Woot! I am the first!!


New member
Jun 27, 2005
Land of Entrapment
Swansions Blue Mountain Lorikeet Named Indygo.
Hello! I am the first to post! I am currently getting a Swansions Blue Mountain Lory. I have had birds in the past and my whole family has at least one bird in their family. Though most are Lories... LOL. We even have a little cockatiel. Well thats enough about me! I am excited to start a community here!!
skittles said:
Hello! I am the first to post! I am currently getting a Swansions Blue Mountain Lory. I have had birds in the past and my whole family has at least one bird in their family. Though most are Lories... LOL. We even have a little cockatiel. Well thats enough about me! I am excited to start a community here!!

Howdy!!! Congratz at being the first to be on the web site and to post. :cool:

How did you find us? Just curious.

I'm getting a Blue and Gold Macaw. He's currently at the breeder as he's only 10 weeks old. There's photos of Hercules in the photo gallery under my alias in the member's area.

What do you think of the web site?
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I googled searched "parrot forums". You are on the bottom of the first page. So congrats to you for being soo new that google has you on the first page!

I am liking the layout and colors... very inviting and warm. And its not all cluttered like most websites are. I think it looks beautiful.
Woohoo, I'm suprised that we got the site on Google that quick. Now, hopefully, there are more people that enter exactly, Parrot Forums, into Google. :D

I'm glad you like the forums. If there's anything we can add/change, feel free to make any suggestions.
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I sure will! I will see what I can do about getting your name out there too through out the bird community! ;)
The first thread, haha finally found it ;):)
The forums come a long way since then!
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Welcome and be welcomed. I personally want to hear more about your Swansions Blue Mountain Lory ! Whats he like, what diet, all the juicy details of parrot ownership. And pics! we love pics and videos too!
LOL funny that I often miss dates on posts .. interesting how google worked then and works now..
Welcome to our family!! We all look forward to seeing pictures and learning more about your flock!!!
This thread is 13 years old people lol
William, I nominate you for the Indiana Jones Award for finding ancient PF treasure!
William, I nominate you for the Indiana Jones Award for finding ancient PF treasure!

haha, thanks Gail :jumping40

In order to obtain the thread, I had to run from a flock of cockatiel and eclectus and then quietly snatch the mythical thread of skittles (06-28-2005) from the giant rickybird while he slumbered upon his pile of gold. Sprinting out of the temple of Patagonia to the safety of the parrot forums recent activity, haha ;):)
Welcome to the forum 13 years in the future! Lories are colorful birds, lots of them in aviaries at zoos.

Hashtag throwback thread?? It's interesting to look back at ''way back whens''!
William, I nominate you for the Indiana Jones Award for finding ancient PF treasure!

haha, thanks Gail :jumping40

In order to obtain the thread, I had to run from a flock of cockatiel and eclectus and then quietly snatch the mythical thread of skittles (06-28-2005) from the giant rickybird while he slumbered upon his pile of gold. Sprinting out of the temple of Patagonia to the safety of the parrot forums recent activity, haha ;):)

Hahahahaha! I love it!!! Most impressive feat for this archaeological find, Will! That was 31,574 members ago!

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