Your bird's FAVORITE toys... (and Griffin plays soccer)


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
I wanted to hear if your bird(s) has a favorite kind of toy or foot toy that he just can't live without...

Just recently, Griffin has discovered those little "porcupine balls". You know, those little balls of soft plastic with "quills" sticking out all over. Sometimes they're made into animals with the body as a porcupine ball... He loves to bite the plastic quills off. Past few days I've been finding a ball in his veggies every day. Does he eat & play? Lol.

Today I observed him in his cage bottom (on the grate) playing "soccer" with one of those balls. He was literally bouncing and running and hopping and almost looked like he was kicking it haha!! If I tried to video I'm almost certain he would have stopped. It was ADORABLE trust me! I need to find a little birdie soccer ball :)

* Robin can't live without plastic chain. Such a simple cheap toy, but he can sit and chew on it for literally hours on end every day for years. He's obsessed with it.

* I haven't seen a particular favorite of Raven's that he can't live without, but he seems to love most types of toys.

* Twigs the budgie especially likes to shred soft woods like yucca or balsa.

If you get Griffin a soccer ball and teach him to play, we WILL need video of this:D It's funny that your smallest (Twigs) is your biggest chewer! Raven sounds like a great bird, you can just give him whatever and he's happy;) I could see a big ring of some sort with lots of plastic chain bits being a really cool DIY toy for Robin. I don't remember where I got it (a bird store somewhere), but I have a HUGE stainless keyring (like 9 or so inches in diameter). If you could find one of those, you could keep little Robin quite busy!

Kiwi's favorite toy of all time is a big piece of leather with holes in it to string other pieces of leather through. It used to have wood beads, but he didn't care about those, he just wanted to untie the knots:rolleyes: I cannot even count the number of times I've re-tied up those leather cords over the years (it was one of the first toys we ever got him, and it's still in good shape, thats how gentle he is:)). He LOVES untying knots and goes after them with the same determination many big chewers do when they get a wood or natural materials toy! He's also quite fond of these plastic chess pieces I bought him, large beads & buttons (I'm sure he'd like smaller ones too, but he can't have those) and baby rattles (especially ones with plastic keys). Wood and raffia type toys don't do much for him, and usually just become poop magnets. He's such a nut!
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My glasses. Mango can't keep his beak off them. He now is acting like he needs to hold on to them so he don't fall. But when I take them off, it's like a miracle, he can balance, even when I bend over!:09:
Zilla is all about the rope and leather! She just can't get enough of chewing on her rope swing/gym and the little leather straps holding the beads and dice hanging from it. If she is chewing on one and sees another move on the other side she has to run over and chew on it, then another one and another one. She has chewed on the wood blocks a bit, but definitely prefers the rope and leather.
Zilla is all about the rope and leather! She just can't get enough of chewing on her rope swing/gym and the little leather straps holding the beads and dice hanging from it. If she is chewing on one and sees another move on the other side she has to run over and chew on it, then another one and another one. She has chewed on the wood blocks a bit, but definitely prefers the rope and leather.

Yeah, that would be Sally as well. Except she likes untying knots and getting the foot toys off.

Maggie & Sweepea - cotton rope and hardwood chew toys. (But they'd rather have the interactive human toys...)

Tusk - Pipe bells with rope and chew toys. (and Cats!)

Lila - Primarily food dishes. Unless she can have what's on your plate. Toys? Not now. I'm eating.
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If you get Griffin a soccer ball and teach him to play, we WILL need video of this:D

I could see a big ring of some sort with lots of plastic chain bits being a really cool DIY toy for Robin. I have a HUGE stainless keyring (like 9 or so inches in diameter). If you could find one of those, you could keep little Robin quite busy!

Kiwi's favorite toy of all time is a big piece of leather with holes in it to string other pieces of leather through. It used to have wood beads, but he didn't care about those, he just wanted to untie the knots

Wood and raffia type toys don't do much for him, and usually just become poop magnets. He's such a nut!

LOL I would have to video Griffin playing soccer :) He really does so many hilariously cute things.

Thanks for the suggestion for Robin. He does have a wood disk which hangs horizontally with 5 stainless eye hooks around it. I put short lengths of plastic chain on it and other narrow toys. The big key ring sort of idea is great! I'll rememer that.

All the parrots LOVE to untie leather knots. I tie them as tight as I possibly can, and amazingly they untie it so easily.

It's funny about whether they're wood chewers or not... It really depends on WHERE a wood toy is placed in the cage. One day Griffin and Raven could be obsessed with a wood toy and demolish it right away, and other times it's a poop magnet like you say.

