Will Yuki become stressed if he’s not let out of his cage? Pls help!


New member
Oct 15, 2017
Hi! Yuki is a male 1 year old parakeet and we let him out of his cage all the time and he loves to fly around the room. Anyway, we’re gonna be out of town for a week and unfortunately, it’s not really possible for the person taking care of Yuki to let him out. Will this make Yuki very frustrated or stressed? Will this affect his health? And what are some ways I can keep him entertained then?
Thanks in advance:D
Me birds weren't let out while I was away 2 weeks, my famiky took care of them, but didn't let them out. They were so happy to come out when I got back, they flew around and and had fun.

So I don't think it will frustrate him, but every bird is different.

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It depends on the individual bird. I think my budgie Bluebell would be fine with it, a lot of the time she prefers to stay in her cage anyway. But I don't think Ducky or Kermit would be very happy if they couldn't come out for a whole week.
My Cockatiels are use to being let out every day by me.
If I am not around they don't go crazy cuz they don't get let out.
When I come back they want out RIGHT NOW and no excuse will satisfy.
they may be a bit grumpy and may throw a month long birdy tantrum at you but ultimately, you need to go away for a week and your friend isn't equipped for them to be out, I'd feel that's better than sending them to be boarded for a week. I'd get your friend to put the tv on and play some bird videos for the day to keep them entertained and of course turning the TV off in the evening when they come over to sort them out for the evening

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