Wild Parrotlet


New member
May 25, 2023
Hello everyone!

My history: 4 years at a pet store taming birds. I use to work with the ā€œdifficultā€ / abused birds to help them get re adjusted and to trust people again. I use to bring home some birds to work with them after years of abuse to get them to the point of trusting people again.

Iā€™ve recently gotten a baby (7month) pacific parrotlet. Originally I was going to get a fledgling to work with that was use to people and ideal fed by hand to make the process easier. I went to go see what I thought to be an accidental clutch. However when I got there a quickly found that the person was a breed that kept 6-7 flighted birds in a small 12 x 12in cage. I felt so bad that I decided to get the smallest one because I couldnā€™t stand to see them in there. I quickly figured out that the babies were never held and very scared of humans to the point of shaking anytime Anyone gets close to them. Currently Iā€™ve had my baby for about 6 months.

My problem:
Iā€™ve been trying to get stitch(parrotlet) to trust me, but heā€™s super apprehensive. To make it worst he takes no treats and rarely touches Milette. What else can I try to get him to trust me better? Iā€™m doing everything Iā€™ve been taught. Cage open but far from people letting him come out when he wants. Heā€™s in the living room next to where we all are but in his own corner so heā€™s not stressed. Cage is on the side on two walls so he feels secure. I canā€™t even try to feed him millet by hand as he has no interest. Itā€™s like trying to tame/ earn trust from a wild caught bird.

Any tips?

Loves singing
Loves movies
Hates hands
Fully flighted


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Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Hi! THnks for saving this lil guy. I'd keep searching for the one teat he likes. I always reccommend pine nuts, or small pieces of them.

AFA taming, you can try this - place a chair and sit in it. Place it just close enough so that he is not reacting. Read to him, parrots love that. makes no difference what. do that for 3 days straight. then move the chair a few inches closer. rinse and repeat until you are right next to the cage. At that point your resident parrot training skills can take root. You know parrot acceptance of change is GLACIAL when compared to our quick monkey brains. Good Luck - parrotlets can be extremely stubborn!


New member
May 25, 2023
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thanks for the Tip on the Pine nuts! Iā€™ll definitely try that! As for the chair I think thatā€™s a great idea! Iā€™ll try that for a couple of weeks and let u know!

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