Funny love bird stories


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
This is a place to write about some of the funny things our birds do. You know those silly or ingenious things our birds do that make us laugh or smile that the non-bird lovers in our lives don’t seem to understand why we find it so amusing.

Here are some examples

There will be a place to write about these moments at the top of each of the breed forums. So get those stories rolling…. Oh yeah, stories that have pictures always gets a couple extra brownie points.


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
I have a very short little tidbit for here ...

A couple days ago while I was cleaning the bottom of the cage trays I was in the other room doing that with the bedroom door closed as usual. When I have the trays all nice and clean I come back and lo and behold there is Pix hopping all proudly around on my bed! The cages were closed up as I had to go out and the only openings to either cage was where the trays slide into. The little goober must have wiggled through that gap (about 2 inches high) and gotten free lol. I almost didn't close my door that time, but I am very very glad I did as the back sliding door was wide open. I got him back in his cage and put the trays back in too. I had to go out and do some things and I don't leave them out when I'm not here.

That's my funny(ish) lovebird story.

The End. :D


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
:D :D He was just helping Mum by testing out her bed. Its surprising the gaps our fids can manage to get through isn't it. Thank goodness you closed your bedroom door.


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
Yah, he looked rather proud of himself and proceeded to fly around my room instead of going easily back into his cage lol. Serenity, she was looking like "aw man! I wanna be out tooo!". At the moment it was a little frustrating but it was really kinda funny too.


Nov 17, 2010
the reason why i feed a bird is that he can make me laugh or smile .making my daily life more colourful


New member
Apr 29, 2011
I Have Pair Available .They are Both hand Raised and Handfed. Good along with kids and will make a good home . They are Potty Trained and Tammed .They are Dna Tested and Have all papers uptil date Loves Kisses and Gives Kisses Back.Will be coming with all papers and a Cage. Please contact us for more details by sending us an email only through


New member
Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conure♂, Merlin the Camelot Macaw♂
my lovie is the craziest little boy, he loves to sit on my head and acts like hes king of the world as he sits up there and twists my hair! and today he jumped down from my head and pushed my hand off the laptop and sat on the trackpad while pushing the keys with his beak lol.


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Wellington, OH
Apollo: Peach-faced Lovebird
So today I finally got to meet the real Apollo. First thing he does, he's sitting on my shoulder while i'm playing League of Legends. Before he was always happy and content just sitting on my shoulder, making his occational peep or click click sound. Thks time he screeches in my ear. So i put him down on the desk and continue playing.
This fid starts running back and fourth across the keyboard chasing the curser on the screen. He does this for a good ten minutes, then gets bored. He then runs to my water glass, stands on his little tippy toes and places his beak on the rim, literally hanging there and chirping merrily as if he's the happiest boy on the planet.
Twas the cutest thing ive ever seen in my entire life


New member
Jul 21, 2012
I don't have lovebirds because I have dog and she might attack it if she saw something. I like the stories posted here and all of them are taking good care of their pet. How i wish I own atleast one but they said that it should be two.

Kennels & Cattery


Oct 7, 2011
LaGrange, Il
Baby Blue Budgie, Indy, Tic Tac, Freeway, Misty, Nipper, Kiwi, Evan, Sidney, 4 new ones not yet named, RIP Elbee, the lovebird
I have only 1 lovebird, but he is definitely not lonely. He spends a good part of the day sitting on either me or my boyfriend, depending on who is home. If we're both here, he's ecstatic!


New member
Aug 24, 2012
Peach faced lovebird Basil
Basil had a bath in a plate yesterday. He is a reluctant bather so when he was eating his supper broccoli (from an old plastic plate that my kids used when they were younger), I filled it with water to see what would happen. He had a bath in the plate with all the little broccoli bits. There was broccoli and water flying everywhere. Reminded me of my son eating...


New member
Jan 6, 2013
Birmingham, UK
Eastern Rosella
Mealy Rosella
Peachfaced Lovebirds
Black masked Lovebird
When my love birds (peachfaced) come out of their cages for playtime I put lots of toys around for them to play with. Anything thats shreddable the birds (as most of my flock are female) will turn into little sticks and stuff them into their tail feathers. Well it's funny to watch one of the birds collect shred something and put it in her feathers and then another bird will walk up behind her and take the shredded things out of her tail and walk off with them or stuff them into their own feathers.

I've found this with a lot of toys. The birds will pick something out and then another bird is like "i want to play with that just because your making it look fun, it's mine now" and the other bird will walk off and then the bird decides the toy isn't as much fun anymore.

