Yellow cockatoo...?


New member
Dec 23, 2014
Blue & Gold Macaw
Bought a Macaw today from a breeder. He had literally hundreds of birds, was kind of insane. From black cockatoos with red tails, to around 10 macaws, everything you could imagine. But I saw this...


Googled it later, and I can find basically no info. 2 pictures, and an article about it being rare? What's up with it? Never seen or heard about anything like this existing.
The pic isn't there

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Honestly didn't think to ask, I didn't realise it was anything that special until I got home and tried to research it.
Do please ask if ever the chance arises but at a guess it could be diet or cross breeding or may be possible to a rogue gene popping up every once is a while? Hope above all the bird is happy and healthy whatever colour he is.
It looks so unusual. A quick google search shows it's likely a support created cockatoo. Some do seem to be yellow. No explanations for it but there are photos out there
Fascinating and beautiful, hopefully just an aberrant product of nature.
From what I can find its just a rare gene that appears in sulfur/yellow crested cockatoo that causes them to be yellow all over instead of just under the wings and such. Idk how legitimate that information is though as I can only find one source saying it and it's not a very credible source
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I wonder if it's the same idea as a leucistic RTB2. Though it wouldn't make much sense to me if a naturally white bird appeared yellow when leucistic, but it could be a possibility. I also came across an image of a SC2 crossed with a Galah that produced a yellow SC2 looking 'too with grey on the wings/body (referred to as a "Cockalah"). It could too just be a recessive gene or a mutation where the entire body is yellow, like Owlet mentioned.

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