Wing twitching


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Pazu - Green Cheek Conure - Hatch Date ~27 September 2014~
I have a (nearly) 10 month old GCC. Gender unknown, I refer to him as he (just how I roll), he is an only bird with lot of love and attention. Though as time has gone (had him since December) he's become much more independent in his playing habits.

The behaviour he's displaying is he'll come over to me while I watch YouTube or something, then cuddle into my hand but then twitch whichever wing isn't buried in my hand. It seems like it should be annoying to him but he just sits there happy as long as I don't move.
I'm not worried by this but does anyone else have a bird that does this? Or know why he'd put himself in this position? It just seems odd.
Kyo kind of does this. She'll push her head between my fingers and nip, and sometimes she lays on her side at the same time and the wing twitches. She's done it so rarely it hasn't concerned me. I'll definitely follow this post and see what others say.
When my lovies cuddle in my lap, they will twitch one wing. I wouldn't worry about it.
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Not worried by it, but interested if it was normal and if anyone knew why.
my sun does this i always put it down to fidgiting, just getting comfy... If he's tired and i don't have a top on he can climb inside he'll usually squat down in the palm of my hand or crook of my neck and do this, it's quite sweet =)
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It is cute. It's nice to see this is normal fidgeting.

I read, in African Greys, that's like a "hey hey mom, look over here, it's me, hey mom, look look look". It's pretty normal. Maybe he's hungry or wants that reassurance you're there.

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