Wondering If Clicker training can help with Kiwis agressive outbursts?


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Our Rescues:

Beako - age 22- Yellow Crowned Amazon

Kiwi - age 9 - Yellow Naped Amazon

Paco - age 28 - Yellow Naped/Yellow Crowned
Hi Guys, I'm just a few months into having large birds a part of my life. Kiwi and Beako have really settled. Kiwi is still getting over excited and acting out aggressively. She will also rush towards me and stick her head out near me if I walk too closely by her (whether past her cage while she is out, or past the boing, or stand). I'm wondering if I can use clicker training to reduce this sort of aggression? I'm just wondering what the steps would be to stopping her from doing this. Look forward to your thoughts! :greenyellow:
How often are the out bursts and you say its just when she gets excited im sure clicker training will help to calm this behaviour you will just need to put some rules into place while clicker training this behaviour and hopfully this should help you out with this problem
Yes Clicker training won't fix her or stop her ,you use it to instill another more acceptable behavior so instead of rushing at you you teach a wave or Big bird (I.E. wings spread wide) start by just getting her attention with a click and give her a treat (of course that means your going to have to live with a clicker at hand so every time you see her body posture in the aggressive mode you'll have to click and short circut the behavior. Like said above have a clear idea what you want the response to the clicker to be and what the treat will entail before you start or your bird just might train you. heheheheh
Clicker training is one of the best things you can do to improve your relationship.Trust ys the issue behind your problems, he doesn't trust you yet. Any interactions that you can have that don't include handling him or making him leave his safe spot (cage) will help. Be excited when training and keep the sessions short.It's a home run to have him looking forward to you spending time with him,clicker training is a great "ice breaker".Show him how much fun you can be and that your not going to harm him.
Clicker training really excels at getting the bird to work with you rather than against you. It helps you form a better relationship like others have said. I'm not sure how to use it specifically to train away from aggression. However, sometimes just target training like was being done with Bobby will help the bird learn to work with you. You can move beyond that by teaching him to step onto a stick and do other tricks. Having him willing to step onto a stick will at least allow you to handle him. Sometimes you can circumvent an act of aggression by getting the bird to do a trick for you. So if you walk over to him and he's growling at you, you can turn that interaction around into a positive one by having the bird do a trick he knows. You still have to watch body language. Overload mode will still happen and you will still get bit if you push your luck when he's overly excited. Sometimes the bird still won't be in a good mood for petting even after doing its trick. But it can help make him like you better and feel more cooperative. You can station train the bird to move away from an area so you can clean and feed without getting bit. That kind of training doesn't make the bird unagressive, but it makes it willing to cooperate with staying out of your way.
Clicker Training seems to help alot! I have known many Members on the forum that have had great results through this training technique :)

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