe. In the winter, we put a small pot of water on the stove (on low heat) and put cinnamon sticks/orange peels in there. In the summer we put small bowls of water around the house with gardenia blossoms from the yard or other flowers. That works for us.
See your other post under Amazons for additional information.....

Whenever you are interested in finding out the safety of products, you can always request a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the manufacturer.....

You can also send via E-mail or via regular mail, something similar to the following:

I am possibly interested in using your products, however, I have companion birds in my home and am concerned about possible product toxicity to the birds. Are your products safe for use around and in close proximity to live birds?

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with an MSDS, Material Safety Data Sheets are a summary of the health hazards of the material and associated recommended safe work practices. MSDS are required by OSHA to be sent by chemical manufacturers to the purchasers of their chemicals.

An MSDS includes information such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill/leak procedures and are required by various governments, including the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries.
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Get a macaw :)

Seriously though. This is a great question. What about essential oils? A drop or so in water on an electric warmer? Anyone know if those are safe? Aren't most essential oils all natural?
there is so much conflicting information over this topic that I choose the better safe than sorry route. Depending on the brand of essential oil they may not be 100% natural as some use additives to preserve the scent longer. Also the heating of oil creates particles in the air that is not great for lungs.The rescue where we got our birds have it on their warning lists not to use.

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