Zilla does NOT like Tiki at all...


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Gresham, OR
Zilla 29 Y.O. Orange Wing Amazon
I've had her in to visit 3 times now and she just really doesn't like him at all, and he is a bit afraid of her growling and acting all pissy at him! I think as much as I like him, and he likes me, he isn't the right fit for me to bring home.

On a brighter note there is a 7 year old female Red Lored Amazon there Zilla does like! Maybe we will have to make a few more trips to visit her and see if she may be the right fit for us.

Zilla also likes the 20 year old Scarlet Macaw and the 17 year old B&G, but the Scarlet doesn't like her and the B&G doesn't like me....and my living room hasn't gotten any bigger...:eek:

We have also walked through the smaller bird room and she seems to have issues with all the smaller birds, so a conure or parakeet are out for us.

Should I just choose the bird I want and make her deal with it, or do I continue to let her "help" with the choosing? She seems to be a bit picky about who she wants to be "friends" with and who she wants to chase off.
Hmm... Personally, I've always just gotten a bird (parrots) that I wanted, and always assumed they were going to be kept separate. Only when I had finches, I had to make sure they were the kind that don't kill others in the same cage :eek:. Found that out the hard way...

So even though I didn't, I still think it's a good idea to have Zilla help. My reason is this.. It is SO much easier to have 2 birds who can "babysit" each other and hang out. It somehow just seems so much less work. If you're super busy, they can give each other attention. At least in my situation, it does further help that Raven does not usually want 'direct' attention from me anyway. Also, if they do bond, you don't have that worry over issues of one attacking the other to the point of emergency or always having a close eye out.

Oh, and btw, I will be so excited if you bring home a Red Lored Amazon... They are one of my very favorite Amazons in terms of looks. Pics don't do them justice usually. The colors are gorgeous in person. AND it's a female too! Might just be perfect?! ...especially since your living room hasn't gotten any bigger lol, had to laugh at that! :D
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I will get another cage and house them separately, no matter which bird I choose to bring home. I am hoping they can become "friends" and hang out together on a play top or stand together eventually though. And the cages would have to be relatively close, like a couple feet apart, since I do have limited space and I would like to have at least one chair for myself and one for company (one for the cats really, no one visits me)

The Red Lored is beautiful and pretty laid back personality wise. She doesn't have a name, so I could name her whatever I want :D

The upside is she seemed to like Zilla too. I didn't let them get too close, but they sure did have a conversation in Amazon! The little Lilac Crowned joined in too, but he is a boy so I can't have him.
:), sorry I think it's a bit funny..... I think you should let her to choose and decide....and I am only half joking..... :)
I took my YSA in first, but wanted Simba (DYHA) from the rescue where I volunteered. The rescue didn't want to give me Simba until I introduce 2 birds to each other. So I did. They were both sitting together on the same stand there at the rescue playing cool.
So, only at home they started to fight for my attention. My DYHA screams "LOOK AT SIMBA!!!!!!!" when I handle the YSA. Many times one of them would try to attack the other one. It happens only when I am nearby, so I don't allow this to fully happen.
I suggest you take your time. The rescue where I took Simba from, allowed me to foster her for 3 months before I signed the adoption papers. Check if they can do that for you.
Good luck!
Oh gosh I re-read my post and I hope you didn't think I thought you'd put them in the same cage :eek: I know you know better than that Amanda! Zilla wouldn't let that happen even if you wanted to lol!

They probably see each other and think "hey, that gal is pretty much like me" LOL :D
My DYHA screams "LOOK AT SIMBA!!!!!!!"

Now that's FUNNY! Robin sometimes says "Robin" and draws out the 'O' long when I say another bird's name lol! Sometimes he says "Raven" lately, which makes no sense to me why.
If she gets along with a certain bird, I would strongly consider that bird. That'll make your life and Zilla's life and the other birds life a whole lot easier! Really, as a human we can work with a bird and earn trust even if they don't like us at first. We have access to resources for socializing and training and the brainpower to apply those concepts. What we can't do is explain to 2 birds all the reasons they should be friends. So excited for you though! Can't wait to see your new addition!
Just wanted to lightly add that even if birds don't get along, they still benefit from having each other around. Stimulation is stimulation (provided it's not a falcon) :) and they could learn to deal with each other over time. And I've noticed that even if they're not crazy about each other, no matter what they still consider themselves a flock...for instance if they see a hawk or something scary out the window or wherever, they stick together. An alarm call will make them fly off together. So they don't have to be lovey-dovie to benefit from having each other around. :)
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Just wanted to lightly add that even if birds don't get along, they still benefit from having each other around. Stimulation is stimulation (provided it's not a falcon) :) and they could learn to deal with each other over time. And I've noticed that even if they're not crazy about each other, no matter what they still consider themselves a flock...for instance if they see a hawk or something scary out the window or wherever, they stick together. An alarm call will make them fly off together. So they don't have to be lovey-dovie to benefit from having each other around. :)

I do understand they would benefit from the company even if they didn't get along, but I am really hoping for more of a "friendship" kind of relationship. I also know that they could end up not getting along after getting a new one home, even if they did get along at the bird hut.