I think I'm going to try some loofah next time. That's one thing I've just never tried. I don't think I'll try Craig's (Mango121913) idea though. :11: I like my glasses too much LOL.
Depends on the bird. My most voracious chewers are the little Goffins; they are given large macaw-sized blocks of wood that don't last too long. Plastic chain is well loved by most. The only leather-chewer is the Moluccan. I've recently introduced thick-rope toys that are chewed until the fine threads are visible.

One thing I've learned is that large toys that have many "tentacles" of wood/leather/chain need to have the skeletal system comprised of chain. I'd prefer rope, but they have the peculiar habit of chewing the upper sections off so they fall to the floor and are shat upon!
Folger - loves his foot toy basket filled with foam and plastic animals that he can decapitate. I think he pretends the animals are people he doesn't like:52:

Monkey and Monster - They don't like toys that much. They will tear up newspaper....and their favorite pastime is to bully the other birds or observe them from their throne (the hanging boing by the window)

The tiels - like shredders

Loki - loves wood

And Kelly - does Byron, my stepfather, count as his favorite toy to try and destroy:54:
So far my Quaker likes this cup that hangs from plastic chains, and after he shredded the original paper rolls and twig like things that came in it, I'm began filling it up with Popsicle sticks, straws ( cut in half) coin wrappers, water bottle caps, whiffle balls. He Loves taking all of that stuff out of it, and let's me know when it's empty. I remove the cup at nite, and when we leave for safety purposes, and he has other toys to play with. But that is his favorite.
Mango's favorite pastime, however, is to fly ALOT at lunch time. I am fortunate enough to live 5 minutes from work. I take lunch at home, fix Mango something to eat while I eat. Otherwise he steals from me. But lately, he just wants to dive bomb me while I eat. He waits until I am not looking to do it. Never does it if I stare at him. Another thing he started today is jumping off his cage, or curtain, and skimm the floor, then fly straight up to the highest point across the room. Lil dare devil! :)
So far my Quaker likes this cup that hangs from plastic chains, and after he shredded the original paper rolls and twig like things that came in it, I'm began filling it up with Popsicle sticks, straws ( cut in half) coin wrappers, water bottle caps, whiffle balls. He Loves taking all of that stuff out of it, and let's me know when it's empty. I remove the cup at nite, and when we leave for safety purposes, and he has other toys to play with. But that is his favorite.

Would love to see a photo of this! Sounds awesome!
I also want to see Griffin playing soccer!

Xander and Kodee love thin pieces of wood, and destroy them in no time. Ekko also loves thin wood, but he also loves rope knots to untie. Slater Loves to chew up his perches, Pisces loves her plastic chain, Darwin is finally playing with toys and loves cardboard. Talli will play with anything. Dex has finally started chewing up vine balls, and that is Cally and Ki's favourite as well. Justice loves anything leather, especially when it is knotted.
Surprisingly, my lovies can tear through wood that is too think for the other birds. Takes them awhile, and they untie all the knots strung thru it first, and then go to town on the thick wood.
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Shreddables and carboard toys are always favorites with everyone here.

Terry, I think Pisces has discovered Robin's favorite. It's so simple and cheap and can keep them busy for hours!

I wish I could catch video of the birds doing funny things. Griffin is constantly doing things that make me laugh. He's so cute it's hilarious!
As soon as I get my phone, they stop. I've been trying for WEEKS now to get Raven talking so I can post it because it's so funny, but he'll always stop.
Isn't that the truth, Julie! They never want to be on film, maybe they are waiting for us to come up with a contract that is beneficial to them?
I have to sneak most of the time to get anyone on video. Ekko won't even hardly talk when I am in the room, I so want to get one of those wildlife cams and set it up in here to see what I am missing.
Popeye and Sweet Pea love toys of any kind. Zeke's favorite activity is untying leather knots. Harry hates toys, she prefers word games, Lol. The budgies like paper and raffia toys to chew.
Anything shinny! - aka any jewellery I dare to wear, including my ring!


- sorry my picture taking skills are not great

Her all time favourite is probably tied between pine cones and willow stick balls (or it might be called wicker.. not sure).
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I had these shorts on yesterday, that have a built-in belt where the fabric belt goes between 2 rings. You should have seen her playing with that, she was really having a great time, she was rolling onto her back and grabbing it with her feet and "biting" the rings. I've found something she seems to really like. I need to hit up Lincraft and see whether I can find something adaptable. Maybe she'll like things tied up in knots too.

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