Do you use a thermo perch? How about a vitamin light?


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Two Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conures;
Kalika and Makana,
brothers hatched November 6th 2011
Do you use a thermo perch? Are they safe? My little bird's claws felt cold, we keep the heater at 71 now that it is getting cold out.

Do they need a thermo perch, or am I just needlessly worrying?

And they do get sunlight when they are out of their cage playing, but should I get a vitamin light for them?

I know these are pretty novice questions, but I could not find good answers online or in any books I have.

Thank you,
Hi Gary,

I don't use a thermo perch. I feel that anything electrical inside a cage can be a hazard, especially when there is a beak involved.

On the outside, we do use a full spectrum UVA/UVB light that is timed. It goes on for roughly 3.5-4 hours every day and sits above the cage. I was told that prolonged exposure can cause blindness. I don't have a source or findings to prove it, but it does not hurt to err on the side of caution. I'm not a expert.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.
No thermal perch, I have a UV light on both my cages, I leave on probally 5 hours a day. The goodness of the sunlight cannot get through windows, windows have a protection on that that filters the benifits.
I have thermo perches and UVB lights. They thermo perches are completely safe as far as chewing and such goes and there is nothing the bird can bite onto on the perch unless they can get their beak all the way around it and in such cases you have a thermo perch that is too small for your bird. Birds loose the majority of heat from their feet so allowing them to have a warm perch available is a nice choice. I always keep mine on the opposite side of the cage from the water even though it is supposed to be sealed to prevent any hazard.

Also, I have UVB lights. Even if you don't believe that the light helps, I still like the face that it keeps the light on the birds during the daytime and their feathers glow under the light and since they see in UV then it must be nice for them. Also having a light turn off and on at regular times helps to regulate their molting and hormones. I do try to get them outside a few times a week for about 30 to 60 minutes at a time depending how hot it is at the time.
I do have a thermo perch but not a light...yet. I live in sunny San Diego now so going outside for the light is a very common and normal thing for us. We will be moving to northwest Washington state in a couple months so I figure going out for sun will not happen very often so I will be getting a light. I agree with MollyGreenCheeks about the saftey of the thermo perch. It is warm climate here but with the AC and such I think the thermo perch is nice for their little tootsies. I originally purchased the perch for a chilly winter trip to family members house and decided it was so nice for my my lil guy I kept using it all the time, and will always have the option for my bird.
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Thank you all for the good info.
i dont have a thermo perch and dont really plan on getting one. they arent NEEDED. if you want one feel free. i have heard of many ppeople who use them without problems :D i also dont have UVB. that isnt NEEDED either. a bird can live a long happy healthy life without one. as far as i know(please correct me if im wrong) for the most part it helps with feather conditioning. and makes there colors pop more. in the summer since my cage is on rollers near(not in front of. i know thats a sliding glass door i can roll him out in his cage wwhen its nice. so he will still be safe bu get to go outside. and i am getting a harrness so he can perch on my finger outside. thats another good choice. hope this helps!
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Yes, it does... Thank you.
I don't have a thermo perch but I do have a UV light. It's on for a few hours a day and keeps Tich quiet, I think he really likes it. :D I don't think either are needed, but they can be an added bonus.
I just took in a plucked Eclectus.....the rescue group that I work with use thermal perches for their plucked birds w/ no problems and the birds obviously like them because they choose to sit on them the most. I just ordered one so we'll see how it goes.....I will also later get one for my CAG since he always seems to be shivering.

I have the UVB Featherbrite lights on them too.....I leave them on the same amount of time as the daylight. They really don't give off much heat though, and my house can sometimes get chilly.
I don't use any electrical stuff around my parrot cage.

I live in Australia, and it's pretty warm here, and my Ozzie my alexandrine lives inside with me. But it's not very cold here in Melbourne, even in the middle of winter. But right now, it's summer here, it was 113 degrees f, or 45 degrees c yesterday!

I'm a winter person, I can't really take the heat. :D
A heated perch?

I used to raise lizards and a thermo rock developed a short circuit, killing the lizards as a result.

I'm a tad wary...

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