I also know she is just fine being an only bird. I spend a lot of time with her and she gets tons of quality time with me. She is even a bit spoiled (sssshhh, don't tell her I said that)

I guess I just like the idea of giving her a choice in a way, or at least not bringing home a new bird she completely hates from the moment they meet.
Amanda I wanted the same thing when I added to my flock. Through advice I got from members here I chose a tiel. My tiel Jet is more tame than my budgie Ace. They got along from day 1. I chose not to quarantine. They even eat each other's food. If I let them they would share a cage. Since I got Jet Ace has flown over to me 3 times when I had Jet. They also teach each other things.

Ace taught Jet how to get around better without flying and Jet is teaching Ace to eat things besides seeds and to trust me.

I hope you end up with kids that get along as well as mine do.
I have many birds that don't get along with anyone period.....They only want human contact, they like the company of other birds. But friends, no so much....

When I got Lola, I was hoping she would get along with Willie, getting him a playmate. Unfortunately they hated each other with a passion. I have to hold them separately, can't have one on each arm cause they would start acting up. They enjoy one another as company as they chatter back and fourth, they just don't like to be next to each other. They both have jealousy issues if I had one and not the other.
I will put my two cents in and you can decide if it's worth it or not. ;)

Since you have the opportunity to let Zilla help you decide on a bird I would let her help. I have a Zon who doesn't get along with my latest flock members. He attacks them and their cages. The others crawl all over each other's cages (in and out) and last night they spent the night in different cages. :D It really is nice when they can be good friends.
Oh gosh I re-read my post and I hope you didn't think I thought you'd put them in the same cage :eek: I know you know better than that Amanda! Zilla wouldn't let that happen even if you wanted to lol!

They probably see each other and think "hey, that gal is pretty much like me" LOL :D
What's wrong with being in the same cage if they get along?
Hmmm, I don't know if I can give a better answer than what you've gotten. I can tell you Buddy, my 25 yo GCA is a single human bird. Venus is our new under 2 yo Ekkie. Buddy stays to himself, he doesn't engage with Venus nor acknowledge her until she is crossing his, boundaries, raiding his cage, running track round and round the outside of his cage trying to engage him. They have their own cage and because Buddy is a loner and loves being in his cage, I keep his cage closed, I leave Venus' cage open because she is so active. This works well. Buddy does come out but it is very separated so Venus can't get up in his face.

So there is an example of picking a bird without Buddy's input. He does get jealous if I have Venus with me. I've had them both out, one on each shoulder and they do well staying on their designated shoulder. I don't know if buddy would ever like another bird since he's been a lone bird for 25 years but Venus has given him some stimulation, I try to make sure it's all positive.
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Oh gosh I re-read my post and I hope you didn't think I thought you'd put them in the same cage :eek: I know you know better than that Amanda! Zilla wouldn't let that happen even if you wanted to lol!

They probably see each other and think "hey, that gal is pretty much like me" LOL :D

No fears, that is NOT what I thought from your post, I was just making sure everyone knew I was not planning on them living together in the same cage. And you're right about Zilla, I seriously doubt she would ever share her "mansion" with anyone!

She does seem to like the Zons better than any of the other birds, though she really wanted to check out the Scarlet Mac & the B&G (neither was very impressed with her though) :eek:
Oh gosh I re-read my post and I hope you didn't think I thought you'd put them in the same cage :eek: I know you know better than that Amanda! Zilla wouldn't let that happen even if you wanted to lol!

They probably see each other and think "hey, that gal is pretty much like me" LOL :D
What's wrong with being in the same cage if they get along?

I've seen breeding pairs in the same cage, and very small species, but generally speaking even when parrots get along well, it's usually recommended to err on the side of caution just in case someone happens to get a little too territorial and decides they mean business. Best to prevent fights where they can't get away. Plus for privacy :)
OMG, I feel I can relate to this as a consultant and hotel rooms. I always valued my own room, no sharing with anyone else. It was optimal for downtime, reflection and downtime to regroup.
Amazons can be very opinionated as to who they call friends.
Oh gosh I re-read my post and I hope you didn't think I thought you'd put them in the same cage :eek: I know you know better than that Amanda! Zilla wouldn't let that happen even if you wanted to lol!

They probably see each other and think "hey, that gal is pretty much like me" LOL :D
What's wrong with being in the same cage if they get along?

I've seen breeding pairs in the same cage, and very small species, but generally speaking even when parrots get along well, it's usually recommended to err on the side of caution just in case someone happens to get a little too territorial and decides they mean business. Best to prevent fights where they can't get away. Plus for privacy :)
I have two macaws. They each have their own cage but last night they were in the same cage and neither one wanted to come out of the cage when it was time to go to bed so I covered and let them both stay in the same cage. About ten minutes later they were squawking so I separated them. I was just wanting to make sure I wasn't doing something really wrong.
Sounds like they were friends till snuggle time, lol! Don't sweat it.

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