
New member
May 1, 2016
Ruby - Sun Conure - 8 years
I've been doing lots of reasearch about adding another flock member (as usual ;) ), and I think I've seen every youtube, website, blog post etc about adding another bird! One question still remains...

Male or Female?

Ruby personally dislikes both but shows slight leniency towards various males that she trusts (unlike females), but still tries to bite various people. I'm not even sure if it's an issue of gender anymore, just that she's not a very well socialised bird. This will be a problem adding a new bird (but that's another post altogether! :rolleyes: ), but if there's anything that will ease the process for her, as she's my number one priority at the moment as new bird's still maybe 6 months away!! I was thinking about either adopting or getting an African Grey from a breeder, and honestly, I'm leaning towards the breeder. The Greys I care for at the shelter are all very old (Theo is 46!), and most if not all are quite stubborn and try to attack the other birds when they come into contact with them. While there are other very sweet birds there that I'd love to take home with me, my heart's set on a Grey (Yes, I know that African Greys require lots of mental stimulation, interaction, and tend to be one person birds. I've spent countless nights looking at information about almost every species of parrot/companion bird there is, and a Grey stands out to me the most, even though they require lots of work).

Back to the question of gender, while every bird is different I was wondering if there's any stereotypical difference, for example, male Sun Conures tend to be a little quieter while females tend to be a little better at talking (or have I got it the wrong way around? You get the idea either way). Any African Grey Owners willing to give me an idea of gender behaviour differences? Thanks in advance!!

:grey: (there's not an African Grey?)


New member
Nov 12, 2016
African Grey Timneh
I can't say I have a ton of experience My Tag is almost text book so far. Been so great, I have two dogs and my TAG was already used to cats and dogs from the pet store so I feel this helped. Maybe a Grey that has been socialized or young enough to be well socialized would probably be helpful. There were three Tags all hanging out in the store side by side kind of cool. They were babysitting for people leaving town. African Greys can be neurotic though as you will see people say and stubborn as you know. They are flock birds though and I feel like Timneh has accepted my two old doggies as the new flock and me. I think Timneh is a female but I haven't had a DNA test yet. But I'm betting with Greys more than other birds it will depend on the individual bird more than the sex. Happy Holidays sorry I wasn't much help just love my TAG and wanted to chime in.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
Yes...birds ARE individuals! Smokey, my TAG,was about 6 months old when she came home with me..a wild caught bird. I "assumed" she was a "she",never had her dna'd..but was wondering,coz after nearly 28 years with me "she" never laid an egg.

She was not very "hands on" would only step up if it was her last resort..but once on my hand,she'd hop on my arm and run up my shoulder and stay there for hours,gurgling in my ear,pulling my hair,banging her beaky on my forhead,taking my glasses off my face.
She talked and whistled very well.

She was VERY jealous though! Couldn't stand Amy...she'd sneak up to Amy,grab and yoink her tail,then run off back to her house.At one point they went beak to beak,and Smokey bit Amy's tongue,requiring 5 stitches! THAT was the last time I let them anywhere near each other.
She couldn't stand moms cat..once,as the cat was minding his own business,he walked around Smokes house,a little too close,and Smokey reached over,grabbed a beaky full of kitty tail hair,and gave a good yoink on it,then telling the cat "DAMN CAT!!GO!!!"

She liked me...loved my mom...was leary of new faces..became good friends with my friend Joe.

But...as stated..they all are individuals! ;)

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Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
The Rickeybird is such a hellion (free-flighted and aggressive towards anybody or any animal... or many objects, for that matter) that even gets close to me that I've never even considered another bird. I do know of experienced and trusted people on these forums who have added additional birds who must be uncaged/handledd separately.

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