Further evidence of Rickeybirdisms

I can't see it because I'm the only person in the world without a facebook account...

I'm over it, my parrotforums account is better.
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it's a rickeybird digging in their owner's purse and getting grumpy that the owner would like their new purse intact

to be honest if it weren't useful for keeping in touch with some friends and for organizing things I wouldn't bother with it. Social media is becoming such a plague on us
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I'll have to bust out my capture device when I get home and record it so people here can watch it. It's pretty funny!
sounds good I'll watch
Social media is becoming such a plague on us

I generally refer to it as "anti-social" media TBH :p Seriously getting tired of people walking around in public like mindless zombies, eyes glued to their phones oblivious of everything going on around them getting in the way of people with actual stuff to do! Literally everywhere you go for the past 5 years theres some idiot tweeting or instagraming or whatevering just standing in the middle of the walkway holding everyone else up:mad:
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don't get me started with those people. If it wasn't for the satnav functions and music player functions I would get rid of my phone for an old school phone and slowly purge social media from my life

but with the ability to keep up to date with old friends I should visit more and the ability to look at many different birds as per my obsession social media can be useful. Just a case of people needing to know when and where as per manners defines.
Social media is becoming such a plague on us

I generally refer to it as "anti-social" media TBH :p Seriously getting tired of people walking around in public like mindless zombies, eyes glued to their phones oblivious of everything going on around them getting in the way of people with actual stuff to do! Literally everywhere you go for the past 5 years theres some idiot tweeting or instagraming or whatevering just standing in the middle of the walkway holding everyone else up:mad:

Personally, I'm enjoying the ones that believe that operating an automobile with their knees and surfing the Web, while texting and double checking their calendars, plus Google Mapping where they are now, since they missed their exit twenty miles back!
Social media is becoming such a plague on us

I generally refer to it as "anti-social" media TBH :p Seriously getting tired of people walking around in public like mindless zombies, eyes glued to their phones oblivious of everything going on around them getting in the way of people with actual stuff to do! Literally everywhere you go for the past 5 years theres some idiot tweeting or instagraming or whatevering just standing in the middle of the walkway holding everyone else up:mad:

Personally, I'm enjoying the ones that believe that operating an automobile with their knees and surfing the Web, while texting and double checking their calendars, plus Google Mapping where they are now, since they missed their exit twenty miles back!

A few years back the CDC released a guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse everyone thought was a joke, but it seems the "zombie apocalypse" may actually be upon us now:eek: My mom never let me own video games or watch much tv as a kid because she said screens turned people into mindless zombies. She was right!

They need to start implementing punishments on the ones using their phones while driving mirroring what you'd get for a DUI (suspended license, probation/jail time, hefty fines, interlock type devices that block cell signals to start your car...). I see people all the time swerving all over the road, and what are they doing? "Tweeting" to all their friends, probably about how they're driving right now (who are probably reading and responding while driving too!).

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I generally refer to it as "anti-social" media TBH :p Seriously getting tired of people walking around in public like mindless zombies, eyes glued to their phones oblivious of everything going on around them getting in the way of people with actual stuff to do! Literally everywhere you go for the past 5 years theres some idiot tweeting or instagraming or whatevering just standing in the middle of the walkway holding everyone else up:mad:

Personally, I'm enjoying the ones that believe that operating an automobile with their knees and surfing the Web, while texting and double checking their calendars, plus Google Mapping where they are now, since they missed their exit twenty miles back!

A few years back the CDC released a guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse everyone thought was a joke, but it seems the "zombie apocalypse" may actually be upon us now:eek: My mom never let me own video games or watch much tv as a kid because she said screens turned people into mindless zombies. She was right!

They need to start implementing punishments on the ones using their phones while driving mirroring what you'd get for a DUI (suspended license, probation/jail time, hefty fines, interlock type devices that block cell signals to start your car...). I see people all the time swerving all over the road, and what are they doing? "Tweeting" to all their friends, probably about how they're driving right now (who are probably reading and responding while driving too!).


Okay, I will admit that I went to the site and was expecting it to jump to some half-baked zombie site. But no, it's the for real Centers for Disease Control & Prevention! I should have known that Kiwi's mom was not going to lead me on a wild goose chase! :D

All of that said, I did not find anything for limiting the humorous effects of Rickeybirdisms. Which I must admit surprised me, since they had the zombie thing covered so well.
I should have known that Kiwi's mom was not going to lead me on a wild goose chase! :D

Nah, that's Julio's job to lead the wild goose chases (when he feels the goose patrol needs to be kept on their toes):D

The RB (and parrots in general) are too sharp to ever become zombies. It's probably their top secret plan to infiltrate our homes and turn *US* into zombies so the can take over the world:eek: Enter the reign of the avians:16::16::16: Probably led by Patagonian conures and hot 3 amazons:rolleyes::p
So where is the video? I thought you were going to re-up it to a non facebook site we could all see?
DANG! Couldn't get it to work, and I GOTTA see this!

Yes, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze capture it? I do have Facebook and it still wouldn't work!

I can't wait. Misery loves company! lolololololololololololololol
Still desperately seeking a version of this vid (cited in first post)!
Gremlins have attached the video! It’s gremlins I tell you!

All incriminating evidence about RB self destructs.

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