Recommendations for treating necrotic injury on mutilated toes?


Apr 12, 2017
Black-Capped Conure, Cinnamon Green-Cheek Conure, African Ringneck Parakeet, Canary-Winged Parakeet
My 8-year-old female GCC, Poe, recently chewed off the inner toes of her left foot after accidentally injuring her left leg a week before. We're not sure why she chewed off her toes, but I haven't found blood anywhere which makes me think something may have been wrong with the blood flow. Her back toe is about half gone and the front one is pretty much entirely gone. Thankfully, she managed to just barely avoid injuring the foot bone, so she doesn't need an amputation. Her leg injuries are almost healed, with maybe a bit of swelling left over and some obvious scarring. As for her toes, Poe has been taking an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory, and neuropathic pain meds for over a week. She has also had a fabric cone collar on to stop her from chewing her toes because she just couldn't help herself. She was going to have surgery to remove leftover necrotic tissue on Wednesday (which terrified me) but thankfully her toes look so much better that we're just continuing the medicine regimen for now to see if surgery will be needed at all. I was wondering if anyone had tips for helping the foot heal and get rid of necrotic tissue. I very much want to avoid my conure being under anesthesia! She has shown no signs of infections, nor side effects from the meds, so I really think we can get away with no surgery.

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