wierd sleeping behavior


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Vancouver, Canada
Sootie- Yellow-sided GCC
My weird little sootie has taken to sleeping in a funny place. She's spent the last two nights clinging to the top corner of her cage! There's no perch in the place she's chosen. She started sleeping on her rope perch but now she just clings to the side of the cage right at the top. Is this normal? She doesn't make a peep all night and doesn't seem grumpy in the morning but I can't help but think it can't be comfortable!
Birds do tend to try and sleep at the highest point they can, because in nature, the higher you are the safer you are from nocturnal predators. Why not put a perch up there and see if she's just wanting to sleep up high. If not, then take out the perch and let her sleep on the side of the cage. As long as it's her choice to do so and other options have been provided, I would't worry about it.
I positioned Verdes furry hut right at the top of the cage and she sleeps standing in that, or clinging to the side of the cage (above the perch) next to the hut.

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