Why is my bird being a dick?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2022
Uncle to Bebee
and Amy
My morning routine is that I get up at sunrise. Make coffee, turn on my computer. A half hour later the birds are awake and calling me. I go into the living room, turn on the radio, turn on the lights, and greet them good morning. Amy usually puts his beak on a cage wire and I scratch his head with a finger. Then go to Bebe and do the same. As I'm leaving the room I open Amy's cage and he spends the day on top of it.

For the last week or so as I reach for the latch on Amy's cage he LUNGES at me and tries to bite my fingers. WTF? He pissed me off so badly yesterday that I left him in his cage all day.

In the afternoon he's much more agreeable and will ask for head scritches. A real Jekyll and Hyde. Dunno what's going on with him but it sucks.
Ahhhhh, sounds to me like Amy is experiencing a good rush of hormones. It happens. The thing to try and bear in mind, it's not personal. When those chemicals get coursing through them, they literally have zero control over it. Rest assured, this will pass, and he'll get back to his usual self. :)
Hi David! I think this is correct; Salty is also going thru a pretty severe mating season, for him. We're right in the middle of the season so to speak. Patience and remember, This Too Shall Pass !!
Yes sir, it is the middle /later part of Amazon Hormonal Season and the Big Hot Three are experiencing the full effects! As so well stated. This Too Shall Pass!! Human memory is far too short and it is sometimes worth noting December, January as the Hot Months!! You likely crossed some invisible line and surprise, you're it!! As so well stated: It not personal, it all chemical!!

FYI: After the first few moments, Amazon do not recall why they are being punished. No reason to leave him in the cage all day!
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Sammy & Kirby have had some moments as well. Have to dodge the angry green thing every time I go to put their chop bowls in. How dare I, am I right? Kirby’s also been testing his wings by flying across the room if I startle or upset him and then yelling at me for a rescue - but then sometimes trying to snap at my fingers, lol! They are a handful this time of year for sure!

Sorry to hear you’re dealing with this frustration too. I hope Amy is back to his mostly congenial self ASAP!
Pippen can be a little sh*t too. She will ask for head stratches, then proceeds to lunge at me. She doesn't bite but she pecks and hisses at me. Kinda funny lmao
My morning routine is that I get up at sunrise. Make coffee, turn on my computer. A half hour later the birds are awake and calling me. I go into the living room, turn on the radio, turn on the lights, and greet them good morning. Amy usually puts his beak on a cage wire and I scratch his head with a finger. Then go to Bebe and do the same. As I'm leaving the room I open Amy's cage and he spends the day on top of it.

For the last week or so as I reach for the latch on Amy's cage he LUNGES at me and tries to bite my fingers. WTF? He pissed me off so badly yesterday that I left him in his cage all day.

In the afternoon he's much more agreeable and will ask for head scritches. A real Jekyll and Hyde. Dunno what's going on with him but it sucks.


My best most helpless pathetic co-miserating answer... because he is a bird?!

I ask few things of the Rb... foremost is taking his meds. He knows that lapping up that little spoonfull of stuff is important to me. For a long time he was cooperative. Then the games began. He discovered that he could extend the period of time from a few seconds to a few minutes, to half an hour or more by making false starts, pausing, playing. Sometime he still treats me with a quick few laps, all done... other days... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!


He's a bird?
Amy. Sudden changes in behavior can be concerning, but there could be various reasons for this behavior. Here are a few possible reasons for Amy's behavior like Hormonal changes,Stress or discomfort, Reinforcement of negative behavior etc.
Truly great points and should be of interest.

You are correct regarding Hormonal Season as this event occurred near or at the end of normal season for Amazons (January).

As I understand it, Amy is doing well these days in his normal pleasant self.
My budgies can be like that sometimes. Whenever I touch the cage one of mine will lounge at my fingers. Praying this hormonal season dies down soon.

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