Severe Broken leg


Mar 16, 2010
South Africa
Last week Tuesday I found a Ringneck Parrot sitting on top of my outdoor iguana jungle. She was sooo hungry that she immediately came towards me when I held out some fruit for her and without a lot of convincing she hopped onto my hand to get some more fruit. I slowly climbed down the chair and walked into the house while talking softly to her. My daughter crabbed the camera and snapped some photos:

Apart from being hungry, her wings were clipped terrible skew and wrong and she still flew with no problem. The next day we bought a big bird cage with toys and left her to settle in a bit before examining her properly. She definitely has serious behavior issues - constantly scratching and flying straight for every bodies heads and then starts to bite viciously.

I checked her for mites or any external reasons why she would keep on scratching but I found nothing so I suppose it is a vitamin A deficiency, stress etc. I also noticed that she only stands on one leg all the time and she has a limp when she walks. When ever I pick up an object she starts screaming and fly away or when she is inside her cage she will hide. From my experience with abused animals this is clear indication that the previous owners used to throw her with stuff and this obviously led to her attacking and biting habits.

Well, it is week later and I dedicated ALL my time to her, I showered her with love and patience and she has already made a lot of progress. She climes onto my hand and sit on my shoulder without biting and she is already giving me kisses. She is also constantly acting like a baby bird begging for food and this is the only time that I can scratch her head.;-D She only stops when I stop scratching. Is this normal? She sits by me in the kitchen in the mornings while I make my iguana's food and she 'steals' fruit out of his dish. She also climbed on top of my cup and drank my tea, I was shocked! I bought her fresh orange juice and she has that now every morning and loves it.

Now for the sad news that has got me crying for the past week, her leg is bad - VERY bad. She has got 4 different breaks, instead of her leg bending backwards it actually bends forward. It is an old break because there are no sharp points left. This poor - poor girl was left like that, the bastard who owned her never even bothered to take her to a vet. The pain must have been unbearable and it is still very painful when she stands for long or walks on it. God keeps on sending victims to me but oh it does not get easier, my heart completely breaks, I can feel their pain.

I have two options, one is to amputate the leg and all pain is gone, but how will she get along with only one leg? The second options is to break the leg and reset it with a needle inside, but we do not know if the bone will grow again because it is such an old injury. The chances are also 50/50 that it will still remain painful even after it has healed from the opp.

I have sleepless nights about this, which one must I choose, which one is best for her? I can let them reset the leg and if I see the pain does not go away or the bones does not grow they can always amputate the leg, knowing that we tried everything. The only problem is that anesthetic is very dangerous for birds - can I really try twice?

What would you do? She is such a precious, loving bird! I told the vet that I will bring her as soon as she is stress free and in top condition with the right diet, at least she will have a better chance of surviving the anesthetic then. But, oh, it hurts seeing her in pain all the time.

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We have had to amputate a bird leg before at the vets office I interned at. The bird was also found outside. Though the break happened when the bird escaped. The owners of the bird brought him in. The leg was amputated. A week late they came in for a recheck. The bird was doing fine. He was much happier and full of more spunk. The owners said that the bird got around just fine.
I feel the bird's pain and yours.

As you have mentioned, two options, one is to amputate the leg and all pain is gone, but how will she get along with only one leg? The second options is to break the leg and reset it with a needle inside, but we do not know if the bone will grow again because it is such an old injury. The chances are also 50/50 that it will still remain painful even after it has healed from the opp.

I know that the anesthetic is very dangerous for birds.
As DustyDusky mentioned, they have had success, and the bird gets around fine.

God bless
Most birds that are missing a leg seem to get around just fine; but ideally, I'm sure you would like to treat the leg and try to get it to almost normal. I would too, and I would talk to an avian vet about that option.

I totally feel your pain, and I'm sorry about everything you've been through. I hope all goes well with whichever option you decide.
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Sterretjie is making fast progress and she actually scratched a lot less yesterday! She begs like a baby bird very often - 4 times just this morning and she does not stop unless I stop scratching her neck. Is this normal or should I read something else into it?

I want her to have the best life possible so I am leaning towards fixing her leg.....

The vet has cut her wings so short that she cant even lift off. She is used to flying after somebody and she keeps on trying to follow me when ever I move away from her cage. She lands kaplonk on the ground every time and I can see how painful it is. How long will it take for her wings to grow so she can atleast have more control?
I know someone who's b&g had to have a leg amputated at the hip due to a raccoon issue. He is doing fantastic. That happened about 5 years ago and he gets around great. Then we have had 2 birds come into the clinic where I work that we opted to splint their legs. It worked very well. They both are back to usual antics and doing great now. Good luck to you both.
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I just received confirmation from a second vet that amputation is the only option. :(

She will go in for the opp on Tuesday morning, I will let you know how it went.
Well, at least RM knew someone who had this experience, so I guess Sterretjie will do fine with just one leg.

