would it be advisable to put them together


New member
Nov 1, 2016
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Hello, , advice needed, I have two greys, male is around 11 and female 4, they have a huge cage, which is separated by a gridded partition that can be removed, they often have kisses. I would like at some point to be able to take out the separation? I don't want to risk any injury to either of them, the male is obviously adult and larger than the female, he is a very nosey bird and loves to get in her part if they are let out, she is rather shy but seems to adore him and is his copy cat. Once when kissing I think he bit her tongue and there was a bit of blood involved, I don't want either to be injured, has anyone experienced this sort of situation and what were the outcomes, I am not aiming to breed, if it happed I would adore it but have read that its highly unlikely as they are house birds?
Advice gladly accepted
There is a member here that comes right to the top of my head,Marileen,who has two greys,Harry and Toon living together with no problems at all.. Hopefully she will see this post and chime in.

Marileen is our dear member from the Netherlands with two beautiful Greys. As Jim suggested she may have some great advice!

Freda, I would many small steps to introduce your two Greys before removing the partition. You might place them together on neutral territory such as a playpen. Keep the sessions very short and slowly increase their time together. Feeding together by hand might be fun and you have just the right number of hands! If successful, try placing them together on top of the cage, again beginning slowly. Try handling them together on your lap, and if successful and IF they have shoulder privileges, place them at that level. This would be a more advanced type of togetherness, because if they fight you may be in the middle!

Perhaps you have tried some of these methods?
Sorry for this late answer ��
They would love to share the cage.... I'm sure!
Harry was at the age of 1 year when Toon came to live with us. Toon was a few weeks old.....and I had to feed him. And from this time he shared the cage with Harry. I'm very easy in these things. What you see is'
, when you are to carefull in these things, it goes wrong. What I can advice you is to let them out of the cage together......remove the seperation....and let them go by themselves in the cage. I' m sure they
go in it together ��
I hope you understand my worse English ��
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thankyou for all the replies, all understood, they do actually live together in a huge cage that has a partion separating them, they can see each other and kiss through the bars, my worry is that Babo who is now adult and male may have adult ideas? and could maybe injure her?
thankyou for all the replies, all understood, they do actually live together in a huge cage that has a partion separating them, they can see each other and kiss through the bars, my worry is that Babo who is now adult and male may have adult ideas? and could maybe injure her?

No.....you don't have to worry about it......it does not injure her:)

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