Zoe with her new toy


New member
Sep 29, 2013
This is from Mother Pluckin Bird Toys. She has another very cool one, but she refuses to let me take her pic with it

Lucky Zoe! Love the toy! Glad Popeye's asleep, he can't see that photo.
Lol. She's doing what Maya does. Gets the knot so the whole toy unravels.
That toy is so big and bright, Zoe blends right in:D Looks like a great toy!
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Lol. She's doing what Maya does. Gets the knot so the whole toy unravels.

These folks are sneaky. There's another knot inside the toy so it won't come sliding off. They have to chew the toy off.
Lol. She's doing what Maya does. Gets the knot so the whole toy unravels.

These folks are sneaky. There's another knot inside the toy so it won't come sliding off. They have to chew the toy off.

Oh cool. Yeah im not good at making toys yet. But i am tired of spending 60 bucks on toy for it to be gone in 2 hours so i make my toys. Last toy i bought was like... 6? months ago. spent 65 dollars on it, put it in the cage at night, next morning, it was in a million pieces on the ground. didn't even get to see her play with it. Made me so mad i laughed! Gotta love it ^^
That looks like a nice toy! I know MPBT are good quality. I hope it lasts a decent time.

Timothy LOL! I can just imagine! That's awful.
That toy is amazing! I am definitely going to order some stuff form there, I loved everything I saw!
What a fabulous toy for Zoe!!! :D Now you've got me browsing their site, it's been WAY too long since I've ordered from them, and they make some quality stuff, don't they? :)
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What a fabulous toy for Zoe!!! :D Now you've got me browsing their site, it's been WAY too long since I've ordered from them, and they make some quality stuff, don't they? :)

I love their stuff. I got this custom toy from them that's twice as big as Zoe, but every time I try to take a pic of her with it she jumps on me or flies to me. Great customer service too!
I LOVE MPBT. Valentino's breeder sent in his care package a toy very similar to yours (except it was made out of bear plastics toys pieces). It was perfect for him because RFM like to chew on the soft like plastic. I constantly have to vacuum by the java tree to suck up the tiny little plastic pieces. Those small wiffle balls are the bomb for him too. The bowl of my vacuum will always have colored plastic bits floating in it.

Valentino is two years old now and the toy is really due to be replaced. Mine lasted quite a long time and I happened to of gotten its value out of it. I wonder now that Valentino is older would such a toy last as long or be destroyed very quickly. Someday I will be able to afford MPBT's again.

Thanks for sharing your pictures of Zoe using the toy.

I also made this toy for him using cottage cheese container lids and a MPBT corkscrew. This was a big hit for several months.

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