God bless, I'm hoping all goes well for you.
I've known a few one legged birds, and they were no worse for wear. They manage quite well.

Just keep an eye on how she eats. Many parrots stand on one foot while eating with the other - she may need to learn new habits, and she may need a little help at first.
any flighted bird when newly clipped will hit the floor. YOUR.....yes your bird simply wants to be with you. After the surgery be sure to place the bird inside the cage and shut the door before walking away to avoid any further injuries. Bless you for having such a kind heart. My thoughts are with you both.
I just received confirmation from a second vet that amputation is the only option. :(

She will go in for the opp on Tuesday morning, I will let you know how it went.

You have been in my thoughts and prayers. :63:
Praying all goes well.
Hope a speedy recovery takes place
God bless
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Sorry I can't wait any longer today....
The time is now 5.23pm.....
Has the surgery taken place yet?
Praying all is well
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Aggg it was a HORRIBLE-HORRIBLE day, I cant believe that this baby has sunk so deep into my heart!

The ride to the vet was surprisingly pleasant and she enjoyed all the sightseeing while sitting on my shoulder. At the vet she knew something was up and kept on acting like a baby-bird begging me for love and attention. I left her with tears in my eyes and new it was going to be a looooong day.

I phoned them at 10 - no news, again at 12 - no news. They kept on insisting that THEY will phone me - but the phone never rang. I phoned again at 2 and insisted that I want to know what is going on. The receptionist said that the doctors were busy but she will go and find out. Waited 10 looong painful minutes before she came back to tell me that Dr Shabeer wants to talk to me and I must come in at 4. My heart sank and I burst out in tears, I asked her if my baby is ok and she said yes, but it was difficult to believe her. Why does Dr. Shabeer want to talk to me if Dr Alae did the surgery?
Dr. Shabeer is my iguana etc. vet and I have a LOT of respect for him. I asked Dr. Alae, that I met for the first time when I took Sterretjie in (she is the bird expert), to ask Dr. Shabeer for his opinion. (According to her on Friday, Dr. Shabeer agreed that amputation is best that is why I brought her in yesterday.)

I left at 3 to go to them, I just could not wait until 4 anymore. When Dr. Shabeer walked into the reception area he laughed at me and asked if it was my parrot. He told me to stop worrying and that he should have known that I was the owner who phoned so many times. Oh the stress was just too much for me!

Shabeer decided against amputation. He kept her with him the whole day, watched how she walked, climbed, checked her leg for pain and decided that she will be better off with the leg than without. She even stayed with him during an opp! I love this guy, really, he choose the quality of the animals life above money.

The break is at least a year old and the muscles pulled the leg in such a way that the bones touched and that is the way it grew back. He said that the leg bothers her because it is shorter than the other but he does not see that it causes pain. The pain that I saw was due to her getting lost of exercise all of a sudden and this caused muscle stiffness.
Although he has put me through hell the whole day long I MUST recommend him, he is absolutely brilliant with all animals and specializes in exotics. His heart is in the right place!!!!

www. 95 Terrace Road, Edenvale, South Africa. 011 524 - 6011 - ONLY ask for Dr. Shabeer.

Thank you everybody for your warm wishes and prayers, I really needed it and appreciated it!

Oh, the other thing is, he thinks that she might be a he and only a year and a half old!
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Oh I am so happy for you both !!!!!!
I can just imagine what is was like calling and getting no response. Sure it was the longest day of your life.
Dr Shabeer sounds like a gem, luckily he was around at the right time!!!!!
So glad all ended well
NOW go and enjoy your birdie time, you both deserve that. :D
You are a fantastic guardian, never doubt that
God bless
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Wildheart, my son thinks I have lost my mind.
I showed him your posts etc, during the week.
NOW I just ran and gave him the good news and burst out crying. I could not even finish some sentences.
He asked my why I'm so emotional, I don't even know the bird.....
He then replied oh yeah, it's your other family .........
I feel for everyone's birds, and their guardians.
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No Antoinette, YOU have made my day! You just confirmed that I am not the only crazy person around! HOPELESSLY to emotional about all animals, but, it is a very warm life to live.:D We should meet one day so that we can cry and laugh together.;)
I'm so glad everything's going to be fine. She's a lucky little bird to have found her way to your home.
No Antoinette, YOU have made my day! You just confirmed that I am not the only crazy person around! HOPELESSLY to emotional about all animals, but, it is a very warm life to live.:D We should meet one day so that we can cry and laugh together.;)

Wish we sure could meet one day ;)
Anyway, for the moment, we have cried and laughed together long distance :63:

Notice now, when you are handling her, how different you feel about her, treasuring each and every moment !!!!! :D
I am so glad everything turned out good. I put myself in our clients shoes and I make frequent phone calls of reassurance. I remember sitting by the phone and it never ringing and driving me bonkers. Animals are so much better at adapting to situations than we are. Everything will be just fine. He is lucky to have you. Good luck!!!

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