Catalina or Harlequin?


New member
Jul 1, 2017
Looking for help from the community. This amazing boy is 25 years old and we are his 3rd family. We rescued him from a home in which he spent many years inside of a cage that was wired shut. As you'll see, no more wired cages for our boy! We were told he is a Catalina but I'm having my doubts.

Anyone care to examine the photos and take a guess? Catalina or Harlequin?

Thank you!

I am not familiar with macaw hybrid identification but did want to thank you for rescuing this beautiful boy and freeing him from being imprisoned in a cage all the time. He looks like he's in good feather and settling in quite well with you. How long have you had him? Does he have a name?
What a handsome boy!! I'm a huge fan of harlequins!

Im saying harlequin. Im reading you can tell the difference with the beak (I have yet to see distinguishing characteristics between the two), but your boy has red feathers in the eyepatch, a hallmark of GWs.
I would say Catalina myself. He looks a lot like the two I was babysitting. Here are a few pics of them, maybe it will help you decide what you think he is.

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You know what, I see the beaks difference and I'm doubling down. Harlequins beak shape takes after the greenwing. Scarlett's have stubbier beaks than harlequins, a trait that I've noticed carries into the Catalina's (you can see the stubby beaks in Outlawed spirits gorgeous Catalinas). Your boy has much more elongated, prominent beak closer to that of a greenwing.
You know what, I see the beaks difference and I'm doubling down. Harlequins beak shape takes after the greenwing. Scarlett's have stubbier beaks than harlequins, a trait that I've noticed carries into the Catalina's (you can see the stubby beaks in Outlawed spirits gorgeous Catalinas). Your boy has much more elongated, prominent beak closer to that of a greenwing.
I do see what you mean, Chris, and I may just have to agree with you. [emoji4]

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I am not familiar with macaw hybrid identification but did want to thank you for rescuing this beautiful boy and freeing him from being imprisoned in a cage all the time. He looks like he's in good feather and settling in quite well with you. How long have you had him? Does he have a name?

Many people think of us when they hear of a bird needing help (or just a new home) as we've been known locally for having a lot of birds. Eclectus, Grey's, Amazons (all types), Cockatoo's, Macaws, Lories, etc. and etc. have all called this place home. When I saw this boy I knew right away he was coming home with us. Thanks for the kind words.

We've had him about 6 months now and yes, he has a name. I purposely did not divulge his name in this post as I didn't want to sway anyone's opinion on what he is. As I mentioned, he is 25 years old and has had the same name his whole life. His previous human told me he was a Catalina but I doubted it from the start (although I love Catalina's too). His name, Harley, was a dead giveaway for me to think the previous owner was mistaken.

Thanks again!
I agree with everyone, he looks like a Harlequin to me. What a beautiful bird!!!

My Catalina has a bigger beak and no black feathers around her eyes similar to a Scarlet

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Forgot to say, thank you for giving him a home! So sad he was wired in a cage- I just can't imagine! Heartbreaking but look at how happy he looks with you :)

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What a gorgeous guy! Oh, thank you for getting him out of that cage. Makes me sick to my stomach just to think of that for a second.

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