Yellow sided = green sided?


New member
Dec 12, 2012
My yellow sided green cheek's yellow feathers are more green than yellow in some areas (sides of his tummy) compared to other forum members' green cheeks. Is this just a normal individual thing? I haven't seen another one so far with feathers quite like his. They all seem to be a lot more yellow in comparison.
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I agree, he doesn't seem to have much yellow. Perhaps it was a misnomer. He almost looks like a maroon bellied conure.
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Could it have something to do with genetics? Both parents were yellow sideds, and if I remember right, only one of four babies had yellow-yellow that didn't have that greenish tinge.
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Here's a picture that they sent me, way back when the babies were 6 weeks old.
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Okay, I just found the first photo I ever took of him and he had significantly more yellow as a baby? In the clutch photo he was second from the left, the one with the most yellow that I mentioned. Interesting...
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I too have an yellow-sided that has a lot more green where the yellow should be.
I'm hooping it will be back after a mold,
Mine is 9 months.
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There are different degrees of mutations. The easiest way to see this is with pied birds. You can have light pied, medium pied, heavy pied and clear pied. Other mutations like cinnamon, opaline (aka pearl, aka yellowside, aka insert other nickname), turquoise etc can also have different degrees of the mutation. As such, some yellowsides may be more yellow than others, or perhaps some will be more red. Others can be more green.
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I've noticed now by comparing pictures that his yellow gets more green with each molt, except for the underside of his wings, which have stayed very yellow.
That's what Lilo looks like and Lilo is a normal colored GCC but as a baby he looks like a yellow sided. Maybe one parent was a normal green and the other was yellow sided.
Funny you mention this! I was only just comparing pictures of my cinnamons, and Frootie is very vivid colouring on her wings/tail and belly. Much brighter than Verde was. And she also has darker feathers near her cere and green cheeks and red behind eyes.
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That's what Lilo looks like and Lilo is a normal colored GCC but as a baby he looks like a yellow sided. Maybe one parent was a normal green and the other was yellow sided.

Both parents were yellow sided.

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