Why is this happening


New member
Sep 30, 2013
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African grey
Green cheek conure
I brought home my baby african grey last week she is 14 weeks
The lady told me so long as she is handled by its of ppl she will remain friendly. However the first few days she was fine anyone could hold her now however she bites them not really hard but enough and she doesn't like anyone but me to hold her she will fly bk to me. I persist on getting others to hold her but they r becoming reluctant
Any advice? Is this normal? She is a Congo by the way
If you've only had her a few days she's most likely very overwhelmed and stressed out. Usually they seem on their best behavior for a few days when they first come home because they're in shock. She needs more time to settle, and to get to know you (and others). It can't be rushed. :)
You can try to let your family members to be the primary caregivers for some time. Let them feed the parrot, clean the cage ect. I thunk it can help a bit
I think you're expecting too much too soon ... birds take a long time to settle in and grow up. If I were you I would not be pushing the bird on people who don't want to hold her and take their chances on being bitten ... and someone will be bitten every once it in a while. Spend time getting to know your bird and make him or her comfortable.
Ok thank you, she is wonderful I just didn't want to do something wrong now and have only me be able to handle her thank u for ur help x

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