Dead baby ringnecks


New member
Dec 19, 2021
Green alexanderine parrot (male)
Yellow indian ringneck parrot (male)
So i have a pair of lutino ringnecks.
They layed 5 eggs and they started hatching but 2 days ago all the hatched chicks died and i thought that they died due to cold because the previous night was really cold. Yestarday the 4th egg hatched but today it died as well. And i am trying to find the cause and i now know with certainty that its not cold because our days average from 18c-27c.

They seem fed to me but i am still new and still learning. It whould really suprise me if they are not fed because last year they weaned a baby and that was the reason i did not take the 4th baby from her.

*Before anyone asks i have hand rearing powder just in case

** there are three pictures in the link below containing the dead ringneck babies

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Active member
Oct 26, 2021
1 Alexandrine & 5 cockatiels
well..Im not a vet but.. to me it looks like they starved. I am sorry for the loss. Perhaps someone else cam chime in who has more experience.....

Maya The Ringneck

Active member
Mar 30, 2024
Indian Ringneck(Mya)
African Greys(Curly)(Sydney)
Galah Cockatoo(Max)
So i have a pair of lutino ringnecks.
They layed 5 eggs and they started hatching but 2 days ago all the hatched chicks died and i thought that they died due to cold because the previous night was really cold. Yestarday the 4th egg hatched but today it died as well. And i am trying to find the cause and i now know with certainty that its not cold because our days average from 18c-27c.

They seem fed to me but i am still new and still learning. It whould really suprise me if they are not fed because last year they weaned a baby and that was the reason i did not take the 4th baby from her.

*Before anyone asks i have hand rearing powder just in case

** there are three pictures in the link below containing the dead ringneck babies

I am also no vet but i have cared for a few baby birds and have seen many die but could not figure out the cause of death. Some reasons can include the mother or father killing the baby if you leave the baby alone with the parents but that does not happen very often. Now with ring necks as babies they can become easily stressed if there is a lot of moving them or it there is quiet a bit of noise around where they are being kept. so if the last egg hatches make sure the baby is in a nice warm place with not a lot of noise around the nest box

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