Fly problem and it's getting out of hand.


New member
Apr 27, 2024
So maybe in February we started to notice little flies hanging around my dad's bird cage where his bird, a cockatiel named Grayson (Or Gray, for short) resides. It's near a window so he has sunlight and can look out, and it's where he works and plays his guitar. Now, at the time we used Zevo fly traps, and I'll be honest, it didn't do anything. So it got me thinking that maybe we need to resort to the apple cider vinegar method.

That worked for a while and so we left it at that.

Then they came back in late March. And with a vengeance. So now, we have flies not only in and near the cage, but almost every corner of the house. My room, the second bathroom, the kitchen, a recycling bin ... for some reason ... and of course, where Grayson is. I've resorted to bringing him out of the cage everyday and letting him stay on my shoulder while I study or draw (I am a digital artist). I also bought a small jungle gym where he can play and even take naps.

Is there another method besides the apple cider vinegar one? It worked well, but I can't do this forever. My parents are hesitant to call an exterminator because of the cost, but I sure as heck ain't opposed to it!

Thanks, and of course, Gray thanks you too!


Active member
Feb 8, 2024
Currently.. congo african grey
So maybe in February we started to notice little flies hanging around my dad's bird cage where his bird, a cockatiel named Grayson (Or Gray, for short) resides. It's near a window so he has sunlight and can look out, and it's where he works and plays his guitar. Now, at the time we used Zevo fly traps, and I'll be honest, it didn't do anything. So it got me thinking that maybe we need to resort to the apple cider vinegar method.

That worked for a while and so we left it at that.

Then they came back in late March. And with a vengeance. So now, we have flies not only in and near the cage, but almost every corner of the house. My room, the second bathroom, the kitchen, a recycling bin ... for some reason ... and of course, where Grayson is. I've resorted to bringing him out of the cage everyday and letting him stay on my shoulder while I study or draw (I am a digital artist). I also bought a small jungle gym where he can play and even take naps.

Is there another method besides the apple cider vinegar one? It worked well, but I can't do this forever. My parents are hesitant to call an exterminator because of the cost, but I sure as heck ain't opposed to it!

Thanks, and of course, Gray thanks you too!
I just want to warn you in regards to.the extermination... your parrot will need to leave the house for 3 (?) days and everything will need wiped down to remove residue that could poison him. (The fly traps may be toxic as well.. I personally do not know.)

Beer tends to attract flies.

Do you have carpeted floors? Is the cage cleaned daily? The recycle bin probably needs to go outside/in the garage. I think some heavy duty cleaning is going to be needed. Perhaps even some steam cleaning.

Maybe someone here may have an easier solution though 😁


New member
Apr 25, 2024
We Have 3 Now Senior Pooches & One Paco. An Orange Winged Amazon.
I just want to warn you in regards to.the extermination... your parrot will need to leave the house for 3 (?) days and everything will need wiped down to remove residue that could poison him. (The fly traps may be toxic as well.. I personally do not know.)

Beer tends to attract flies.

Do you have carpeted floors? Is the cage cleaned daily? The recycle bin probably needs to go outside/in the garage. I think some heavy duty cleaning is going to be needed. Perhaps even some steam cleaning.

Maybe someone here may have an easier solution though 😁
Poor Baby. If Flies Are Buzzing In & Around The Bird, Cage & Area That's Not a Good Sign. At All. Something Near Or In the Cage Is Attracting them & They Can Even Bite the Bird, So I'd Be Doing some Investigating. Might Be even An Infection Somewhere...Near or HOPE Not, the Birdie Himself. Even Wine Or Any Sugar Anything Just About Will Attract Flies, Especially Depending Where You Are & Definitely Like the Previous Poster Said, Be Really Careful With Any Kinds or Forms of DIY or Pro Solutions or Sprays, because they will Kill, Poison Your Bird. They're Extremely Sensitive to Many Many Things. Over 30 years Ago I had to Stop with the Candles because Even the So-Called NO Smoke No Burn Ones, DID. I Have Asthma So Even Helped Me. Think of the Birds As Being A Zillion times more sensitive. Sure Hope You Can Figure It Out. Not Healthy For Any Of You Actually. We Live in a Community here in Florida. It Used to be 50 Years Ago or So, a Huge, Huge Sod Farm, Encompasses Thousands of Acres They "Developed"....& Believe it or Not. We Have Rats, All Kinds. Always Having to be Pro-Active About That because Even If You Don't Feed the Birds or Rabbits, We have 3 Wild, Or the Squirrels, Or GRILL, They Still Are Around. Hope We Never Get like NY City! But We're More Rural, Than City, Very Close to Atlantic & the Rivers In Between. Still For Some Reason Attracts the All Kinds of Animals. But, If We Lived in the Country, or Had a Farm, it Would be Same, Just Have to Always be Pro-Active & Not Harm the Rest of the Animals. Same with Flies, They Are a Bummer & They Also Are Everywhere & Like All ,They Too Have a Season. In February, Kind of Strange to have so many Flies Anywhere. Good Luck! BTW, Very Wise to Take Him Out & Let him Hang Out while You Work & Getting that Little Jungle Gym For Him. Hopefully That Will Help Too! Cockatiels Are Smaller So All the More Sensitive to Sprays, Fumes & Well A Lot. I'm Sure He Loves Being on Your Shoulder! Please Figure Out Why So Many Flies. They Bite..


New member
Mar 22, 2024
Milo, Skye and Grayson!
So maybe in February we started to notice little flies hanging around my dad's bird cage where his bird, a cockatiel named Grayson (Or Gray, for short) resides. It's near a window so he has sunlight and can look out, and it's where he works and plays his guitar. Now, at the time we used Zevo fly traps, and I'll be honest, it didn't do anything. So it got me thinking that maybe we need to resort to the apple cider vinegar method.

That worked for a while and so we left it at that.

Then they came back in late March. And with a vengeance. So now, we have flies not only in and near the cage, but almost every corner of the house. My room, the second bathroom, the kitchen, a recycling bin ... for some reason ... and of course, where Grayson is. I've resorted to bringing him out of the cage everyday and letting him stay on my shoulder while I study or draw (I am a digital artist). I also bought a small jungle gym where he can play and even take naps.

Is there another method besides the apple cider vinegar one? It worked well, but I can't do this forever. My parents are hesitant to call an exterminator because of the cost, but I sure as heck ain't opposed to it!

Thanks, and of course, Gray thanks you too!
Sounds like you might have gnats, they love overwatered plants. Google “gnats Better Homes and Gardens”. Good article that will explain what to do. Make sure the options you choose are bird friendly.

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