Good news! Birdell home safe and sound


Dec 5, 2014
Michigan, USA
5 Parrots, 8 year old Blue-fronted Amazon, 2 1/2 yr. old African Grey, 2 3/4 year old Senegal. 5 month old ekkie, 5 month old Albino parakeet. Major Mitchell Cockatoo, passed away at age 68.
Happy happy Joy joy......Birdell found and now home safe !

I spent since 5:30 am looking ...came in at nine to have a break....went back out around 10:15 am and kept an eye open for Blue jays...they tend to alert to a strange bird in area...

I scouted an area that wasn't far from the house, which seemed logical and good cover if he was to protect herself over nite...low and behold I seen a blue jay making rucus and looked up there was Birdell only 10-12 feet up from gound in pines. marked location, got my wife and travel cage and climb up to get her, scratched up from pine tree but I could care less....she's now home safe and I'm happy about that.
I was following your thread about her daring escape, but wasn't able to participate at the time.

I'm so glad to hear that she's home safe and sound!
So happy for you and Birdell. Give her extra loving, I am sure it was a long cold lonely night for her in the great big world.
YAY! How wonderful that she's home:D You and your wife must be so relieved. This is a good reminder to get on the ball about clipping Kiwi for the summer.
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So happy for you and Birdell. Give her extra loving, I am sure it was a long cold lonely night for her in the great big world.

She's one happy bird and sleeping on my shoulder after a huge amount of chop and water....Thanks.
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YAY! How wonderful that she's home:D You and your wife must be so relieved. This is a good reminder to get on the ball about clipping Kiwi for the summer.

You and me both....may have to clip wings on all of them...I usually don't but that was a wake up call.
Told ya so... probably happy to be home too!
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Fantastic news, Michael!!! I am so very happy for all of you!!! :D

Thanks Wendy......she sleeping like a baby right now after her fill of chop and water. Giving me kisses and chirping up a storm when I finally got her down.
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Told ya so... probably happy to be home too!

Yes you were, and the advice was priceless thanks a million !

If you were nearby my wife and I would offer you a beer to celebrate. !

Kudo's to you !
YAY! How wonderful that she's home:D You and your wife must be so relieved. This is a good reminder to get on the ball about clipping Kiwi for the summer.

You and me both....may have to clip wings on all of them...I usually don't but that was a wake up call.

I always feel a terrible amount of guilt and procrastinate about doing it, BUT Kiwi loves being outdoors and a harness isn't going to happen. Not to mention, he has never flown, has no concept of flight, so he knows no different:31: I would feel more guilty if for whatever reason he got loose and I couldn't recover him. I clip him enough that he can't get lift (and yes, I know there's always a risk, but I also know my bird and find that risk to be negligible with him).
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Uff da! I was following your other thread and sent prayers your way. SO glad Birdell is home safe and sound!!!
Told ya so... probably happy to be home too!

Yes you were, and the advice was priceless thanks a million !

If you were nearby my wife and I would offer you a beer to celebrate. !

Kudo's to you !


I'm just glad you got her back before the storm hit.
I always feel a terrible amount of guilt and procrastinate about doing it, BUT Kiwi loves being outdoors and a harness isn't going to happen. Not to mention, he has never flown, has no concept of flight, so he knows no different:31: I would feel more guilty if for whatever reason he got loose and I couldn't recover him. I clip him enough that he can't get lift (and yes, I know there's always a risk, but I also know my bird and find that risk to be negligible with him).


I've decided to leave Maggie and Sally flighted. The rest I keep clipped...

But I could never take "outside" or "tree time" away from them.

There are risks involved, but leaving them inside to rot is also a risk - that they won't have the quality of life they deserve.
I am so incredibly happy for both of you! And I am sure she is very relieved to be back home. Have been thinking about you guys the whole day. Best news ever!
Fantastic news for all of you!!!
Made my morning:)

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