wierd foot peeling


New member
Jun 17, 2012
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Bellingham, Wa
Female SI Eclectus 'Scarlet'
So Scarlet has some wierd foot peeling going on around the top of one of her feet. It looks like a reptile when it sheds its skin. Its not the whole foot, just part of it and she picks at it sometimes. It dosent look too bad like its infected or anything, but I know its not normal. Should I be taking her to the vet?
You could possibly try using a humidifier, mist her legs with aloe in the water, give her some red palm oil.

What about her perches? What type of perches is she using?

If it doesn't heal up fairly quickly, yes, I would take Scarlet to the vet.
Thanks Wendy.

So I called my vet and she said as long as its not infected she is okay for now. She told me to put some neosporin on her foot twice a day and if its not healed in a week then it will be time to bring her in. Made me feel better.

As far as perches, she has a bunch of them haha. She has a pediperch, a wierd piece of driftwood (properly sanitized) a wood perch, a rope perch, a wooden swing and ladder and a couple wooden stands for around the house.

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