I also like it when they bath together from their seperate cages. They'll see one bird bathing and then the whole flock will start bathing.



Aug 25, 2013
Lovebirds: Gabby, Dino, and Belle Nips
Quaker Parrots: Mozzi and Sydney
I have a total of 3 Lovebirds, all are Peach faced.
Gabby will dance on her perch and its so cute, Dino likes to bob his head while she's dancing, and Nips does nothing but run around the bottom of her cage.

The funny stories now.
Before I had gotten Gabby from my Aunt, and Dino from a breeder. I had Belle Nips (Nips) and Flutter Shy. I would let the 2 out of their cage (they grew up together so from the same nest) and they would fly around (I'm against clipping their wings.) One day I left the room for about a minute, when I came back in I couldn't find any of them but I heard little chirps. I looked around, and I found them snuggled up together under my pillows. So whenever I let them out, they went straight for the spot under my pillow. Good thing I put a blanket there, because I left them out for hours.

Before I got Gabby, and after Flutter Shy passed (I took her to the vet, where she died that night.) I got Dino because Nips had become very friendly towards me (which was odd because hand taming her was scary, she would bite the gloves I was using.) I found a breeder selling a single Lovebird, I jumped upon it and went to get the bird. The breeder said it was a male (I found out later it was a female, because she has laid eggs.) When I took Dino home, I let Nips out of her cage and put Dino in the cage (Nips was a bit territorial.) About five minutes later the two of them were sitting side by side Dino on the inside Nips on the outside. They had bonded already, and I let Nips back into the cage. Those two have become friends and snuggle a lot (both are girls.)

I was getting Dino use to me, and at the time it was just me being around the cage with her. I let Dino out, and I was holding her. First thing he did was run up my arm and hide in my hair. She got herself so tangled in my hair, I had to get my family to take her out.

Gabby, Nips, Dino :green1::green1::green1:

Rest in Peace Flutter Shy :green1:


New member
Oct 17, 2013
One Lutino Peach Face Lovebird - Female

One Dutch Blue Peach Face Lovebird - Male
I use to have two Green Olivine p.f named Beibei and Chichi. I should have named them Bonnie and Clyde. One day I went out to help my brother in law move, leaving my library book on the bed in my room. The bird cages were locked (I double checked). When I got home I noticed that the book was in shreds. It turns out that ChiChihad busted out using the food dish door. He'd found a way to open the latch and went straight after the book. He had spent nine hours shredding a three inch thick book into confetti. Needless to say I had to buy the book and was given the delinquent label on my library account and could not borrow for six months.
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New member
Oct 17, 2013
One Lutino Peach Face Lovebird - Female

One Dutch Blue Peach Face Lovebird - Male
As I cannot really explain the events of this incident, here is a video. Before anyone gets upset, my birds love going in the bath.

[ame=""]Bolt gets a free ride ;) in the bath tub - YouTube[/ame]
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New member
Dec 27, 2014
Ivory- Creamino Lovebird
My creamino lovebird, Ivory, is quite a handful sometimes. After a few months of owning her, she learned how to open her own cage. My step-sister looked at me one day after I came inside and said, "Your bird got loose in your room..." Apparently she and my brother had gotten her back in earlier, but when I went in my room there she was, all happy with herself. She promptly flew over and landed on my shoulder, thus beginning her year-long journey of twist-ties on her cage. XD


Dec 5, 2014
Michigan, USA
5 Parrots, 8 year old Blue-fronted Amazon, 2 1/2 yr. old African Grey, 2 3/4 year old Senegal. 5 month old ekkie, 5 month old Albino parakeet. Major Mitchell Cockatoo, passed away at age 68.
The other day my Senegal, (Birdell), was flying into the kitchen to see me and land on my shoulder, or so that was his play of action. The timing was off as I bent over to pick something up as he was rounding the corner and as I propped back up is when I noticed that he flew right by me. He landed on the edge of the kitchen sink and realized opps it's a bit slippery and fell into the dish water. I quickly gotten him out and he was covered in suds.

He wasn't too happy but as funny as it was, I had to clip his wings, Lucky for me the dish water wasn't hot, luke warm. Not taking any more chances...He's not much of a flyer, so Never beeb concerned.

Another really funny incident recently, was my mini dachshund had a chewy bone, my Grey climbed down off his cage to go get the chewy treat from dog. First the dog growled at the grey, and then the Grey put it's head down wings puckered outward and did the awk awk scream....then charged after dog....Bird won had to take it away, as I don't want him getting the dogs germs. So I got The grey his own new doggy chew ( raw hide) and he loves it.

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