Our over-door playgym


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
Here are some pics of our playgym. On account of acute space shortage, the only place it could go was over the sliding glass door (can't see it 'cause cages are in front of it). Soon, the Beaks will go into their spacious well-appointed apartment and Dommie will move into their humble flat (leaving the nasty rusty cage vacant).

The framework is made of PVC electrical conduit and fittings (from Bunnings in Australia) and wrapped in vetwrap. The very large boing is made out of four wire coathangers, straightened out and doubled and shoved through an old skipping rope. Cost: free The swings are hard to see, but they're pieces of PVC hanging from T-joints and with a corner joint on their bottoms. I've wedged a bit of branch into each corner joint and the Beaks love to swing on them. Cost: about $3 for two swings. The plant hanger is just wound with fat cotton piping cord (much cheaper to buy from the haberdasher than it is from anywhere else!) and filled with shredded junk mail. Various bells and whiffle balls and peanuts are hidden amongst the shred. Cost: about $12. The circular swing was a 12" metal ring wrapped with cotton piping cord and fixed with a wooden bead. Cost: about $4. The cargo net (hangs against the window at the left side) is made of natural sisal rope threaded with coloured wooden beads. Cost: about $13. The plastic chain came from an industrial supply place and cost about a tenth what it would have done from a pet shop.

The Beaks love their playgym and enjoy hanging upside-down from all the bits.
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Forgot to add: there's going to be a spiral staircase at the right-hand end (you can see the T-pieces lined up and ready) - I just have to get some bits of tree to stick in for steps.

Soon, the Beaks will be moving into their spacious, well-appointed new condo. Dommie will then move into their humble flat and I can get rid of his nasty, rusty old hovel. Sadly, everyone will have to live outdoors as you can see how much space the cages take up already! The new condo is massive: 2m x 2m x 1m - if I tried to put that in my kitchen, I'd be a divorcée!
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I think you did a great job! Looks awesome!
what lucky birdies!! you are so resourceful :D very clever use of space!
Its just amazing what some people can do. Well done it looks so awesome!! :)
Ah, that is an interesting way of doing it. I was thinking of hanging something from a hook.
That is awesome! I wish the ceiling in my bird room was higher than 7 feet. It makes it difficult to even put a playtop on the taller cages, and Dexter's cage is only 12 inches from the ceiling. Hmmm...maybe I can figure something like that out for the middle of the room:)
Wow that is awesome!!!

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