Wild Dove Care??


New member
Jul 18, 2017
Sun Conure
We found a dove that was attacked by hawk so we took him into our care, only problem is, we take care of parrots not doves. So we don't know much about dove care. Can anyone give some advice on what to do? Especially for a bird that just got attacked by a hawk. We're not sure if he is just traumatizedor has a broken win because he is not flying away. He is also eating just fine and drinking just fine. I fed him some bird seeds mixed with white and brown rice and he gobbled up the entire thing. Any useful advice will be wonderful. Thank you. ^^

I just took him out of the box and it seems like he's limping.
I'll tell you what I know, I'm not sure how much is helpful. Hawks like to grab on the back of the neck and back. Check there for injury. Open wound - use antiseptic but if he was just grabbed they really get banged around. My bantam hen was attacked and it took a couple days for her to recover. Pigeon/dove feed is a mix of grains, seeds and peas. I think they would do ok with a small/ medium parrot seed without large nuts or sunflower seeds. They do need grit like chickens but you can just give a dish with sand/pebble like mix. Good luck and Thank you for caring for him!

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