Yoshi's Story


New member
Jun 14, 2010
Calgary, Ab, Canada
Chia!!!! Cinnamon GCC
I have been a bid lover all my life, ever since I was young I wanted a bird. My family have always been more dog/cat people. I had Fizzy my pomeranian for 10 years and had finally moved out on my own with my now EX boyfriend. I decided it was finally a good time to get a bird.

I did a TON of research, joined forums, read and bought books, and watched videos. I found out I wanted a conure and bought a nice cage, toys, sleepy huts, basically everything he needed.

Finally I found a breeder via internet and inquired about a baby. She had a crimson bellied conure baby being hand fed and told me I would have to wait....so I waited and waited. After 20 years of waiting to bring home a bird it was finally happening.

He was a DNA sexed male whom I named Yoshi. Me and Yoshi had what seemed like an instant bond, I took him everywhere with me, to the shower, watching movies together, everything. He would snuggle into my neck to sleep or sit happily and preen my hair. I couldnt imagine a better bird.

A while later my mom and dad called and wanted me to come to visit them for a week. I was scared of leaving Yoshi alone but he had also bonded to my boyfriend so I trusted he would be ok....Turned out I was wrong.

I left pages of notes for him and even the link and my username and password to the forum J.I.C. while I was on vacation I got a phone call from him saying

"omg Yoshi is lying at the bottom of his cage and I dont know what to do, I drank and I cant drive him now"

I was in shock and devastated so I asked "what!? What happened!!!!!!!???"
He then went on to tell me that he had left the bird in his cage in the kitchen then his sister came to cook on TEFLON! burned the oil, smoked up the house and finally realized the bird could be in trouble so took him outside.

I couldnt believe what I was hearing. One of the first things I told him was not to cook with teflon and not leave him alone in the kitchen. Its hard to not blame people for what happened to Yoshi. Later that night while I was on the phone Yoshi passed away....I didnt even have him for very long. I felt like a failure and a terrible person. I know now it wasnt my fault.
I miss him.
rest in peace dear Yoshi.
What a horrible sad story. I am so sorry to hear of your tragic loss.

My thoughts are with you

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Thank you very much. It felt good to get it out, I was quite devastated by it and not many people understood.
As bird lovers we can all feel you pain. It really does not matter how long they are in our lives 2 days or 30 years it still hurts. Hopefully at some point it will feel right for you to adopt or purchase another feathered treasure.
Poor Yoshi, so innocent, what a tragic story. Terrible to lose a bird.
Always remember you gave him all the love and happiness, in the short time he was with you.
Many of us members have experienced loosing a bird, we understand the pain you are going through.
Yoshi is now spreading his love in Rainbow Bridge
That must have been a horrible experience, I am so sorry to read that. Yoshi sounded like a great friend and you obviously loved him dearly. So sorry for your loss
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Thank you everyone for your kind words. It has now been almost 2 years since that happened and I am adopting a green cheek conure on Tuesday! He will never take Yoshi's place in my heart but I have a big heart and theres always room for more :) I'm very excited to start the journey again and learn from old mistakes.

Thank you again, Its nice to find people who understand.
Well kudos on getting a new bird. We look forward to extending our family some more! Just be sure to post some pics of the cute little bugger when you get him :)

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