Hey all. So just for context, I have a 3 year old male umbrella cockatoo and unfortunately, his previous owner has clipped his wings or what seems to be clipped wings because I did not specify or ask her directly. Just to not make things awkward cuz yeah. The thing is that although it?s pretty clear to me that his wings are clipped since they look like it and he cannot fly high, it?s been about 5 months since I?ve had him and from day 1, his wings have always looked the same. It?s like the flight feathers are not growing back. It seems to not even grow an inch. My questions are if larger birds such as cockatoos have their wings grow back at a slower rate? Because when I saw my conure was clipped a couple years ago, her flight feathers grew back pretty fast within weeks. Is it maybe because of the size of the bird and their specific wing anatomy? I?m not sure. Obviously I really want him to be happy and fly and be active with unclipped wings but that can?t happen if they won?t grow back. I do have a vet appointment and that isn?t until next month so I would really appreciate an answer or some sort of idea ahead of time lol. Also since we are here, can someone tell me what to do about blood feathers when they accidentally break or if I see one coming in. I?m still learning about feathers at this point lol. Anything would be helpful in the meantime. Thanks.