Winter sleep sched / full spectrum lighting help!!


New member
May 27, 2015
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for being so helpful- my question is my sun conure, Charlie has started wanting to go to bed at 6 now instead of 8 ( obviously I know they are in tune with the seasons) and the sun is setting at that time, should I give in and let her sleep that early? I can't have her screaming at 6 am, she always gets up around 7 / 730 - and the sun is rising later so will she still sleep that long?
Also - our apt is super sun filled and I make sure she gets a lot of window sun time - do I need to get a sun lamp for her anyway? Any advice is much appreciated - thank you!!!!:green:
Opinions vary greatly regarding artificial lighting and/or giving them a schedule, rather than letting 'nature' take its course.

My own fids are on the exact same schedule year round. I do use artificial light for their cages, especially because they aren't in the 'brightest' room of our house. My lights come on at 8AM and go off at 8PM. I cover the cages, too.

How did your Charlie do during the summer months, when the sun would be up at 6AM? Would she scream to greet the day? :54:

You could always try and let her go to bed with the sun, and she 'should' remain quiet until the sun comes up again - which is rather late these days, here, too.
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Thank you for your response - she was up at 7 in the summer as well, but going to bed at 830 so that's where I was concerned as it's now 6 ( though I push her to 7) I'm still on the fence about the lighting as I don't like things like lights or fans running when I'm not home. Would it be benificial if I gave her the lamp for like 2 hours in the morning and maybe an hour when I come home?
My Grey gets covered, otherwise he's up dawn till dusk. Sydney my BFA, doesn't get covered but he naps a lot through the day and is pretty quiet as long as Gonzo is quiet.

In my bedroom I have blackout curtains, but I have my cockatiel, conure pair, and amazon pair together with me in there. Cockatiel gets covered because she'll start peeping pretty early and she can see out behind the curtains, Amazon pair will also get super noisy at first light but they're not covered, which will then set off Sydney in the living room, along with the rest of the birds. The conure pair sleeps in the nestbox and I keep the cage half covered all the time anyway, but they get noisy at dawn and dusk.

I do use an artificial light in my room for their cages, but it's usually 9am-9pm for the schedule, with the curtains open during the day.
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And you have the artificial light on the whole time, even if your not home? And yes, I do cover Charlie, she's a shockingly quiet conure ( but my husband and I are very quiet and they adapt) but yes of course she has her moments and her morning & subset squak LOL
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Sorry for the stupid question, but how do you angle the light onto the cage?
I'm currently unemployed so I don't worry about it being on in the evening, but I use an LED bulb that doesn't get hot, so that I'm not concerned about. The fixture is a clamp lamp, so I can clamp it to any flat surface and angle the light, have it angled at about a 45% angle so it's not over the food and water and leaves plenty of room for shade. You can also get freestanding light fixtures as well.

There are also automatic timers that are easy to program that I have too, but don't currently use.
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Oh, great to know - thank you! I guess I will get her one.
She is in a sun filled room, but It is through a glass pane so it's probably not the same.
Thanks guys!
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Can you recommend where to buy one? I can't find one with a timer...
Most of my house is dark, Florida! So I have a simple brooder light that sits on top of the cage. A daylight 'full spectrum' bulb is all I use. Why? I think it makes JoJo look pretty and, for her, it is a simple, time for bed, switch! I put her in, kill the lights, 3 quarter cover the cage, and we then quietly watch tv for a bit.
Since they also see so much more in the higher light spectrum, I feel she enjoys it!
Can you recommend where to buy one? I can't find one with a timer...

With Christmas around the corner you might find some cheap with the lighting. Either that, lowes, home depot, or even petsmart or petco in the reptile section, which also have full spectrum bulbs, though they're cheaper online.

Pet stores carry the domes as well if you want a clamp lamp but not always the freestanding lamp. I prefer a dome with a ceramic inner because I do use a ceramic bulb on occasion for some radiant heat when I need it, as well as an infrared bulb. Handy for me to have around if I ever have a sick bird anyway.
when I worked outside the home the birds converted to my schedule. but the last few years they go with the natural sun cycle. They still get up when the sun comes up, even though in the winter they go to bed much earlier.
Opinions vary greatly regarding artificial lighting and/or giving them a schedule, rather than letting 'nature' take its course.

My own fids are on the exact same schedule year round. I do use artificial light for their cages, especially because they aren't in the 'brightest' room of our house. My lights come on at 8AM and go off at 8PM. I cover the cages, too.

How did your Charlie do during the summer months, when the sun would be up at 6AM? Would she scream to greet the day? :54:

You could always try and let her go to bed with the sun, and she 'should' remain quiet until the sun comes up again - which is rather late these days, here, too.

The Weather here has been so bad. Nothing but clouds and Rain. Big Bird has been in a funk Until Last week. I was off and he could get on his playstand in the sunshine..

I finally bought him a Full Spectrum light. it will be here in a couple days.

Normally I leave home before sun up and home after sun down in the winter. Weekends or days off ( I was off all last week ) He is out of his cage and plays on his stand. The area I have him in he can actually get full sun most of the day. Last week he was fine.

Ok sorry I rambled on there. Should I buy a timer for the light. OR should I just turn it on before leaving home 6am and off when I return 5:00 pm. ? I like your Idea of keeping a full year round schedule. I did buy a free standing light. Anything that touches the outside of BB's cage must be destroyed. LOL
The Weather here has been so bad. Nothing but clouds and Rain. Big Bird has been in a funk Until Last week. I was off and he could get on his playstand in the sunshine..

I finally bought him a Full Spectrum light. it will be here in a couple days.

Normally I leave home before sun up and home after sun down in the winter. Weekends or days off ( I was off all last week ) He is out of his cage and plays on his stand. The area I have him in he can actually get full sun most of the day. Last week he was fine.

Ok sorry I rambled on there. Should I buy a timer for the light. OR should I just turn it on before leaving home 6am and off when I return 5:00 pm. ? I like your Idea of keeping a full year round schedule. I did buy a free standing light. Anything that touches the outside of BB's cage must be destroyed. LOL

Christine, we've been having equally depressing weather here. Grey in grey...rain...just YUCK!

My big macs' lights are on timers. Since you leave so early in the morning, I'd put a timer on your lights. I honestly see an improvement in 'mood' and 'cheerfulness' when my lights are on during these gloomy days. :)
How long per day ? Few hours do it ? Do they get hot ? I know this subject has been talked about a lot but searching all the threads just depressed me lol
What type of bulb(s) are you getting? I have the swag lights for my guys (and girl), and have switched completely over to LED light bulbs. Absolutely ZERO heat, yet plenty of light to cheer ‘em up. My lights are on about 6 hours per day in the winter, sometimes even longer if it’s a particularly gloomy/dark day.
Here is the bulb I ordered
[ame=""] : Zoo Med Avian Sun 5.0 UVB Bulb : Pet Habitat Heat Lamps : Pet Supplies[/ame]

After looking I might switch to something else later . Also bought the lamp
[ame=] Zoo Med AvianSun Deluxe Floor Pet Lamp: Pet Supplies[/ame]

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