I'm sorry to come with bad news


New member
Sep 13, 2017
Patagonian Conure
My beautiful Patagonian passed away this morning, heavy metal poisoning.

She was just over 9 months old.

My home is very quite now :(
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear of this. hugs and prayers to you, stay strong. I lost one of my cockatiels this year and I can relate to the pain. Please don't blame yourself.
Oh, Staysee... I treasured her, too. She was a wonderful, beautiful, precious little girl. I am so very, very sorry. She'll live on in my heart, and I'll see her in the Rb every day. Thank you for having shared her.
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, little one.
Still just thinking about little Syd. What a darling, lost too, too soon.
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Sorry to say, but she cheated on RB with my other halfs best friend....She wasn't sure of him at first, but soon she got used to him and wanted to give him kisses all the time.

Considering she only spent time with me and my other half, she was quite good with new people and especially our niece and her boyfriend....they are only 18 and yet when they came over she would want to be with them all the time instead of me, so I loved them visiting, gave me a break haha
Sorry for your loss... I certainly wouldn't like to be in your situation... it's never a good time to lose a friend. If one's young, you're asking yourself why so young.. if one's older, you'll ask yourself why after so many years together.
One wise note was, it's not important how long you've been together, but if it was a quality time. And I hope it was.
On the other hand, what exactly happened? What can we do more to avoid this accident to our feathered friends?
Oh no, I am so sorry for your loss:(
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. What a horribly tragic thing to have happen.

If I can ask, was this from his cage? I don't mean to upset you, just wondering if this was due to a parrot-made product, as this does often happen from birds chewing the coating off of their cage bars.
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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. What a horribly tragic thing to have happen.

If I can ask, was this from his cage? I don't mean to upset you, just wondering if this was due to a parrot-made product, as this does often happen from birds chewing the coating off of their cage bars.

We don't know, the insurance company want an autopsy so she was sent off today.

My fear is that it'll show paint flecks and then I'll be blaming myself for not watching properly
Parrots can (and will) get into so many things you can drive yourselfer neurotic trying to watch and control everything.

You can only do your best.

best wishes so sorry for your loss, I know how it feels.

Thank you for hanging around and letting us follow up. It's very brave of you, and means a lot to me, personally.
I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am sorry for your loss, very much understand the pain of loosing a friend. It is true all we can do is our best. I am sure you did that or you would not be here sharing with us.
I hope you have resolve soon with this.
Please don't blame yourself, no matter what the results of the necropsy are. There is no way that the most experienced parrot owner can watch what their bird does 24/7, and it only takes one paint fleck to be toxic to a little Conure, especially if it's lead paint.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they find a type of heavy-metal that is not consistent with paint but rather with the coating on his cage bars. And that's a shame, as it happens quite often and still companies aren't always careful about what they make their cages out of.

Either way, it's certainly not your fault, not anyone's fault (unless it's comes back as being consistent with his cage material, then I'd be contacting the manufacturer immediately, as it's just unforgivable)...
I hope you feel better soon, I've lost pets before and there is little worse.
I'm so sorry. Syd was a big favorite around here. My wife never saw a Patagonian she didn't fall in love with immediately. I sincerely wish you peace.
I'm so sorry. Heavy metals are in so many things .. many birds have pulled the clappers out of their bells and swallowed them or chewed on them, and if they aren't stainless steel they can poison the bird. It's more common that you would think - these bells and cheap metal toys shouldn't be sold to parronts, especially with no warnings. Especially when so many are made overseas with recycled metals. It's a very difficult thing to detect and to defend against. Whatever it turns out to be, please don't blame yourself.

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