Zuri, my other Meyer's Parrot


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Piper - Peachface Lovebird;
Shade - Senegal Parrot;
Joey & Pixel - Red-bellied Parrots;
Petey & Zuri - Meyer's Parrots;
Léa - Cape Parrot
Zuri is my 4 year old male Meyer's Parrot. I got him from a rescue when he was a little over a year and a half I think. And for the most part, back then, thought he was a female until I finally got him sexed. He's my fourth Poi.

You can read more about how I got him and his past here:
Little Zuri

He's my most independent bird for sure - I think the lack of proper socialization in his early days (in previous home) is partially responsible. He's still very nervous when faced with new people/situations, although much better than he once was. He does love head scritches though..when he wants them ;)

Some pictures of Zuri





Is this the little guy who was rolling around with his ball in the video? I showed it to another parrot person, and we both got a big kick out of it :)
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Is this the little guy who was rolling around with his ball in the video? I showed it to another parrot person, and we both got a big kick out of it :)

Nope - the Rolling Meyer's was Petey (the other one).
This little one does like to forage and do tricks - should take a video of his enthusiasm for the turn around trick...
Meyers are just awesome! I love my little guy! Wish they were more common because they are a great species for a first parrot. (Keep looking Spiritbird...my Meyers and CAG compliment each other very well). :)
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Thanks everyone!
Awwwww I absolutely adore the last photo, with all the curiosity in his eyes!! :) What a precious little Meyer you have!

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